Feral Jundi

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Building Snowmobiles: OODA and You by Robert Greene


     This is a new category that I am really excited about here at FJ.  Colonel John Boyd is highly inspirational not only to me, but to thousands out there that are into radical thought processes and winning the fight.  He also was able to change the Pentagon from the inside out with his ideas, which says a lot about his ideas.  So in celebration of his ‘building snowmobiles’ concept, I will try to find the various idea people out there that are putting the pieces together to win.

     Also, if you want to get a good sense of what Boyd was about, there are several videos and audio recordings of him and his briefings.  Just click here to check them out.

      This article below, is a prime example of an idea guy ‘building snowmobiles’ out of Boyd’s OODA Loop.  In the future, I will seek out individuals who are creating new ideas out of the various pieces out there.  How this applies to the security industry, is that we are always trying to assemble the pieces in our area of operations and put them together to find solutions to defeat the enemy.  To us, winning is protecting our client.

    In a larger sense, security companies are also building snowmobiles by winning bids on contracts.  They do this by constantly constructing plans and strategies within their own organizations to be more efficient and cost effective than the next guy.  And companies are constantly reworking their capabilities(building snowmobiles) and doing their best to deliver excellent services so they can keep those contracts.

     On a personal level, we as security professionals are constantly evolving.  We must never say we are an expert, because that would imply that we know everything there is to know about a subject.  Instead you should always have the mind frame of having a firm foundation with the concepts, but always willing to look outward and inward and learn.  To continue to learn about yourself and to learn about your enemy.  And we are always taking all of this information and assembling it into what we are and how we do business or basically building snowmobiles. –Head Jundi


(This is the break down of the building snowmobiles thought experiment by one of Boyd’s associates.)

 On to the experiment. Imagine four scenarios: someone skiing, someone power-boating, someone bicycling, and a boy playing with a toy tank. Break down each domain into its component parts: For skiing, there would be snow, chairlifts, skis, hot chocolate, and so on. Within their domain, the parts have directly identifiable relationships with one another. But scramble together the parts from the four domains, and suddenly it’s hard to determine any relationships at all. We are thrown into chaos.

Now, Spinney instructs, take one part from each scene: From skiing, select the skis; from power boating, the motor; from bicycling, the handlebars; and from the boy with his toy tank, the treads. What do these elements have to do with one another? At first, seemingly nothing — because we still think of them in terms of their original domains. But bring the parts together, and you’ve used your creative pattern-recognition skills to build … a snowmobile! “A winner,” Boyd concluded, “is someone who can build snowmobiles … when facing uncertainty and unpredictable change.”


 OODA Loop and You

February 24, 2007

by Robert Greene

A few weeks ago I gave a talk at a company convention in southern California. This company has offices worldwide, is very successful in its line of work, but on the horizon are some dangers. They brought me in to address those dangers. The specifics here do not matter much, only to say that, like a lot of companies that were successful in the 80s and on up to the present, they have come to rely upon a particular business model that is part circumstance and part design.

Loosely put, their upper-tier employees operate more like entrepreneurs, each one out for him or herself. Each office tends to think of itself as an island, competing with the other branches across the globe. This works to some extent, as these entrepreneurs are very motivated to expand the business. On the other hand, it makes it very difficult to create an overall esprit de corps.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

News: US Removes Uranium from Iraq

Filed under: Iraq,News — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 2:37 PM

   Boy, I had no idea that those sites were still buried and containing Uranium.  I would have thought that these sites would have been cleaned up, as opposed to just sitting there buried.  And what was the UN thinking?  Sure it is sealed up in containers and buried, but the problem is that Saddam had the stuff.  Now I know back in the eighties, we supported Iraq’s nuclear ambitions, kind of.  But Israel didn’t, and we all know that story.  

     But as soon as Saddam become an enemy of the region and the US in the nineties, then all bets were off.  The UN and the world should have insisted that Saddam take care of this material and hand it over.  We focused so much on the other stuff that Saddam had back then, but I had no idea that this ‘nuclear material’ was still buried and just sitting there.  You learn something new every day.  -Head Jundi 

Nuclear Facilities Iraq 

 Remains of a facility used for Iraq’s clandestine nuclear weapons program. The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) examined the site following the Persian Gulf War (1990–91)

AP Exclusive: US removes uranium from Iraq

Sat, Jul 5, 2008 (11:15 a.m.)

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program _ a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium _ reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

The removal of 550 metric tons of “yellowcake” _ the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment _ was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam’s nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.

What’s now left is the final and complicated push to clean up the remaining radioactive debris at the former Tuwaitha nuclear complex about 12 miles south of Baghdad _ using teams that include Iraqi experts recently trained in the Chernobyl fallout zone in Ukraine.

“Everyone is very happy to have this safely out of Iraq,” said a senior U.S. official who outlined the nearly three-month operation to The Associated Press. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.

While yellowcake alone is not considered potent enough for a so-called “dirty bomb” _ a conventional explosive that disperses radioactive material _ it could stir widespread panic if incorporated in a blast. Yellowcake also can be enriched for use in reactors and, at higher levels, nuclear weapons using sophisticated equipment.

The Iraqi government sold the yellowcake to a Canadian uranium producer, Cameco Corp., in a transaction the official described as worth “tens of millions of dollars.” A Cameco spokesman, Lyle Krahn, declined to discuss the price, but said the yellowcake will be processed at facilities in Ontario for use in energy-producing reactors.

“We are pleased … that we have taken (the yellowcake) from a volatile region into a stable area to produce clean electricity,” he said.


