Feral Jundi

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Industry Talk: Can’t Anyone Here Manage a Contract?, by David Isenberg

Filed under: Industry Talk — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 11:34 AM

   A great article and lots of excellent suggestions for the commission to check out. (hint….hint?) Let’s review the statistics shall we, so we can have a little perspective during this conversation.  250,000 plus or minus private contractors operating in the various war zones.(this number refers to DoD, DoS, USAID, others) As for personal sacrifice of the contracting community,  Iraq (1,314) and Afghanistan (111) casualties.  Not to mention the 31,000 contractors that have been injured. (and that is a rough number as well) So with those numbers, why is the government still not doing the things necessary to organize and manage this industry?

    Maybe the government wants this industry to be disjointed and unorganized?  They want fraud and abuse cases to happen, because it takes the spot light off the government, and allows them to blame private industry for all of their ills?  I don’t know, and it still boggles my mind as to how this continues to flail in the wind.  

   Look, it is simple.  If the current leadership tasked with organizing and managing this effort is not up to the task, then fire them, and get someone else in there to get the job done.  The next effort should be to shame those leaders in government and military who have allowed this to carry on.  We have a war to fight, and if the Obama administration has deemed this war a national interest and priority, then we need get off our collective ass and do what is necessary to organize and get efficient.  

   I would also like to see a conversation about including this 250,000 plus or minus contractors into the discussion about the various regional military and diplomatic strategies.  It is odd to me that we have thousands of us working with and around civilian populations out there, and our wartime strategies supposedly deal with protecting and helping those populations, and yet there is no coordination of my industry to insure we do not screw that up.  If a company implements bad business practices, or grossly impractical road tactics, or poor treatment of local nationals, etc. because there were no regional rules on what was acceptable for private industry, then of course that is going to work against the overall regional strategy and the war effort.  In the eyes of the local populations, we are all one in the same(foreigners in their land), and our military/diplomatic leaders and strategists need to recognize that reality. 

    The private industry does have an impact on the war, and if we are serious about managing that impact, then all 250,000 of us have to be brought into the conversation about war time strategy and how to conduct ourselves out there. That to me is reason enough to get serious about contractors, but who am I or David to bring that point up?  

    And the war continues……-Matt 


Can’t anyone here manage a contract?

by David Isenberg 

June 9th, 2009 

Tomorrow, according to the Associated Press, the Commission on Wartime Contracting will present a bleak assessment of how tens of billions of dollars have been spent since 2001. The 111-page report, according to AP, documents poor management, weak oversight, and a failure to learn from past mistakes as recurring themes in wartime contracting.

The commission’s report is scheduled to be made public Wednesday at a hearing held by the House Oversight and Government Reform’s national security subcommittee.

While this is hardly the first report to document failings of oversight on private contractors it is nevertheless significant, as supposedly the U.S. government has taken significant steps in the past couple of years to improve its management of contractors. Yet apparently, to paraphrase the poet Robert Frost, contractors have numerous promises to keep and the government has years to go before it can sleep comfortably.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Medical: Lots of Medical Training Videos, Websites, and the TCCC 2009 Guidelines

Filed under: Medical,Training — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 10:12 PM

   I thought I would collect some interesting videos and websites on everything dealing with ‘tactical medicine’.  The big one here is to read the TCCC guidelines I posted at the end of the list if you want to know the latest and greatest procedures and equipment to focus on. –Matt


battlefield wounds, wikimedia

An illustration showing a variety of wounds from the Feldbuch der Wundarznei (Field manual for the treatment of wounds) by Hans von Gersdorff, (1517). 

