Feral Jundi

Monday, March 9, 2009

Afghanistan: Coalition Deaths From IED Attacks Soar

Filed under: Afghanistan — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 3:36 PM

Coalition deaths from IED attacks soar in Afghanistan

By Tom Vanden Brook, USA TODAY


WASHINGTON — Makeshift bomb attacks in Afghanistan killed three times as many coalition troops in the first two months of 2009 compared with the same period last year. The increase points to a strengthening insurgency and potentially more violence as warmer weather arrives along with intensified fighting.

The bombs, called improvised explosive devices, killed 32 coalition troops in January and February, compared with 10 during the same period in 2008. During the same time, 96 troops were wounded, a 146% increase from the 39 early last year, according to data from the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization. The numbers are final for January and preliminary for February.

Militants also appear to be using more sophisticated and powerful bombs, accounting for greater casualties, said Charles McMinn, deputy research manager for HMS, a counter-IED consulting firm that provides information to the Pentagon. Last week, a roadside bomb killed three Canadian soldiers in southern Afghanistan.

“It’s a reflection of the increased activity of the Taliban,” Sen. Jack Reed, a Democrat from Rhode Island and a member of the Armed Services Committee, said of the militants who ruled Afghanistan and harbored al-Qaeda until ousted by U.S.-led forces in 2001. “They’re adopting the tactics used by insurgents in Iraq.”


Training: Is Your Company ‘National Incident Management System’ Ready?

Filed under: Kaizen,Training — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 3:05 PM

   Ok gang, this is an important one, and I am hoping that any company reps that might read this, actually pay attention.  Here at Feral Jundi, I have been talking my head off about the importance of the Incident Command System, and why we should be getting ICS smart.  Well this little deal below is one reason, in my list of reasons for going this route.  If a company is used in a disaster zone or some national security deal, and they are not up to speed on NIMS, then they will certainly be behind the power curve.  And seeing how all the federal, state, and local groups have been given the orders of ‘one mission, one team, one fight’ since 2004, we need to catch up in the private industry if we want to integrate well into that effort.

   In the Fire Services, all federal/state/local/private industry groups were required to be up to speed on Incident Command.  It is actually part of the fire refresher training each year.  But notice how I tacked on ‘private industry’, because fire contractors all had to be able to integrate well on an incident.  They had to have radios, the fire equipment, a red card stating that they were qualified, and they needed to know who and what an Incident Commander was on a fire.  ICS was a necessary bit of knowledge, if a contractor wanted to play with others on fires. 

    Even if your company does not take the time to learn this stuff or train it’s employees, you as the security specialist could definitely take it upon yourself to learn.  If you have questions about Incident Command and how it works, just do a Google or Feral Jundi Search. Or you could just ask me and I will be more than happy to fill in the blanks.  I also think the attacks in Mumbai, are certainly an indicator that we must get organized when it comes to managing chaotic environments.  During that attack, there was no Incident Management and really no leadership bringing everyone under such a system.  The result was chaos and casualties, with extreme blame on the government for not doing enough to deal with such a thing.  Things to think about…-Matt 


Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge Approves National Incident Management System (NIMS)

For Immediate Release

Press Office

Contact: 202-282-8010

March 1, 2004

U. S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge today announced approval of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) (PDF, 152 pages – 7.6MB) the Nation’s first standardized management plan that creates a unified structure for Federal, state, and local lines of government for incident response.  “NIMS gives all of our Nation’s responders the same framework for incident management and fully puts into practice the concept of, ‘One mission, one team, one fight,'” Ridge said.


Mexico: Texas Governor Screams For 1,000 Troops

Filed under: Mexico,Texas — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 2:22 PM

“Texas pleads for U.S. troops

Now, to hear Texas Gov. Rick Perry tell it, U.S. resources are being focused too much on Mexico and not enough on Americans on this side of the border.

Last month, Perry called on the Department of Homeland Security to send 1,000 troops to the U.S. side of the border. Complaining that the federal government had not done enough to protect Americans in the border region, Perry dismissed potential constitutional concerns about assigning active-duty U.S. personnel to military operations inside the United States, saying bluntly, ‘I really don’t care.’” 


“I don’t care if they are military, National Guard or Customs agents,” Mr Perry said at a news conference at the border town of El Paso yesterday. “We’re very concerned that the federal Government is not funding border security adequately. We must be ready for any contingency.” 

    Thanks to Jeff for sending me this story.  I’m sorry, but when I hear the governor of a state screaming for troops, and we don’t answer the call, I have to say WTF? I mean the governor has the National Guard to draw from, but it sounds like Texas wants something more, in terms of money and commitment.   

