Feral Jundi

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Technology: Demotix, Crowd Sourcing, and the Security Contracting Industry

Filed under: Technology — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 1:45 PM

   This is basic crowd sourcing for journalism’s sake.  I like the idea, and I think this is a great resource for security contractors or the deployed military guy or gal.  We are deployed to a war zone anyways, and we take pictures of really interesting stuff sometimes.  Those photos either end up on Myspace or sit in their hard drive as personal memories.  Instead you could throw them up on a site like Demotix, which will give those photos the value they deserve, just as long as you are not violating any OPSEC or PERSEC rules, or violating Non-disclosure agreements with companies.  The kind of shots I think of that do not violate this stuff, are pictures of villages or of local security forces.  Or of even old battle damage.  The type of standard photos that guys and gals have loads of, but just sit on their computer collecting dust.  The news agencies are always looking for good stock photos stuff, and you could be providing that stock footage.

     The other cool aspect of this, is that tons of guys have pictures of the good things we are doing in places like Afghanistan and Iraq.  Smiling kids with soccer balls or happy villagers that are completely thankful for some goodwill task that a soldier or contractor just completed, are all great photos to post on Demotix.  And that only helps promote the good deeds that are normally forgotten about out there.  


News: Can Private Military Firms Play a Role in Darfur, by IAR

    Boy, this was a fantastic paper and I highly recommend reading this.  The concept has been hit upon by various news organizations and even by some of the companies out there. That idea is to use private security forces to secure the Sudan.  In my opinion, this concept has not had the serious review and serious consideration that it needs.  It makes sense and it poses the question that if in fact, we have a responsibility to protect (R2P) the innocent that are being killed and terrorized in Darfur, then what are we willing to do to make that happen?  

    Obviously the African Union sucks, with a paltry 9,000 troops securing a country the size of France.  They have not secured it, and people have died because of this lack of security.  I also understand the politics behind the US or China not getting directly involved with troops, but really, if we want to stop this disaster, something has to happen.  That this negative and hateful view of the private military industry must be cast aside, and they must reconsider our usefulness because there are no real options left out there.  

     And what really gets me is the disaster that is happening in the Sudan is pure Deja vu.  Didn’t we say never again after standing by and not doing a damn thing during the Rwandan Genocide back in the mid-nineties?  If nations do not want to contribute forces to stop a blood bath, then really the only option left is to use the private security forces if they want to exercise R2P. –Head Jundi


Can Private Military Firms Play a Role in Darfur?

Submitted by Editoriar2008 


Emerging at the end of the 20th century amid significant global controversy, private military firms (PMFs) represent a new facet of armed conflict. Although PMFs are relatively new, the concept of for-hire soldiers is certainly not unique; mercenaries have existed since ancient times. As a modern manifestation of the mercenary organization, the public has been extremely critical of these organizations because of their lack of accountability and the ambiguous legality of their work. Recently, the media has been particularly critical of PMFs operating in Iraq and have focused on their immunity from prosecution. The uproar surrounding the recent Blackwater shootings exemplifies the ongoing controversy.

The public’s underlying unease with PMFs is that they wield a power reserved exclusively for the nation-state—the monopoly of force. The surrender of this monopoly has not been through democratic referendums or because of public demands, it has been relinquished by executive branches intent on consolidating power to improve their comparative advantage in military affairs. Despite the controversy, PMFs are now a permanent feature of global military operations. Their influence will only increase because private sector firms are now able to provide and deploy military and security services much more rapidly—and at a significantly reduced cost—than their public sector counterparts.

There are a number of different ways to categorize PMFs. Some academics distinguish between private security contractors and private military firms, but the difference is slight. Deborah Avant, in her book The Market for Force, classifies these organizations by the types of contracts they sign, rather than the organizational structure of the firms themselves. P. W. Singer, in his “tip of the spear” typology, classifies PMFs by the services they provide: militarysupport firms are responsible for supplementary aspects of battle (anything from catering services to helicopter maintenance); military consultants provide advice and training; and military providers supply command-and-control structures, military hardware, and war fighters. This paper will focus on firms, henceforth called PMFs, operating in the third category: the provision of military force.