Treatment of an open chest injury

Wound packing

SOF tactical tourniquet instructional video

Combat application tourniquet

FAST IO device self insertion

How to start an IV

Surgical Skills.net

ARS for needle decompression 

Blue Force Gear Trauma Kit Now

Adult compression only CPR

TacMedSolutions blog ‘Techniques of Tactical Medicine’

TCCC 2009 guidelines pdf

Books: Steven Pressfield’s Video Blog on Tribalism

Filed under: Afghanistan,Books — Tags: , , , , , , , — Matt @ 2:12 PM

   Follow the links below, and you can watch Steven speak in depth about tribalism and his thoughts about the war today.  Very interesting stuff, and especially the comparisons of Alexander the Great and his war in Afghanistan, compared to today’s war there. His books are amazing, and I know I am highlighting his Video Blog, but really this about the author himself.  If you notice in the videos, he is an outstanding speaker and story teller, which are key components for influencing others. Check it out and Semper Fi. –Matt


Steven Pressfield 

Why I’m Doing This

By Steven Pressfield 

June 8, 2009

June 8th I’m posting the first two of five video op-ed pieces on the subject of Afghanistan, U.S. troop involvement, and the nature of the enemy. #3 will be posted on Wednesday, #4 on Friday. #5 will wrap it up next Monday.

Why am I doing this? Not for money. I’ve got no book coming out, no tour, nothing. I just want this information to get out there. We did these videos—I and a group of smart and dedicated young filmmakers—just as concerned citizens, the way one might write an op-ed piece and submit it to a newspaper.

What’s the thesis of the videos? That the enemy today in Afghanistan (and Pakistan and Iraq) is being mischaracterized as “militant Islamist,” “jihadist,” “terrorist,” etc. I don’t think that’s the defining characteristic. I think the single quality that most defines our foes is tribalism and the tribal mind-set.

What does that mean? It means that the qualities common to all tribes at all times and in all places—warrior pride, hostility to outsiders, fidelity to the group, the obligation of revenge, suppression of women, a code of honor rather than a system of laws, extreme conservatism, patience and capacity for hatred—are what characterize the enemy (as well as our potential friends) in Afghanistan and in Pashtunistan, the tribal areas along the Pakistan border.

Our young Marines and soldiers are in harm’s way now, and more will be deploying soon, in this strategically critical and very dangerous part of the globe. It’s imperative, in my view, that these men and women be armed with a full understanding of what they’re up against. I’ve spoken on this subject at West Point, Quantico, Camp Lejeune and Camp Pendleton and, though our young Marines and soldiers are getting some training in this area, my fear is that it’s not in-depth enough and that it’s not extending far enough down the food chain. Officers of course need a background in this subject, but our enlisted troopers on the ground—the much-talked-about “strategic corporals”–need it just as badly.

It is equally imperative, in my view, that our policymakers in Washington possess this historical and cultural grounding.

That’s why I’m posting these video op-ed pieces.

Tomorrow I’ll write about how this thesis evolved, what the sources are, and on what authority I “submit it for your approval.”


Steven Pressfield is the author of Gates of Fire and four other historical novels set in the ancient world, including The Afghan Campaign. His most recent book is Killing Rommel, a WWII story. He is also the author of The Legend of Bagger Vance and The War of Art.

Mr. Pressfield is a graduate of Duke University and a former Marine. His books are in the curriculum at West Point, Annapolis and the Naval War College, as well as being on the Commandant’s Reading List for the Marine Corps. He lives in Los Angeles.

Steven Pressfield Video Blog Here.

Steven Pressfield’s Homepage Here

Find His Books Here at the Jundi Gear Amazon Store

Mexico: Shootout Kills 16 in Mexico’s Acapulco Resort

Filed under: Crime,Mexico,Video — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 11:30 AM

Jobs: Executive Protection Detail, Sacramento CA

   This has been out since last month and I am not the POC or recruiter for this.  Good luck. –Matt




Sacramento, CA


• Paying up to $25.00 per hour (DOE)


• VARIOUS shifts available

• Day: 0600 to 1400

• Swing: 1400 to 2200

• Graveyard: 2200 to 0600


• Must be able to pass a drug test and background/criminal check;

• Must posses a current California Concealed Weapons (CCW) permit;

• Must posses a current CA Guard Card;

• Must have Dignitary/Executive Protection training by recognized experts in the EP field;

• Must posses a current CA Drivers License;


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