Feral Jundi

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Law Enforcement: Florida Trooper Arrests Miami Police Officer In Marked Car For Speeding

Filed under: Florida,Jundism,Law Enforcement — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 11:13 AM

Wow, and good on this trooper for pulling over this Miami cop. And you know, she could have easily looked the other way and followed some kind of a ‘blue code’. But she did not, and she had the courage to do the right thing. I would give her a Jundism award for this one!

Hopefully she doesn’t get any reprisals for what she did, and yet again, that whole ‘blue code’ thing could pop up and her life as a trooper could get real lonely. Still, I certainly hope her department takes the right side of this deal, and makes a point that this is exactly what they want in a trooper, and slam any dork that thinks otherwise.

The Miami cop was also off duty and violating the speed limit because he was late for a job. Talk about an abuse of authority? –Matt


1 Comment

  1. Love it! They get so used to that "on the job" pass that it shocks them. Wives of cops with plaques in the window are even worse. They feel like it's their God-given duty to try and kill people on the roads and then be righteously indignant when they get stopped.

    Comment by Travis — Tuesday, November 1, 2011 @ 4:30 PM

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