Since the creation of the first modern PMF in 1989 such organizations have played roles in scores of conflicts. Executive Outcomes (EO) was founded by apartheid-era South African military officers and, while now defunct, once operated throughout the African continent. In Africa alone, there have been countless operations conducted by firms throughout Sierra Leone, Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Mozambique, Somalia, Liberia, Nigeria, and a host of other nations. Today PMFs are employed globally, although they are particularly prominent in Iraq and Afghanistan.

However, there is one conflict zone in which the lack of PMFs is conspicuous: Darfur. The Darfur conflict is an ongoing humanitarian disaster that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, ruined millions more, and, without quick and decisive action, will likely worsen. Negotiations in Libya, which began in October 2007, have been all but abandoned because of Khartoum’s intransigence and the absence of most rebel groups. Naturally, a peace deal is still far off and powerful states—including the United States and China—are hesitant to become immersed in what is becoming a regional conflict. In the meantime, millions of internally and externally displaced people are vulnerable to attack by the Sudanese government, armed militias, and rebel groups.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Industry Talk: Piracy-Hart Security Joins Forces with Swinglehurst Insurance

Filed under: Industry Talk — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 1:48 PM

   I thought that this was cool, and certainly a positive trend in the industry.  When the insurance companies think it is a good idea to offer security professionals to ship owners, that want reduced cost insurance plan, then that means it must make sense financially for the insurance company.  That these companies are probably getting sick of paying out large sums of money to professional kidnap and ransom crews that operate in such places like the Gulf of Aden.  This concept is nothing new to the industry, what I do like about the latest focus on piracy, is the potential of more work for security contractors.

    Now on the security side of things, hopefully Hart is providing everything the guys in the field need in order to protect these ships.  There are so many rules and laws that completely hamstring some of these maritime operations, or the companies themselves shortchange the security forces tasked with protecting the client and their ship because of cost.  I am not saying Hart would do such a thing, but these are the issues that come to mind once we start talking about security on the high seas.  

     These pirate crews, thanks to the exorbitant bounties they have been getting lately, are able to invest in some heavy duty firepower and boats.  Will security operations be able to deal with this effectively?  Who knows, but I do know that this issue should be looked at seriously by those involved with the operation.  With a ship, getting off the ‘X’ or kill zone is a lot tougher than with convoy operations on a road.  You cannot run away and in the high seas, the ‘bigger stick’ does make all the difference. 

    It’s the same thing for convoy operations in Iraq or Afghanistan and how the companies carry out those contracts. As a security specialist (speaking for myself), I want all the tools (weapons, armor, sound vehicles, etc.) necessary to do the job of protecting the client and team. I also want sound leadership that know their stuff, has the courage to do what is right, and takes care of their people.  And taking care of your people means someone that is not afraid to train the team to a level of extreme unit cohesion/intelligence, and fighting for the team when they have issues or need certain tools to do the job.  The pay is important, but not the most important issue out in the field.  

     I want to be with a team that will give me the highest odds of survival and mission accomplishment so I can come home to spend that money I earned.  And you know what the say– ‘Dead clients don’t pay’, so it pays to focus on taking care of your security force.  I say God bless the company that understands this concept and makes it a priority, and God damn the company that puts more of a priority on cost and completely ignores these concepts of sound leadership and taking care of their people. –Head Jundi 

6 October 2008

Protected Gulf of Aden Voyages


Hart Security is pleased to announce that it has joined forces with Swinglehurst Limited in a move that sees the benefits of security and insurance combined to offer the best all round protection on voyages in the Gulf of Aden. 

Swinglehurst now offers Shipowners, either directly or via their brokers, War Risk Cover including the risks of Piracy, for voyages within the Gulf of Aden where vessels are protected by Hart personnel.  The comfort afforded by the involvement of Hart will enable extremely attractive insurance rates to be offered.  

Key Elements of the product

•        Cover placed 100% at Lloyd’s

•        Vessels protected by Hart Security Team during voyages

•        Piracy included within War coverage

•        Attractive insurance terms aligned with preferential market rates from Hart

•        Hull values up to USD 75,000,000

•        War P & I up to USD 75,000,000

•        Detention cover to protect Loss of Earnings if required

•        No deductible for Physical Damage Cover

Notice of voyages should be given 14 days in advance so that arrangements for protection can be made.

Hart is a recognised market leader in the provision of maritime security solutions to the transportation and energy sectors. Working closely with governments, regulatory bodies and industry, Hart is able to provide practical security solutions to meet clients’ requirements.

