Feral Jundi

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Industry Talk: Bruce Power’s ‘Private’ SWAT Team Wins US National SWAT Championship Four Times!

Yes, you heard that correctly. Bruce Power is a nuclear plant in Canada that is privately owned and operated, and they have a private security force protecting it. Within that private security force, they actually have a SWAT team to respond to all and any threats against that plant. That is an extremely important job and is of national interest to Canada that these private forces do a good job. So to me, this is another example of private security doing a vital job of protection.

This is not new and private forces protect nuclear facilities all over the world. If you look at the list of competing SWAT teams, there are quite a few ‘private’ SWAT teams competing. Which is great, and all of them are competing against State police and government forces.  I guess my point here is that private forces are perfectly capable of doing a good job and being the best at an activity we usually associate with government or state raised forces.

So bravo to Bruce Power and thanks to Kyle on Facebook for pointing this out. If anyone from Bruce Power SWAT would like to share  with us as to why they keep winning, we would love to hear from you?  I suspect they have excellent schools they attend, and they practice like world class athletes in order to win–or lots of hard work and a mastery of the fundamentals. Also, with these private SWAT teams, they might have more money and time to pursue training because they are not taken away for police duties like their state or government teams might be. But that is just speculation. Either way, Bruce Power SWAT is victorious! –Matt



Bruce Power team wins U.S. National SWAT Championship
26 Oct 2011
Bruce Power’s Nuclear Response Team has captured first prize at the 2011 U.S. National SWAT Championship in Tulsa, Okla.?This is the fourth year in a row Bruce Power has taken top prize at the competition which consists of eight tactical events that test fitness, weapons skills and team organization. Bruce Power finished first in six of those eight events which simulate real-life scenarios faced by tactical officers. Scoring is based on time and target hits and the events are conducted in full tactical gear in head-to-head stages.?“This team is a real credit to our company and have demonstrated great pride, dedication and integrity in winning this championship,” said Duncan Hawthorne, Bruce Power’s President and Chief Executive Officer.


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