Feral Jundi

Friday, November 14, 2008

Building Snowmobiles: Pope John and The Supersonic Monastary

Filed under: Building Snowmobiles — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 12:25 PM

    This is a little old, but still a cool article.  It was written at the beginning of the year, and it is a dedication to ‘Pope John and his Supersonic Monastary’ (Col. John Boyd and his ideas). But most importantly, it is an article that focuses on what parts of Boyd’s ideas we have successfully used in this current war, and what leaders have been influenced by Boyd. It is a great read, and very easy to understand.

     Some of the things that I keyed in on, that I have never heard of before, was the Cockpit or Crew Resource Management(CRM) concept and how it is being used by various groups. I will touch more on this in future articles but in summary, CRM can be defined as a management system which makes optimum use of all available resources – equipment, procedures and people – to promote safety and enhance the efficiency of flight operations. Or share in the decision making process, so nothing is missed and the right decision is made to achieve the goal.  I think there is something there for our industry, and I will build that snowmobile in the future.  Enjoy the article below, and be sure to read the comments section too.  –Head Jundi


This is a story about success and failure. It is a story about Iraq, and of something much bigger than Iraq. It is, perhaps, a small look into what makes victory, and defeat. It is a tale of infantrymen, of brave soldiers in dusty alleys a world away. It is a story of generals and strategies, too.

But to understand our newfound success there, to know a little of how we achieved it and most importantly, how to keep it, we need to move away from that Mesopotamian desert and those boots on the ground, and back to a different desert on the other side of the world a half century ago. For there, a vision was vouchsafed to a most unlikely warrior priest… the kind of insight that comes once or twice in all of human history.

There are some diverse threads to connect here. But if you have the patience to take a walk with me, you may perhaps see things in a way you have not seen them before.

Part 1

Part 2 


Wikipedia for Cockpit Resource Management 

1 Comment

  1. That'd be a great name for a band. Not many people would get it but those who did would be pretty effin sharp!

    Comment by Scott — Saturday, November 15, 2008 @ 5:49 PM

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