Hart’s Maritime Department has extensive experience from both the military and commercial sectors in providing waterborne security.  The company provides consultancy services, personnel and vessels for Anchorage and Oilfield Waterborne Security Support, Exclusion Zone Enforcement, Sub-Surface Detection/Deterrence and Anti-piracy Support Services for Governments and industry.  

Their experience in providing Waterborne Security Services worldwide include: Anti-piracy Services in the Gulf of Aden and Malacca Straits, EEZ Fisheries Protection Operations along the coast of East Africa and Exclusion Zone Enforcement and Maritime Counter Terrorism training courses for the Yemen Ministry of Defence.

The Swinglehurst Group was founded in 1999 and is a leading independent insurance broker in the London market.  Based in the City of London Swinglehurst also has representative offices in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro); Chile (Santiago); China (Shanghai); Colombia (Bogotá); Uruguay (Montevideo); USA (Miami).  They provide brokerage and claims services in the following classes of insurance business:  Marine, Non-Marine, Renewable Energy, Aquaculture, Life (Accident and Health), Motor, Travel Insurance and Warranty.   


For Insurance enquires please contact:

Paul Agate (paul.agate@swinglehurst.co.uk) Mobile: +44 7970 719837 or

Mike Maloney (mike.maloney@swinglehurst.co.uk) Mobile: +44 7967 561049



For Hart Waterborne Security Services please contact:

Carina Dixon (cdixon@hartsecurity.com) Telephone: +44 20 7751 0771


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Jobs: Security Officer, OCONUS Locations

Recruitment Policy

We ensure that our recruitment is conducted in a manner that provides fair and equal opportunity and access for all people. We are committed to a policy of treating all of our employees and job applicants equally. No employee or potential employee will receive less favourable treatment or consideration on the ground of race, colour, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, age, disability, marital status or part-time status or will be disadvantaged by any conditions of employment that cannot be justified as necessary on operations grounds. The only discriminatory factor in decisions will be a person’s ability to perform the job concerned. CTG Global reserves the right to select the most suitable Employees for tasking and deployment.

Our Recruitment, Hiring & Mobilisation Process

CTG Global’s selection process is autonomous, merit based and thoroughly managed. Selection goes through a number of phases; applicants either apply to advertisements of specific jobs or send in speculative CV’s. All CV’s upon receipt are assessed for credibility; candidate if suited to a specific position is invited for first interview to ascertain whether his character, desires and skills are as required. Successful candidates will then have a full background check done which includes a ten year history and screening check to the UK’s BS7858 standards.



Country of Operation:

Sudan; Sri Lanka; Afghanistan; Iraq; or the West Bank and Gaza.


Under the supervision and direction of the Program Manager or Operations Centre Chief of Security, the Security Coordinator will effectively implement all appropriate risk management strategies, related to the safety and security, and the protection of assets in mission. Specifically, he/she will be responsible for the management, implementation and oversight of all security operations in support of staff and activities.



Country of Operation:

Sudan; Sri Lanka; Afghanistan; Iraq; or the West Bank and Gaza.


Under the supervision and direction of the Chief of Security or Project Manager, as the organization requires, the Security Officer (SO) will effectively implement all appropriate risk management strategies related to the safety and security of project staff, and the protection of assets in projects. Specifically, the SO will promote a high level of security awareness amongst staff and ensure that security procedures and policies are implemented throughout the country.



Country of Operation:

Sudan; Sri Lanka; Afghanistan; Iraq; or the West Bank and Gaza.


Under the supervision and direction of the Operations Centre Chief of Operations, the Trainer will effectively implement all appropriate training plans and curricula related to the safety and security of staff, and to the protection of assets in mission. Specifically, a trainer will be responsible for the management, implementation and oversight of all training activities in support of staff and activities.


Send CV’s Here

Read More About Job Descriptions Here(read the PDF files on each)

Video: 60 Minutes-Killing Bin Laden and Missed Opportunities

Filed under: Al Qaeda,Video — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 11:13 AM

Watch CBS Videos Online

     This was a great little video about a little known subject. How close were we in killing OBL in the early years of the war? According to this interview, it sounds like we were really close. Also, if you want to read the book written by the guy that is being interviewed, check it out here. –Head Jundi

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