Feral Jundi

Friday, January 30, 2009

Legal News: Priv-War, and Regulating the PMC/PSC Industry

Filed under: Legal News,PMC's,Publications — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 4:53 AM

    Be sure to check in with their news section every now and then.  This is Europe’s attempt at finding the correct model of regulation for private military companies, so it will be interesting to see what they come up with over the years. –Matt 


PRIV-WAR is a collaborative research project coordinated by the European University Institute through the Academy of European Law in cooperation with LUISS “Guido Carli” (Rome) and the other project partners: Justus Liebig Universität Giessen; Riga Graduate School of Law; Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), Centre Thucydide; University of Sheffield and Utrecht University. The project will assess the impact of the increasing use of private military companies and security companies (PMCs/PSCs) in situations of armed conflict. It will examine the regulatory framework at national, European and international levels, with a view to ensuring improved compliance with international humanitarian law and human rights. Launched in January 2008, the project will run for three years.

The PRIV-WAR project is aimed to

• Promote a better understanding of the phenomenon of the privatisation of war 

The research project will formulate a definition of PMCs/PSCs and examine the reasons why states resort to them, focusing on the nature of the functions they exercise, the definition of rules of engagement and chains of accountability. Special attention will be paid to outsourcing in the context of peace-keeping operations, against the background of the development of a European Security and Defence Policy. The project will favour comparative research in a historical perspective.  


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