    There is plenty of fire power to draw upon in the US, it’s just establishing the mechanism to get it done.  Law enforcement could deputize citizens and form a posse of volunteers.  The National Guard could send folks from some other state, if Texas can’t do it with their own NG.  The Border Patrol could up the recruitment tempo and infuse more folks into the program out there, and even draw upon ICE to throw more folks down there.  

    Or, the final solution is to contract it out.  Matter of fact, all of those groups I listed, could contract PSC’s to make this happen.  We did it during the Hurricane Katrina disasters, and private security companies like Blackwater, Steele Foundation, SOC or Armorgroup were able to respond very quickly and effectively. And to really emphasize this point of contractors on the border, we already use them for border duties in Iraq and Afghanistan. But I guess they are not good enough for the US border?  And during the Katrina disaster, PSC’s were deputized by the state of Louisiana.  It was an emergency, and establishing security in that disaster zone was the priority, no matter how they got it done.  I see no difference with the call for help in Texas, and in other border states.  

   Of course the Border Patrol and Local Law Enforcement should be the primary guardians of the border and those border cities and towns. But if they are overwhelmed and out gunned, and they lack the manpower or there is some legal stop sign about using US troops, then contract out the security.   

   Either way, I go back to leadership for this one.  There are plenty of ways to answer this call for security on the border, but it takes leadership and a plan to make it happen.  Texas and the border states are screaming for help, and we need to take care of our people. –Matt 


 In Mexico’s drug wars, fears of a U.S. front

Violence that has killed thousands is beginning to cross border, officials say

By Alex Johnson

March. 9, 2009

With U.S. forces fighting two wars abroad, the nation’s top military officer made an important visit last week to forestall a third.

He went to Mexico.

Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made the trip to confer with Mexican leaders about the Merida Initiative, a three-year plan signed into law last June to flood the U.S.-Mexican border region with $1.4 billion in U.S. assistance for law-enforcement training and equipment, as well as technical advice and training to bolster Mexico’s judicial system.

The assistance is intended to help Mexican President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa step up his war against drug cartels. The drug lords and their soldiers are blamed for having killed more than 6,300 people since January 2008, including more than 1,000 in the first two months of this year alone.

That’s about 100 people every week for the last 14 months. The cartels usually do not target civilians, but dozens, perhaps hundreds, have died in the crossfire.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Iraq: Dyncorp Contractor and Former Marine Killed Near Kirkuk

Filed under: Iraq,Video — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 12:28 PM

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Building Snowmobiles: Social Networking and War–MySomalia.com and MyPMC.com

   This is a two part article with one focused on using social networking for Somalia state and nation building.  Part 2 is dedicated to using social networking as a tool for business and Kaizen for PMC’s and PSC’s. This was probably my most challenging and thought provocative topic, and it’s hard to say if I really hit on something of value or not.  So to me, this is pure building snowmobiles, and certainly unexplored territory. I also want to warn you, that some of these concepts are kind of out there, but still something to chew on around the water cooler. Let me know what you think. –Matt 


(Part 1) 


     I have been thinking about Somalia for a bit after my discussion with Eeben Barlow and after a little research, I have stumbled upon a concept that I think should be looked at. It is a combination of social networking and private military, all with the goal of building the state and a nation.

     I think the Somalia government, with it’s new President, should create a MySomalia.com and attract the millions of Somalis world wide, that give money to their families in Somalia anyways.  This diaspora of Somalis, could be tapped into as a funding source, and an activist force for the country. The model for such a thing would be MyBO.com (President Obama’s campaign social network site, that made him 200 million dollars in funding, and rallied millions of supporters)

     And to take advantage of the power of tribes in Somalia, you could put an option in the profile building pages of MySomalia.com on what tribe you came from.  That way other Somalis could identify their tribes or groups, but do it all under the mechanism of the main group of MySomalia.com.  That actually would help enforce the idea of nation, but still allow the freedom to express what tribe you came from. The key to success with a site like this is a strong architecture and a strong brand, and letting your supporters do the rest. It would be really interesting to watch how Somalis and friends of Somalis would help that country, if given this kind of social networking tool.    

     I point to Noah Shactman’s comment he made on Wired about Obama’s social networking site, and why it worked so well. I think PMCs and Governments would be wise to look hard at the potential of social networks.  I know NASA, FBI, CIA, and numerous other private firms are all using social networking sites to exchange ideas and rally the people within those organizations.


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