This is interesting, just for the sake of seeing how Israel would set up a model for government contracting. They now have the luxury of learning from the mistakes that the US has made, and if they do go down this path, it will be interesting to see what they come up with. It is my belief that if they do this right, and for that matter if we can get it right, the lethality and efficiency of our combat forces will only be enhanced by such efforts. –Matt
Majority of Israelis want to outsource military’s dirty laundry
Jul. 6, 2008
New data released last week show the majority of Israelis believe the military should export some non-combat services to private companies in ways similar to the US system.
A poll by the Dahaf polling firm showed that 60 percent of Israelis are supportive of military privatization for services like laundry, food, car repairs and maintenance, however, 87% are against outsourcing security-related services.
The Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, which commissioned the study, said it would like to see more outsourcing than the current levels, for everything from laundry services to non-combat reservist duty. JIMS operates on the belief that private enterprises are far more efficient than the same services managed by the government.
Corinne Sauer, an Economist and co-founder of JIMS, believes such handovers would allow the Israeli economy to grow.
“[The military] outsourced some health funds in the past, and the soldiers were happy…and it cost the IDF a lot less money,” she said.