Feral Jundi

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Podcasts: Combat Operator Radio Interviews David Isenberg

Filed under: Podcasts — Tags: , , — Matt @ 10:43 PM

     Hey folks, check it out. You might know of David through his Dogs of War column at UPI.  His book is awesome as well, and certainly worth your time.  

    As for this interview, David had some excellent ideas and discussed the concept of a Center for Contractor Lessons Learned and talked about the history of contracting in the US.  I also liked the discussion about military versus civilian leadership styles in today’s PMC/PSC’s. –Matt 

Edit: I took out the part that David has a blog, and he does not have one at this time. 


Combat Operator Radio Interview with David Isenberg Here 

Israel: Majority of Israelis Want to Outsource Military Non-combat Services

Filed under: Industry Talk,Israel — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 9:54 PM

   This is interesting, just for the sake of seeing how Israel would set up a model for government contracting.  They now have the luxury of learning from the mistakes that the US has made, and if they do go down this path, it will be interesting to see what they come up with.  It is my belief that if they do this right, and for that matter if we can get it right, the lethality and efficiency of our combat forces will only be enhanced by such efforts. –Matt


Majority of Israelis want to outsource military’s dirty laundry

Jul. 6, 2008


New data released last week show the majority of Israelis believe the military should export some non-combat services to private companies in ways similar to the US system.

A poll by the Dahaf polling firm showed that 60 percent of Israelis are supportive of military privatization for services like laundry, food, car repairs and maintenance, however, 87% are against outsourcing security-related services.

The Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, which commissioned the study, said it would like to see more outsourcing than the current levels, for everything from laundry services to non-combat reservist duty. JIMS operates on the belief that private enterprises are far more efficient than the same services managed by the government.

Corinne Sauer, an Economist and co-founder of JIMS, believes such handovers would allow the Israeli economy to grow.

“[The military] outsourced some health funds in the past, and the soldiers were happy…and it cost the IDF a lot less money,” she said.


History: The Logistics Nightmare of the Soviets in Afghanistan

Filed under: Afghanistan,History — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 2:06 PM

Soviets Helicopter in Afghanistan

“The war was a contest by both sides to control the other’s logistics. The Soviet lines of communication (LOC) were a double lane highway network which wound through the Hindu Kush Mountains – some of the most inhospitable terrain on earth. The Soviet presence depended on its ability to keep the roads open. Much of the Soviet combat in Afghanistan was a fight for control of the road network. The resistance destroyed over 11,000 Soviet trucks. The DRA truck losses were reportedly higher. The Mujahideen ability to interdict the LOC was a constant concern to the Soviet and prevented them from maintaining a larger occupation force in Afghanistan.”


PDF File Here for Report on Soviet Lessons in Afghanistan



Legal News: Pentagon Letter Undercuts DOJ in Blackwater

Filed under: Iraq,Legal News — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 12:47 PM

   Interesting news, and this is a prime example of using a large force to destroy itself.  The more this is panning out, the more you can see that DoJ doesn’t have that great of a case.  From the radio logs, DoS witnesses, and now this Pentagon letter, this will be an interesting legal battle to watch. –Matt


Pentagon Letter Undercuts DOJ in Blackwater

FEB 3, 2009

By MATT APUZZO – Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon wrote in 2007 that Blackwater Worldwide contractors in Iraq are not subject to U.S. civilian criminal laws. That position undercuts the Justice Department’s effort to prosecute five Blackwater security guards for manslaughter.

The letter highlights the uncertainty prosecutors face in bringing charges against contractors involved in a 2006 shooting that left 17 Iraqis dead in a Baghdad intersection. Iraqis are closely watching how the U.S. responds to the shooting, which inflamed anti-American sentiment abroad.


Legal News: Don Ayala Pleads Guilty, Sentencing Set for May

Filed under: Afghanistan,Legal News — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 12:15 PM

    Let’s hope the judge recognizes Ayala’s service to country during the sentencing hearing.  He has admitted guilt to voluntary manslaughter, but that does not mean that the rest of his contribution to this country should not be recognized.  Tough deal all the way around.  –Matt


Afghanistan Contractor Pleads Guilty to Killing Man Who Burned Co-Worker

By Martin Weil

Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, February 4, 2009; A06

A civilian contractor pleaded guilty yesterday to voluntary manslaughter in the killing in Afghanistan of a man who set the contractor’s co-worker on fire, prosecutors said.


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