Feral Jundi

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mexico: Los Zetas, A PMC/Cartel That Truly Deserves Negative Media Attention

Filed under: Law Enforcement,Mexico — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 8:23 PM

   Thanks to Eeben for pointing these guys out to me.  You learn something new all the time, and these guys have been going off the hook since 2003. This is a group, founded by Mexican Special Forces, that executed it’s operations like the military complete with an intelligence apparatus, all for the sake of the drug trade.  That to me is evil, and that deserves an onslaught of negative media attention.  Yet the media continues to focus on groups like Xe, because it’s easy and safe. Pffft.  

    The really bad guys are just south of the US border, and have been murderous heathens when it comes to crimes against humanity, yet where is the media pressure?  I mean there is no comparison, when you put these guys up against Blackwater, but by all means keep demonizing BW.  How about it Jeremy Scahill, why not write about a truly evil PMC and put your efforts into a Los Zetas book……that’s if your man enough? smirk

    I also like the idea that Eeben came up with in that same post in the comments section.  PMC versus PMC!  I would love to see Executive Outcomes come out of retirement and take on these fools.  That would be money well spent in my humble opinion.  Although from the sounds of it, Los Zetas has kind of taken on an Al Qaeda type of emergence, where the original group is really not in control and the idea of the group lives on in spirit. Missed opportunities. Either way, the myth of the Los Zetas would be a good one to crumble if we could. –Matt


Los Zetas: Evolution of a Criminal Organization

11 Mar 2009

By Samuel Logan for ISN Security Watch

From the original 31 members, the Mexican organized criminal faction Los Zetas has grown into an organization in its own right, operating separate from the Gulf Cartel and just as violent, Sam Logan writes for ISN Security Watch.

Between the first of the year and mid-March, 2009 the Mexican criminal organization most commonly known as “Los Zetas” has been busy. Members of this group have been linked to a death threat delivered to the president of Guatemala, a grenade thrown into a bar in Pharr, Texas, the death of a high-ranking military general in Cancun, and a fair share of the organized crime-related deaths registered this year in Mexico.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pakistan: A Conversation With David Kilcullen

Filed under: Afghanistan,Pakistan — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 10:38 PM

   Dr. Kilcullen’s statement on Pakistan is just eery to read. We all know those are the stakes in Pakistan, but it just doesn’t seem to sink in with most of the west.  There is so much else going on out there, but this kind of dwarfs everything in terms of threats when you really think about it.  A Pakistan that collapses, would not be good, and would be a huge loss in this war.  

   The other thing that is interesting is that he has given numerous interviews about his thoughts on the way forward, and it seems each interview keeps presenting a more refined viewpoint.  So that is why I keep posting them, and trying to get in the right mindset for what is required for this war.  I know he lives this stuff daily, and it really helps to hear his thoughts on the matter. 

   Now on to the one area that continues to get ignored when ever he talks, and that is the role of the contracting industry in his vision of the war effort.  I mean there are more of us than US troops, yet still we get no mention as to what we need to be doing in this war to help?  Doesn’t anyone else see a problem with this? We are very much a part of the population interaction out there, and our actions do have an impact on the war.  So why we continue to be treated like the elephant in the room that no one wants to acknowledge is beyond me.  

   Further more, we are a resource, that if used correctly, can certainly add to the effort.  What is all this talk of diplomatic efforts, or taking care of the people?  Is a soldier with a gun, the best tool for that job, or is a civilian helping a civilian the best tool?  I tend to think that both are important to the equation out there, but we tend to fall back on using the soldier with a gun for all problem solving.  


Technology: The Unmanned Little Bird (ULB)

Filed under: Technology — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 9:03 PM

Podcasts: COR Interviews Tim Lynch of Free Range International

Filed under: Afghanistan,Podcasts — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 7:56 PM

Afghanistan: Military Hangs ‘Help Wanted’ Sign in Afghanistan

Filed under: Afghanistan — Tags: , , , , , , , — Matt @ 7:37 PM

   I wanted to point out a couple of things that bother me about today’s articles about contractors.  I read a lot of them, and there is a definite model of article that all of these journalists are following–or so it seems.  For example, it is rare that a journalist forgets to mention something about Blackwater (Xe), any time they want to talk about anything relating to contractors.  The story could be about contractors handing out shower shoes to poor Iraqi families, and the reporter will throw in the standard story about Blackwater killing 13 civilians in cold blood…. (ad nauseam)   

     Ok, we get it.  We know that story already, and it is like beating a dead horse every time these guys do that. It would be like mentioning the Haditha incident, every time there was a story about the military–good or bad.  But it seems like the media is really hung up on doing it with our industry, as if they are like zombies, filling in the blanks on some contractor related report software.  Shower shoes…check.  Iraq…check. Contractor does this (fill in the blank). check.  Blackwater killed 13 civilians…check.  And now you have an article!  Pffft.

   The other one I wanted to hit on, is when is it journalistic, to write as a source ‘in recent online postings’?  I am a blogger, and even I take the time to point out the link to where I got the info from.  For this article, I have a wonderful little link down below, just so people know where this came from.  But ANNE FLAHERTY has felt that being vague with her source was acceptable.  Did she get it from a blog, a forum, or what?  Was it FedBizOp?(that would be my guess, but who knows?).  Either way Anne, if you are reading this, guys like me and Jake and the rest of the crew, like knowing where you got your info from.  Not because of credit reasons, but because if you have found some jobs for our industry, we would like to know about it so we can tell our community.  That’s all.  

   With that said, I will assume she has probably been cruising the same jaunts that our crew has been cruising for info, and what she has said is not that new to us.  I did want to post this as a flag though, that Afghanistan is picking up for contracts and now the media is catching on.  I have posted several gigs lately, to include that Cohort deal.  And Anne did mention a few things that I totally agree with and wish that the government would work on. So not all is lost with this article. lol  

   Let’s try this.  Iraq could be viewed as a big testing site for the proof of concept called security contracting.  And right now, there are plenty of resources, organizations, papers, subject matter experts, legal experts, laws and attention on the subject, to really formulate a solid plan on how to use us properly out there.  It just means getting off of your ass, and doing what you have to do to make it happen.(this is totally directed at the Obama Administration and Congress right now)  You guys are the leaders and this is your ship.  Afghanistan is something we need to get serious with, and by not dealing with these issues is dangerous.  If you do not, I guarantee that we will have another Blackwater type incident, and another company will be skylined as the flagship of all that is bad with the war in Afghanistan, and we will be set back even further in this fight.  You know the Taliban will do all they can to set it up, and take advantage.  

     The industry begs you to do something about this, so we can be more effective in this war effort.   Einstein had a great quote for leaders or anyone that does not learn from past mistakes. “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” –Matt


 Military hangs `Help Wanted’ sign in Afghanistan


March 21, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) — The military buildup in Afghanistan is stoking a surge of private security contractors despite a string of deadly shootings in Iraq in recent years that has called into question the government’s ability to manage the guns for hire.

In recent online postings, the military has asked private security companies to protect traveling convoys and guard U.S. bases in troubled southern provinces such as Helmand and Kandahar. And if truckers hired to transport fuel for the military want protection, they can hire their own armed guards, the military says.

The Bush administration expanded the use of such companies with the onset of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because it can save the military time and money. But the practice lost much of its appeal with Congress after September 2007, when five guards with what was then called Blackwater Worldwide (the company recently changed its name to Xe) opened fire in a crowded Baghdad square and killed 17 Iraqis.

Those killings followed a 2006 incident in which a drunken Blackwater employee fatally shot an Iraqi politician’s bodyguard.


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