Feral Jundi

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fish And Game: Hog Bounty Program In The Upper Peninsula, Michigan

     This is cool.  Although I think their intent is to only offer bounties to locals who shoot pigs. You will have to call the phone number below to ask if they offer the program to folks outside of the state.

     Also, check out the show Pig Bomb on Discovery Channel.  The series is entirely dedicated to the feral hog explosion throughout the US.  I hope to see more bounty hunting programs pop up. Especially if these hogs are causing $800 million in damages every year.  –Matt


Hog Bounty Program Up and Running in U.P.

The Delta County Conservation District is administering a privately-funded program aimed at eradicating, or at least reducing, the number of wild hogs in the Central Upper Peninsula. The two-year pilot program got started in mid-April with funding from the U.P. Whitetails organization and the District.

In early January, the Michigan Wildlife Conservancy had publicly called for hog bounties across the state to avoid serious, long-term damage to Michigan’s agricultural and natural resources. Nationwide, wild hogs conservatively cause $800 million worth of damage annually to crops, golf courses, lawns and forests by their feeding and rooting habits. They are also vicious predators of livestock, deer fawns and ground-nesting birds.

Wild hogs, including descendants of Eurasian wild boars, have been escaping from commercial game ranches in our state for a decade or more, and have now been confirmed in 63 of Michigan’s 83 counties. They are reproducing in the wild and are already causing crop and forest damage. Pseudorabies, a viral disease that is a huge threat to the domestic swine industry, has been found in several free-roaming wild hogs in Michigan.

The Conservancy believes bounty systems will draw attention to the need for citizens to shoot wild hogs at every opportunity. The program administered by the District primarily targets hogs in Delta and Marquette County, but citizens throughout the U.P. can turn in wild hogs for bounty payments of $85 for adult females, $50 for adult males, and $15 for sub-adult hogs. The program also encourages citizens to phone-in reports of wild hog sightings to the District at 906-428-4706, ext 3. Volunteers will follow-up on the reports and attempt to direct hunters to areas with concentrations of wild hogs.

Link to website here.

Video of hogs in Michigan here.

Facebook for Michigan Wildlife Conservancy here.

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