Feral Jundi

Friday, March 18, 2011

Cool Stuff: Advertising On Feral Jundi

Filed under: Cool Stuff — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 12:07 AM


Below is the advertising page for Feral Jundi, which is also found to the right under ‘Pages’.  This is a natural progression for the blog and I am excited to offer this new ad space to advertisers out there. So if you want to cut out the middle man called Google, and arrange for something that would definitely get some attention by the industry, send me an email and we can talk. –Matt

Advertising on Feral Jundi

As of March 20, 2011

This page is all about advertising here on the blog. The reason why I am going this route is that I continue to get emails from folks who are interested in advertising, and now I think is a good time to allow that.
To the right is the Ad Center widget and in it will go all 125 x 125 ads. So if you want to promote something on the blog, that is the place. I am not interested in selling ad space in the footers or elsewhere at this time.


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