Feral Jundi

Monday, April 6, 2009

Media News: Media Gets to Photograph US War Dead Now, So What About Contractors?

Filed under: Media News — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 9:06 PM

   I don’t like it, because I don’t think the families realize what could be done with those photos as soon as they are released out into the wilds of the internet.  The enemy will use these photos, as well as those organizations that are politically motivated, and I am not sure that the use of these photos will be treated with respect like the families would hope for. 

   So with that said, I would put it on the soldier or even contractor, if it is your wish to have your flag draped coffin photographed for all the world to see and do what they want with.  Personally, my wishes are for my coffin and funeral to be a private matter. My headstone will be there for the entire world to visit, if they think it is that important to pay their respects.  But all in all, I would not want that photo being used by some anti-war group, or the enemy for propaganda purposes.  That is just me though, and my sacrifice is a private matter between me, my friends, my comrades and my family. 

   This also brings up another point about this war.  What of the contractors that die?  If a Ugandan guard or Pakistani cook gets killed while working in Iraq, are we going to cover their coffin with their country’s flag and ask their family if it is alright for the media to photograph it?  Or are we just shipping contractor bodies back to their home country using Fedex or whatever, and not caring what happens after that?  What is the dignified method of sending them home?  Or will that take another 8 years of war to figure out what to do with dead contractors?


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Job Tips: Eleven General Orders for Marine Sentries…And for Contractors

Filed under: Job Tips,Kaizen — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 9:34 PM

    I got the idea for this post, while reading Eeben’s post on physical security.  It seems like this stuff should be common sense, but for some folks, they just don’t get it.  This will hopefully give the reader a starting point to grow from.  There are tons of resources on how to operate out there, and everyone has an opinion.  For me, I like to keep things basic, and stick to what works.  The Marines still use these 11 General Orders, and every Marine must learn them while at boot camp.  Although, if you don’t have the time to memorize this stuff, just copy them on a 3X5 and put them in your pocket.  Guys do that all the time, with all sorts of information they have to remember.  I also run around with maps, nine line, language stuff, compass, frequencies, POC, etc. I also keep a notebook and pen with me, so I can write stuff down–lots of common sense stuff, and excellent for those of us with a rough memory capability. lol 

   So you’re on your first contract, and you have just arrived in country.  You have your gear and weapon, and you have met your team leader and maybe the site manager, and your all ready to do the job.  And let’s say your job is site security, which most of the gigs these days are just that, and you have just been dropped off at your post.  Of course you read the post orders, and you are told what your specific job is, and what your schedule is, and how long you will be working, and who you will be working with, but after that, you’re on your own.  

   As a contractor, how do you act, now that you are out on your own?  Your a ‘feral jundi’, so what standards do you hold to, now that you are released into the wilds of security contracting?  You might be prior military or law enforcement, retired and/or extremely experienced.  You might be a young guy that did a few combat tours in Iraq with the Army or Marines, and got out after you did your time.  Or, you might be a bouncer or security guy, that knew all the right people and got your foot in the door that way.  You found your way to that contract, with that gun in your hand, and a company and customer are now depending on you to do the job your hired to do.  So what is the proper mindset to have as a contractor on some boring and tedious site security detail?

   How do you act, when you are the new guy, and you’re on post and wanting to do a good job?

   Well for one, read your post orders and ask as many questions as you can so you can fully understand your duties.  Do not assume anything, and really learn the duties of your post.  But what happens when you do not have post orders, or the orders are very light and you really don’t have much direction on how to act?  Believe me, some contracts are like that out there.  So what is the guidance that will help you to do a good job and leave a lasting impression about how you do business?  Or the better question is how do you want to be remembered by your co-workers and managers–the screw off who could care less about doing a good job, or the guy that everyone can depend upon and will do things right when no one is looking?  

   Well if you want to do a good job, and are looking for some guidance on how to do a good job, then here is something that has helped me over the years on gigs.  They are called the 11 General Orders for Sentries and I learned them a long time ago when I was in the Marines.  Although a few of these orders have to be tweaked to be applicable for contracting, the intent is still there.  I have also given an interpretation for each order, on how it could be applied to the contracting scene. Some of these might not apply for where you are at, but most orders will and they are a great check list on how to operate on a post. Some of you might have your own check list on how to operate out there, and it is all good for your personal Kaizen.   So here they are and Semper Fi. –Matt    


    General Order 1

    To take charge of this post and all government property in view.


