Feral Jundi

Friday, June 5, 2009

Industry Talk: EODT Awarded $99.9 M Security Contract in Afghanistan

Filed under: Afghanistan,Industry Talk — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 3:44 PM

    Keep your eye on the career section on their website, and more than likely, you will see the forums lighting up when they start filling these positions.  Although, I am sure they have tons of guys lined up already for this, it never hurts to get your resume in or update an old one.  

    But look at the trend guys? Lots of jobs coming up for Afghanistan, and we are definitely needed in this war.  Security contracting is a good idea in the eyes of today’s new leaders it seems, and it is up to us to continue to make this a good idea.     

     So arm yourself mentally and remember, be the guy that does it right when nobody is looking.  Apply Kaizen and the rest of the Jundisms I have talked about to yourself and your team, and you will do great things out there. –Matt 


EODT Awarded $99.9M Security Contract in Afghanistan


Friday, June 5, 2009

LENOIR CITY, TN (June 4, 2009) – EOD Technology, Inc. (EODT) received an $99.9 million ID/IQ contract award to provide security services within the Task Force Duke Area of Operations in Eastern Afghanistan. Task Force Duke is a coalition task force responsible for securing northeastern Afghanistan, including four of the provinces – Konar, Nanganhar, Laghman and Nuristan. The first Task Order awarded under this contract is for services at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Fenty for $8.5M.


Disaster Response: LCES, 10 Standard Fire Orders, and the 18 Watch Out Situations

    Why does this belong on Feral Jundi?  These orders and watch out situations, and LCES, were all developed out of some hard learned lessons in the forest fire fighting industry.  Which usually means that a fire fighter died or a really bad accident happened, and these were the patterns of mistakes or indicators prior to the incident that were ignored.  If you are going to be patrolling in a high fire danger area, or protecting an estate or FOB up in the mountains, then these lessons dealing with fire will be helpful. Summer is here, and fire is a disaster in every sense of the word.

    What led to the development of LCES was that it was an easy to remember, catch all acronym used to simplify the safety of fire fighting.  As a smokejumper, LCES was first on my priorities and planning for the fight, and then during the operations phase, I would constantly be evaluating the situation and referring to these orders and watch out situations to help me see the potential problems. We were constantly seeking intelligence and observing fire behavior, while at the same time using strategy and hard work to extinguish it.  Often times on fires, guys got killed when they got tired and did not heed these rules of forest fire fighting. Those lessons were pounded into our brains every year during fire refresher training, and for those that lost friends or survived a burn over, those lessons are seared onto the brain. Most have a fireline handbook on their person, just so they don’t forget anything out there. 

    I also posted this as a supplement to the building snowmobiles article I wrote that deals with the attack by fire.  There is even some carry over with some of these rules of firefighting, to the war fighting or security industry, and I think it is interesting to see some of the similarities. –Matt


Fireline Handbook 


Lookouts, Communication, Escape Routes, Safety Zone


    The arrangement of the Orders are logically organized to be implemented systematically and applied to all fire situations.


Building Snowmobiles: The Attack By Fire and the Super-empowered Individual

“It’s a schemer who put you where you are. You were a schemer. You had plans. Look where it got you. I just did what I do best-I took your plan and turned it on itself. Look what I have done to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple bullets. Nobody panics when the expected people get killed. Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the plans are horrifying. If I tell the press that tomorrow a gangbanger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will get blown up, nobody panics. But when I say one little old mayor will die, everyone loses their minds! Introduce a little anarchy, you upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I am an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos, Harvey? It’s fair. “-The Joker, from the movie Dark Knight

     This is a building snowmobiles post for the simple reason that no one else is covering this arsonist story or fire in this way (minus maybe War Nerd), or really getting into the concepts of the ‘attack by fire’.  Oyler, the arsonist, is the ultimate definition of the super-empowered individual, and truly symbolizes a modern day Joker.  Fortunately, he will be meeting the same fate as that character.

