Feral Jundi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Industry Talk: GOR Group and MVM Hiring Still

    Both the GOR Group and MVM are still looking for guys.  They are looking for some highspeed folk, and if you are a former SF type, you are golden. I have posted jobs for both of these companies before.  For the MVM thing, you need to be in shape, and you need to have your A Game on for the gun stuff.  –Head Jundi 



News: State Department Renews Contract with Blackwater

Filed under: News — Tags: , , — Matt @ 9:41 AM

      It looks like Blackwater is coming out on top, and good for them.  Too much has been focused on all the negative that BW has done, and all the positive gets lost in the shuffle.  No one talks about all the successful missions BW has completed for the State Dept., in regards to protecting diplomats in Iraq.  Or the fact that BW has lost a few employees, in defense of those diplomats.  -Head Jundi

May 10, 2008
Iraq Contractor in Shooting Case Makes Comeback
WASHINGTON — Last fall, Blackwater Worldwide was in deep peril.

Guards for the security company were involved in a shooting in September that left at least 17 Iraqis dead at a Baghdad intersection. Outrage over the killings prompted the Iraqi government to demand Blackwater’s ouster from the country, and led to a criminal investigation by the F.B.I., a series of internal investigations by the State Department and the Pentagon, and high-profile Congressional hearings.

But after an intense public and private lobbying campaign, Blackwater appears to be back to business as usual. (more…)

Industry Talk: SOC looking for more guys.

Filed under: Industry Talk,Iraq,Jobs — Tags: , — Matt @ 9:37 AM

   SOC is still looking for security specialists, for deployment to Iraq.  This has been an ongoing thing, and this is really a prime opportunity for you guys out there that are looking to get into the industry.  The contracts are mostly site security, with a little convoy stuff.  They also manage the Ugandan security forces, that you see at their various Air Base contracts in Iraq.  The monthly pay is 9,000 a month.  -Head Jundi


Funny Stuff: Eat Your Vegetables, If You Can!

Filed under: Funny Stuff — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 9:18 AM

Check out this guy’s other stuff too. Very cool artwork. –Head Jundi


Alien Vegetable

German designer Till Nowak has created a masterpiece “Salad”, a fantastic digital image of Alien made out of vegetables. His tribute to HR Giger and Giuseppe Arcimboldo.

Till Nowak modeled twelve digital vegetables in 3ds Max using classical polygon modeling techniques. Photographs of fresh vegetables were used for the texturing process. Most of the vegetables started with a cylinder primitive and needed around 30 minutes of work. The modeling was easy “ it was much more difficult to find the right places and orientations to build a monster with it”.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Weapons: Cheytac .408 Precision Rifle Systems

Filed under: Idaho,Weapons — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 1:03 PM

Boy, this is an impressive weapon system.  The company is located in Arco, Idaho too.  I have not fired the weapon, but to give you an idea of how specialized this weapon is, it costs about 125 dollars for a box of 20 rounds.  The bullets themselves, are lathed and are made of a propietary mixed metal component.  Check it out. -Head Jundi


Mack from Future Weapons fires the weapon.

The Round.

The 408 Round
The Weapon.

.408 Cheytac

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