*To take charge of this post and all customer property in view.


    General Order 2

    To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing   everything that takes place within sight or hearing.


*To walk my post in a professional manner, keeping always on alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.


    General Order 3

    To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.


*To report all violations of the contract I am instructed to enforce.


    General Order 4

    To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own.


*To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own.


    General Order 5

    To quit my post only when properly relieved.


*To quit my post only when properly relieved. 


    General Order 6

    To receive, obey and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, officer of the day, and officers and noncommissioned officers of the guard only.


*To receive, obey and pass on to the guard who relieves me all orders from the project manager, site manager, team leader and any other leaders of the guard shift only.  


    General Order 7

    To talk to no one except in the line of duty.


*To talk to no one except in the line of duty.(phone calls, internet, iPod, etc.–distractions are not good)


    General Order 8

    To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.


*To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.


    General Order 9

    To call the corporal of the guard in any case not covered by instructions.


*To call the leader of the guard force in any case not covered by instructions.


    General Order 10

    To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.


*To show respect for your leaders, and for the chain of command as per contract.  


    General Order 11

    To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority. 


*To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority. 


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Law Enforcement: Three Officers Killed in Pa. Shooting

Filed under: Crime,Law Enforcement — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 9:28 AM

    Rest in peace to the officers killed, and the last couple of days have been rough for this kind of deal.  I think we will see more of this too, as the stresses of the recession and lost jobs continues to kick in. And often the idea for such a thing, comes from the previous news attention of another incident.  This stuff really sucks.

   One thing I wanted to comment on with this, is the continued use of the AK 47 in some of these shootings.  It is a cheap weapon, reliable, and the round is very effective.  And if the active shooter has armor piercing rounds, then that makes that weapons system really scary.  Either way, more departments out there should continue to make it mandatory to get a plate carrier with a carbine in each patrol car.  There should also be more training out there for officers to deal with active shooters and the super empowered individual.  We must be prepared for all and any scenario, and to not give an officer the best chance at ending a active shooter rampage or at least protecting himself on scene, is just wrong.

   I also look at this from the Mumbai perspective, and what terrorists are learning about the US system of response.  They are watching, and they are learning, and realizing the strategy and tactics necessary to inflict the most amount of damage.  In Pakistan, they are strapping bomb belts on to themselves, along with AK’s and and ammo, and the goal is to shoot until they are out, and then blow themselves up.  Or blow themselves up, if they see an opportunity.  God help us when we come across an active shooter in the US that has this mindset.  So the ability to deal with an active shooter quick, or even an active killer is extremely important.  I say killer, because look at the terrorists that used bulldozers in Israel to kill.  


Friday, April 3, 2009

Bounties: Two Major Drug Cartel Leaders Have Been Captured

Filed under: Bounties,Mexico — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Matt @ 9:06 PM

   Awesome news, and strike two booger eaters off the bounty list. Good on the guys down south for taking them down. –Matt


Drug war strikes blow to Mexican economy in crisis

Apr 2, 2009

02 Apr 2009MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican police have captured a leading drug baron from the border city of Ciudad Juarez, the country’s most violent town in a turf war that killed 6,300 people last year.

Vicente Carrillo Leyva, a leader of the Juarez cartel, was seized while exercising in a park in an upscale residential district of Mexico City, police said on Thursday.

The Juarez cartel is locked in a bitter war with traffickers from the state of Sinaloa for control of smuggling routes into Texas. The fighting forced the government to send 5,000 extra troops into Ciudad Juarez last month.

Carrillo Leyva is the son of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, a late drug lord who flew jetliners full of cocaine into Mexico in the 1990s and was known as ‘Lord of the Skies’.


Podcasts: COR Interviews Rob Krott, Author of Save The Last Bullet For Yourself

Filed under: Books,Podcasts — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 6:34 PM

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