   Now of course I will not give a DIY class about using the attack by fire, but I do want to give a hint to the reader that this is stuff we need to be thinking about.  Lets just say it should be in your toolbox of ideas, so you know how to defend against it. But according to the Geneva Convention, fire as an offensive weapon has been ruled out, hence why flame throwers are not used anymore. (I posted the protocol below)  But if you read through it, it lists everything a terrorist or an insurgent wouldn’t mind doing to achieve a goal.  So learning how to defend against it, is key.

     But back to the attack by fire and the super-empowered individual.  What Oyler did, is exactly what arsonists do, and that is get off on lighting fires.  He had been perfecting his technique all summer in 2006, and the Esperanza Fire was his so called ‘masterpiece of chaos’.  So what can we learn from this tragic event? I will attempt to answer that question, both from a smokejumper/forest fire fighter position, and from a security professional position, and also delve into the attack by fire from a warfighter and strategist point of view.  

     As a smokejumper, I fought many forest fires throughout the west.  We would fight the small fires, and we would fight the big fires, it didn’t matter.  We would fight naturally started fires(lightening started) and we would fight man made fires (trash fires, thrown cigarettes, etc.).  But the most disheartening and frightening fires, are the ones set by arsonists.  Especially arsonists that know what they are doing.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Maritime Security: Inside Story of Somali Pirate Attack

Filed under: Maritime Security,Somalia — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 9:23 PM

The most skilled pirates, the ones who prove themselves by being the first to board a hijacked ship, are paid more, and are more in demand.

“That guy doing the jumping, he gets $5,000 (£3,050) extra because he’s taken the risk of getting hit by anything coming from the crew. And it’s something good for his CV, to show to other investors.” 

   Excellent article about the methods used by these modern day pirates and the business dealings of the investors. I had to laugh at this quote up top as well.  I guess the next step is for these veteran ‘ship jumpers’ to put on some certification courses for other pirate wannabes so they can put it on their CV and make the big money. Or how about the RPG  and Speed Boat rental business? (throw in a jet ski from the movie Water World and now we are talking) Maybe Jihadi Tactical will be offering their latest line up of piracy vests, complete with re-sealable Khat freshness pouch and kydex machete sheath? lol –Matt


Waterworld Jet Ski 

A jet ski from the movie Water World. 

By Rob Walker 

BBC, Hargeisa 

Thursday, 4 June 2009

As he looked at the radar screen Captain Andrey Nozhkin immediately feared the worst. A small vessel was closing fast from the stern.

“It was like a firecracker had gone off inside my head,” he recalled.

“ There was total chaos ” 

Capt Andrey Nozhkin CEC Future

The Danish-owned merchant ship, the CEC Future, had been on high alert since it entered the Gulf of Aden, the narrow strip of water between Somalia and Yemen. Fire hoses had been made ready to help repel a possible attack by pirates who infest the area.

The crew were maintaining constant contact with coalition naval forces.

Then within minutes the suspicious vessel was visible: a speedboat, crammed with armed men trailing a wake of white foam.

“We knew it was pirates. They were coming towards us at an angle so we accelerated, and changed direction to make it harder for them to catch up,” said Capt Nozhkin.

But then a rocket-propelled grenade zipped across the CEC Future’s bows. Capt Nozhkin looked down and saw the pirates re-loading.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jobs: Convoy Team Leaders, Afghanistan


Four Horsemen International (FHI)

Service Disabled Veteran Owned and Operated

Thank you for your interest in The Four Horsemen International Inc. (FHI).  The Four Horsemen International is a leading provider of security, logistics, Construction, Operations & Maintenance, Program management, and consulting in shaping the future of many emerging markets around the world.  The Four Horsemen has multiple vendors in a wide variety of capabilities to service our client’s needs anywhere they do business.  The Four Horsemen is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned and Operated Businsess.

FHI currently employs individuals thoughout the globe. If you are interested in applying with FHI please see the available positions and contact information.


Afghanistan – Convoy Team Leaders (8 positions available)

Please contact:

FHI Human Resources Department at HR@thefourhorsemeninternational.com 

ALL Resume’s submission must include:

Copy of current passport

Copy of current DD-214

Current contact information

Website Here.

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