Feral Jundi

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Somalia: Al Shabab Recruits ‘Holy Warriors’ With $400 Bonus

Filed under: Al Qaeda,Somalia — Tags: , , , , , , — Matt @ 2:12 AM

    So, here we are again with another group of window lickers paying more than the local government to raise an army.  If we want to invigorate the government and it’s army, then they need the money to at least be able to pay more than the Al Shabab. That’s just common sense, and the rule of choice.

   Even this industry is guided by this rule.  People not only join something because they believe in it, but they also join a group/company/gang because it will improve their capacity for independent action. It could be for food, money, protection, whatever–we are all striving to improve our lot in life. If Al Shabab has a better deal than the government, then that is what the government should worry about and fix. –Matt


Somalia’s Al Shabab Recruits ‘Holy Warriors’ with $400 Bonus

War-torn and Impoverished, Some Somali Youths Join Extremist Group to Make Money


April 17, 2010

When Dahir Abdi joined the Somali extremist group Al-Shabab early last year, his motive had more to do with money than with God.

Back home in the Barawa district of southern Somalia, his parents and younger brothers and sisters were living on less than a single meal per day. His mother was too weak to fetch firewood to sell in the market, and too poor to buy the all-covering veil that was now required by Al-Shabab.

So when a recruiter from Al Shabab (whose name means “the youth” in Arabic) gave him $400 and the promise of a regular salary, Dahir joined willingly. He knew that even if he didn’t survive the war, his family would have a better chance to ward off starvation.


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