Feral Jundi

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mexico: A Mexican Army Surge for Juarez

Filed under: Mexico — Tags: , , , , , , , — Matt @ 11:12 AM

   Some startling news, and this is right on the US border. The thing I will be looking for, is where this feud will go next. When you clear one town, the combatants will just push on over to the next.  –Matt


Mexico army to take over policing in drug-hit city

Wed Mar 4, 2009 7:09pm EST

By Robin Emmott

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (Reuters) – Mexico’s army will take over the local police force in the border city of Ciudad Juarez where it helped quell a deadly prison riot on Wednesday in its widening war against drug gangs.

Soldiers poured into the city this week to restore order after 250 people died in February in a feud between drug gangs, which are often aided by corrupt police.

Ciudad Juarez, just across the border from El Paso, Texas, and home to foreign-owned factories that export to the United States, has become the main flashpoint in President Felipe Calderon’s two-year-old war against drug smugglers.

Some of the several thousand troops expected in Ciudad Juarez by the end of this week will take over the municipal police, local jails and police traffic department.

On Wednesday they helped federal police quash a fight between drug gang inmates in a prison on the city’s edge that left 20 people dead.

“General Galvan will appoint soldiers to take control of the municipal police next week,” a spokesman for the Ciudad Juarez mayor’s office said, referring to Defense Minister General Guillermo Galvan.

Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora told Reuters on Tuesday the government is deeply worried about the killings in Ciudad Juarez, which have sparked fears that the war between drug cartels might spill over to the United States.

The U.S. and Canadian governments have warned tourists to stay away from dangerous border cities this spring. Mexico is a prime destination for college students traveling on spring break vacations.

Mexico’s army has increasingly taken over police operations to stiffen the resolve of agents who are often bribed to join the cartels or killed if they do not.


Ciudad Juarez’s previous police chief, Roberto Orduna, quit two weeks ago after drug hitmen murdered his deputy and another officer and pledged a police murder every 48 hours until he resigned.

Soldiers in Humvees backed by helicopters supported police as they brought a prison in the desert outside Ciudad Juarez under control after the riot.

Inmates from a drug gang known as the “Aztecas” seized a guard’s keys at the state penitentiary and opened cell doors, freeing 170 prisoners who went on a rampage.

“They attacked other prisoners in a high-security area with iron bars and home-made firearms,” said Victor Valencia, the state government representative in the city.

The Aztecas are believed to be allied to the Juarez cartel, which is fighting Mexico’s most-wanted man, Joaquin “Shorty” Guzman, for control of smuggling routes into the United States.

That feud is the most violent outbreak of a drug war that killed more than 6,000 people in Mexico last year.

Mexico’s army hopes to have 7,500 soldiers and federal police in Ciudad Juarez by the end of this week. They will patrol the streets and man checkpoints at the airport and on bridges across the Rio Grande into Texas.

Story Here


Kaizen: The Expert on Experts; Foxes and Hedgehogs

Filed under: Kaizen — Tags: , , , , , , — Matt @ 2:07 AM

   This was a tough article to define, because I originally thought this would be great for the Building Snowmobiles category.  Col. Boyd would have liked this, because this author echoed many of the philosophies Boyd had.  From the importance of randomness in warfare(experts have a hard time with randomness–great for beating an expert on the battlefield), to Boyd’s aversion to being called an expert or committing to one doctrine because of what it implies–that he knew everything or that doctrine was the end all.  And according to this article, I would definitely define Boyd as a Fox, and not a Hedgehog:

 What makes some forecasters better than others?

The most important factor was not how much education or experience the experts had but how they thought. You know the famous line that [philosopher] Isaiah Berlin borrowed from a Greek poet, “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing”? The better forecasters were like Berlin’s foxes: self-critical, eclectic thinkers who were willing to update their beliefs when faced with contrary evidence, were doubtful of grand schemes and were rather modest about their predictive ability. The less successful forecasters were like hedgehogs: They tended to have one big, beautiful idea that they loved to stretch, sometimes to the breaking point. They tended to be articulate and very persuasive as to why their idea explained everything. The media often love hedgehogs. 

