Feral Jundi

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Podcasts: COR Interviews Bill Roggio, Editor of The Long War Journal

 COR Interviews Bill Roggio, Editor of The Long War Journal.

   I thoroughly enjoyed this interview, and Bill is just a wealth of information when it comes to this war.  The Long War Journal is a highly effective ‘new media’ tool in getting the word out about this war and what we are doing right or wrong, and it was a pleasure to hear what Bill had to say.  I hope Bill comes back again.

   Some of the highlights for this show, was a quick down and dirty discussion about what is going on in Pakistan, and how important that conflict is to the rest of the war.  Jake and Bill also discussed this latest attack on the Sri Lanken Cricket Team in Pakistan.  They also discussed the latest appeasement actions of the Pakistani government in the Swat region, and how idiotic that is.


Industry Talk: International Affairs Forum Interviews Doug Brooks of IPOA

Mr Brooks: The UN contacted [Executive Outcomes] and said, “Could you end the genocide in Rwanda?” This was probably about two weeks into the genocide when nobody else in the world was willing to go in there, to deploy their military. And so EO is sort of between assignments… They said, “Yea, we could do that.” …They got the tickets and were about to head to New York and got another phone call saying the deal’s off.

Shortly afterwards Kofi Annan would famously say, “Maybe the world’s not ready to privatize human security.

     So could the Rwandan genocide have been stopped by Executive Outcomes?  I think so, given EO’s track record in the region, but we will never know.  It is shameful that the UN and the leading nations of the world did not do all it could to prevent this tragic loss of life, and EO could have been a solution to stop it. Shameful….

     Anyways, this was an excellent interview, and some of the points that really jumped out at me was the discussion about the rules for the use of force and the IPOA’s work on developing a set of rules for that. That and the fateful decision of the UN not to use Executive Outcomes to stop the genocide in Rwanda(which is not new, but it still needs to be mentioned over and over again).


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Media News: Tactical Success, Strategic Defeat–A Raid in Afghanistan

Filed under: Afghanistan,Media News — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 2:54 AM

   Doug brought this to my attention, and it is a very interesting look at the speed in which the Taliban was able to distribute their propaganda about this raid in Afghanistan.  It really doesn’t matter if the guy was a bad guy or not, the perception was that he was not, and that the raiding party was in the wrong.  Although I am sure if our military media machine was able to pre-plan the media release and information distribution about this raid before the Taliban did, like Doug was telling me, then they could have controlled the message better.  The enemy is able to twist the details, and do whatever they can to make us out to be the bad guys, and that is exactly what they did here.  They could say ‘of course this man had an AK 47 in his hand, there were men that came in the middle of the night, and he had no idea who they were’.  No mention that he was a bomb maker. 

   With that little twist to the details, the Taliban could easily promote a concept that this guy was innocent, and that the Americans are the Russians incarnate. We must do a better job of defeating the Taliban propaganda machine, during raids like this.  And yes, maybe it would have been better to find a different way of nabbing this guy.  Like using the local police, or just sitting the guy out until he moves away from the village.  

   Either way, if we are to do any actions in these villages, we must look at it from their perspective, and from the Taliban’s perspective, and figure the best way to navigate that deal.  The information operations effort must do better than this, to stay ahead of this enemy.  

   I will even take it a step further. The Taliban could easily take a new media approach, and I am sure they have.  As soon as a raid happens, a Taliban info warrior blogs the crap out of it, and gets that info out to their network.  That network puts their slant on it, and keeps expanding the net.  New media has the potential to spread this fast, and spread it amongst a key group of opinion leaders out there in the jihadist networks. And then guess who monitors this kind of stuff?  The anti-war and human rights crew, and the pure gold of Info War for the Taliban, is to get the international community thinking that they have been wronged, or that the ISAF forces are committing the next ‘Mai Lai Massacre’.

   PMC’s and PSC’s need to be aware of the Taliban media machine as well.  They would love to create another Nisour Square situation, and pull start the population hate machine against western security contractors.  Things to think about. –Matt 


Tactical success, strategic defeat

Afghan outrage at U.S. raid highlights challenges facing new military push

By Pamela Constable

The Washington Post

March. 1, 2009

FORWARD OPERATING BASE ALTIMUR, Afghanistan – The U.S. soldiers entered the sleeping village in Logar province in the dead of night on Feb. 20, sure of their target and heavily armed. They surrounded a mud-walled compound, shouting commands, and then kicked down the gate as cries of protest erupted within.

Exactly what happened next is disputed, but shots were fired and a man inside fell dead. Four other men were grabbed and arrested. Then the soldiers departed, leaving the women to calm the frightened children and the rumors to spread in the dark.

By midmorning, hundreds of angry people were blocking the nearby highway, burning tires and shouting “Death to America!” By mid-evening, millions of Afghan TV news viewers were convinced that foreign troops had killed an unarmed man trying to answer his door.

“We are afraid of the Taliban, but we are more afraid of the Americans now,” said Abdul Ghaffar, a truck driver in the raided village. “The foreign forces are killing innocent people. We don’t want them in Afghanistan. If they stay, one day we will stand against them, just like we stood against the Russians.”


Funny Stuff: The Surrender, By Joseph Griffith

Filed under: Funny Stuff,War Art — Tags: , , — Matt @ 12:36 AM

The Surrender

Industry Talk: Erik Prince Steps Down

Filed under: Industry Talk — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 12:04 AM

   This was kind of a shocker.  I would have thought that Erik would have hung on as a leader that ‘found religion’, along with the new rebranding of the company.  But I guess this move is just one more way of cleansing the company image.  Mr. Prince is attached to the old Blackwater, and unfortunately that is very tough image to escape. 

   More than likely, he will still be connected as part owner or what not, and still be involved at some level.  But as a figure head, I guess his small group of leaders just came to the conclusion that it wasn’t helpful for him to remain.  We’ll see how things go, and I wish Mr. Prince all the best as he ‘re-charges’ and connects with family.  

    But like I have mentioned before, with changing the name, and having the old CEO step down, will the company take the necessary measures to insure good solid leadership, Kaizen, and outstanding customer service with this new version of a company?  The ultimate transformation of a company in my opinion, is for it to come from the bottom, and rise to the top as the best model of a company in the private military and security industry.  If Erik truly wanted to change the legacy of Blackwater, he should take a personal interest in the reformation and development of this new company.  And if he has issues with those in the media that were unfair with their reportage, then the best revenge would be to build an exemplary company that would prove them all wrong about the true potential and societal impact of a well organized and managed PMC/PSC.

   On a side note, I highly suggest that guys hang on to their Blackwater t-shirts and trinkets.  I predict that those things will be collector’s items in the coming years, much like Air America items from the Vietnam days are collector items now.  Blackwater is very much a part of the history of this conflict, good or bad. This company also had contractors that certainly gave all, and we must honor those sacrifices as best we can. They did not just die for a company, they died for this country and in a war, defending those that depended on Blackwater for protection.  It is up to us to learn from this company and remember the things they did well, and did not do well, and use those lessons to shape this industry into something that people will admire and respect. Semper Fi. –Matt  


Blackwater T-Shirt 

Founder, CEO of Blackwater Steps Aside, ‘Worn Out’

MARCH 2, 2009


Erik Prince, who founded security contractor Blackwater Worldwide and remained defiant after the company became embroiled in controversy following a deadly 2007 shooting incident in Baghdad, is stepping down as chief executive of the parent company.


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