Funny Stuff: Mohawk Maniac

Filed under: Funny Stuff,Photo — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 2:17 PM

Mohawk Maniac

Gear Review: Superfeet Insoles

Filed under: Gear Review — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 11:34 AM

  Well this is a product you won’t be seeing reviewed in Soldier of Fortune or Serviam.  LOL  But I do believe in this product and it has a lot to do with the security contracting industry in my opinion.  That product is Superfeet insoles.  

    Superfeet are insoles with a hard plastic arch support cup.  They come in various sizes and thicknesses and they are well made.  I have had my insoles for literally years in all of my shoes, and I have never had knee or ankle problems.  The thing with these insoles, is that they maintain the shape of your foot and they maintain a consistent bio-mechanics for your ankle-knee-hip-back relationship.  And a healthy body equates to being deployable and doing the job day in and day out.  

    And if you are like me, you have had leg or knee or hip problems do to years of wear and tear, and you also depend upon your body for your job.  So if you are walking and standing all the time, and you are wearing crappy boots and shoes that do not provide good support and your insoles are not supporting your arches, then you will suffer.  So the answer is to get well fitting boots or shoes, and get a good solid foundation for your foot that is consistent through all of your footwear.

   In Iraq, I wore a pair of Bates M-6 boots with Superfeet insoles.  I loved them and I never had tired feed after those long 12 hour days.  Same thing when I was a smokejumper and forest fire fighter.  I had a pair of Danner Rainforest boots with Superfeet in them, and I never had leg or foot problems.  And for running, I always put Superfeet in my ‘go fasters’.  I guess my point with this, is that if you have the same footbed in all of your footwear, then your body will have an easier time adjusting from shoe to boot to shoe again.  And the muscles and arches in your foot will thank you too, because they are properly supported and they are not strained from going back and forth between footbeds.

   I should also mention that I had a serious leg injury in 2003 when I was a smokejumper.  I broke my right femur during a parachute accident on a fire jump near McCall Idaho. And after they operated on me and I healed up after a long haul, I ended up with an inch shorter right leg!  So bio-mechanics was really important to me now, and I have been totally paranoid that my back or something will get thrown out from just walking or running again.  But thanks to a lift in my right shoe coupled with Superfeet insoles, I have not had any back or hip or knee related injuries.(knock on wood)

    Also, if you do get into the whole Superfeet thing, be sure to put them in all of your footwear to make it work.  The idea is to get your foot used to the same footbed in everything you wear.  And the benefit of this, is that from now on you can buy a new shoe or boot and put Superfeet in them and your feet will recognize the same footbed every time.  That means less footwear break-in time and less pain in your feet.

    One other point I want to make is do not just buy them off the website blindly, if you can help it. One suggestion is to go to REI Outdoor Equipment Stores and they have bins of Superfeet insoles that you can put into your shoes to try on.  Or just go to any running store and ask to pull a pair out of the box to try on.  They will feel weird at first, but trust me, your feet will get used to it and love them.  But definitely play around with them and find the Superfeet insole that works for you. – Head Jundi


Super Feet

Superfeet’s firm, contoured shape provides comfort soft insoles cannot achieve.

Insoles are like mattresses. A good mattress is made of firm, supportive materials. A bad mattress is soft and unsupportive. Same thing with insoles. When you stand on a Superfeet Premium Insole, you can feel the firmly supportive shape and materials. It’s not soft and mushy like other brands…because although soft non-supportive insoles feel good when you first put them in your shoes, in the long run your foot problems don’t disappear.

Support the Foot. Align the Body.

Wearing soft insoles is like running in the soft, dry sand at the beach. Initially it feels good, but you quickly grow tired, waste energy, and begin to feel the stress on your knees and back. Wearing Superfeet Premium insoles is like running on firmer, wet sand. It’s still comfortable, but your feet feel more balanced and stable, and it’s certainly more productive and enjoyable from a performance point of view.

Body Alignment

Every Shoe. Everyday.

Everybody’s feet are different, and they wear different types of shoes. That means it is unreasonable to think one model of insole will meet everyone’s needs. That’s why Superfeet makes different products to fit different foot shapes in different types of footwear. No matter what type of activity or sport you engage in, Superfeet has a product for you – at a price you can afford.

60 Day Comfort Guarantee

With Superfeet’s 60 Day Comfort Guarantee you have nothing to lose but your sore feet. If you are not satisfied with your new Superfeet insoles, return them within 60 days of purchase to your place of purchase for a credit or refund. This guarantee is only valid with a proof of purchase, and is not good for misused, abused or improperly cleaned Superfeet product. THIS GUARANTEE IS SUBJECT TO THE RETAILER’S RETURN POLICY.

Superfeet Website


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Job: Security Coordinator -Executive Protection, California

California Courts

Job ID: 3309

Company Name: California Administrative Office of the Courts

Job Category: Law Enforcement/Security; Government/Military

Location: San Francisco, CA

Position Type: Full-Time, Employee

Salary: $62,376 to $83,100 per year

Experience: 2-5 Years Experience

Desired Education Level: Bachelor of Science

Travel Amount: Up to 100%

Date Posted: July 3, 2008

California Administrative Office of the Courts





The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) is accepting applications for a Security Coordinator specializing in executive protection, to be assigned to the Emergency Response and Security Unit (ERS) located in our San Francisco office.

This position primarily plans, organizes, and implements executive security services for the Administrative Office of the Courts and other judicial branch agencies. This position also assists in recommending security measures and coordinating security programs and responses to threats to the courts, justices, and staff; and providing technical assistance to the trial courts on security-related issues.


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