    I also read this and started looking back at all of the examples of foxes and hedgehogs in media and in this industry.  From the anchorman on some cable news show, to some jackass you have come across out in the field or even online, all trying to convince us that they are the so-called ‘expert’.  With the studies that have been presented by Phil, it is nice to see what really defines a forecaster or so-called expert.  I am sure that some of the same rules apply to Opinion Leaders or Mavens, and further solidify the reasons why we even listen to these folks. It also gives a person a set of rules to follow, if they want to be more respected as a teacher, forecaster, leader, or Maven.  Be the fox.  Be the self-critical, eclectic thinker that is willing to update your beliefs when faced with contrary evidence, and always question grand schemes and be modest about your ability to predict.  You can definitely apply that to whatever niche you claim as yours, and constantly improve on your standing as leader in your field. –Matt    


Why the experts missed the crash

Which forecasters should you trust on the direction of the economy and the markets? Ask Philip Tetlock, who knows the kind of expert worth listening to – and what to listen for.

By Eric Schurenberg, Money Magazine

Last Updated: February 18, 2009: 4:10 PM ET

(Money Magazine) — You’ve probably never wanted expert insight more than today – and never trusted it less. After all, the intelligent, articulate, well-paid authorities voicing these opinions are the ones who created the crisis or failed to predict it or lost 30% of your 401(k) in it.

Yet we can’t tear ourselves away. The crisis has brought record ratings to CNBC and its parade of talking heads. You’re probably still entrusting your portfolio to the experts running mutual funds. Despite everything, we can’t shake the belief that elite forecasters know better than the rest of us what the future holds.

The record, unfortunately, proves no such thing. And no one knows that record better than Philip Tetlock, 54, a professor of organizational behavior at the Haas Business School at the University of California-Berkeley. Tetlock is the world’s top expert on, well, top experts. Some 25 years ago, he began an experiment to quantify the forecasting skill of political experts.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Job Tips: New ReliefWeb Security Job Widget for Feral Jundi

Filed under: Job Tips — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 9:39 PM

   Hey gang, check out the new widget way at the bottom of the page to the right.  It is a Reliefweb widget I built, and it is filtered for security related jobs.  The problem with most of these jobs, is that they are usually unarmed.  But they are security gigs none the less.  –Matt

Kaizen: New IPOA Code of Conduct 12 for Private Contractors Ratified

Filed under: Industry Talk,Kaizen,Publications — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 6:50 PM

   Excellent news, and congrats to Doug and his group for all the hard work they have put into this over the years.  I also love the fact that the document is always being improved upon. (this is version 12!)  That is pure Kaizen.  –Matt


New IPOA Code of Conduct for Private Contractors Ratified

Thu Mar 5, 12:46 pm ET

WASHINGTON, March 5 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — IPOA is pleased to announce that the 12th version of its Code of Conduct was ratified by its 53 member companies and is now in effect.

IPOA is the premier industry association for companies operating in conflict, post-conflict and disaster relief environments. Member companies provide vital services in support of the international community in Afghanistan, Darfur, Haiti, Iraq and other critical global efforts.

The Code of Conduct is central to membership of IPOA. The international companies that form IPOA pledge to uphold the standards and ethics of the Code of Conduct and accede to review by the IPOA Standards Committee. This vehicle of corporate responsibility and industry self-oversight ensures that IPOA member companies are recognized internationally for their commitment to standards and ethics.


Call to Action: The Commission on Wartime Contracting Website

Filed under: Call To Action — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 6:37 PM

    Ok folks, this is a ‘call to action’. If you have had problems with your company in the past, or you have a suggestion on how the government could do something different to make our particular industry more efficient, then these are the guys to send a letter to.  You can send as many comments as you want to this commission, and your imagination is your only limit.  I will also put this in the Pages Section of Feral Jundi, and any time you see something not right with your company, or an idea pops in your head on something that would make contracting more efficient and organized, then head on over to the page.  Let’s let these guys know we exist, and that we care about being a part of the process.  –Matt


Commission on Wartime Contracting

Welcome to the website of the Commission on Wartime Contracting (CWC), an independent, bipartisan legislative commission established to study wartime contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Created in Section 841 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, this eight-member Commission is mandated by Congress to study federal agency contracting for the reconstruction, logistical support of coalition forces, and the performance of security functions, in Iraq and Afghanistan.


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