Feral Jundi

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Music: Yalla Yalla (live), by Cracker

Filed under: Iraq,Music,War Art — Matt @ 7:40 PM

History: Contractor Buffalo Bill Cody–Congressional Medal of Honor Holder

    Yep, it’s true.  He is by every definition of the word, a civilian contractor and he is a Medal of Honor recipient.  Matter of fact, he, along with several other famous wild west legends were contractors as well. Men like Robert Denbow, David L. Payne, and Wild Bill Hickok were all civilian Scouts hired by the US Army to hunt and kill Indians during that long war for the west.  Not to mention the hundreds of Indians hired by the US Army to be Scouts.

   What they paid these guys back then was interesting too.  Cody was getting paid I believe 5 dollars a day, versus 12 dollars a month for the enlisted man in the Army. (sound familiar?)  In essence, Cody and the rest of the mountain men Scouts employed by the US Army were well compensated and highly valued contractors back in the day. I am not sure how much they paid the Indian Scouts, but I am sure they paid pretty well for that too.  Scouts were certainly an asset back then, and worth every penny.

    On a side note, I have been reading the book Indian Wars, and have been very interested in that war’s activities.  Especially how the tactics evolved over the course of many years of fighting, and how important the use of Indian and Mountain Man Scouts were to that effort. Arguably, the US Army back in the day, would never have defeated the Native American without these civilian contractor Scouts.

    That war went through the same typical ‘arc of learning’ that we painfully go through in every war, and in the beginning it was all about using conventional forces to combat guerilla forces.  We learned slowly, after years of combat with the Native American, that conventional warfare like that, just doesn’t work against light and nimble guerilla forces.

    In this war, we got small and mobile, and used Indian Scouts that hated a rival Indian tribe, and it worked.  It reminds me a lot of how the Selous Scouts operated in Rhodesia, by using captured and turned guerillas for operations.  General George Crook and Kit Carson is definitely worth some more investigation, if you are interested in the Scout concept as it was applied during the Indian Wars.

     Also, thanks to Cannoneer#4 for all the enlightening input about Scouts during the Indian Wars on prior posts.  I learn a lot from ‘you’ the readership, and your input is highly valued. Cheers. –Matt

Edit: Also, I mean no disrespect to my Native American readership.  This is purely a study on military tactics and military history, and the use of contractors in past wars.  But along those lines, it was a war and it does deserve some study so we can learn from it.  I also have great respect for Crazy Horse and Geronimo, and we can learn a lot about how they conducted operations as well.


Buffalo Bill Cody

Buffalo Bill Cody – Congressional Medal of Honor Holder

By Carl Benjamin

Earlier this year I did an article for Associated Content on Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show and the many characters that performed with him. Over the course of my research, I discovered that Buffalo Bill Cody was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. This is something that I never knew about or even understood why and how he received it.

William Cody was born in 1846 in Iowa. Quite a bit is known about young Bill Cody. After the death of his brother, the family moved to Kansas. His family was often persecuted because they believed in fighting anti-slavery. His father was stabbed while giving an anti-slavery speech. He never fully recovered. At the age of 11, Cody took a job with a freight company as a “boy extra”. His job was to ride up and down the wagon train delivering messages. He later joined Johnson’s Army as a scout. His job was to help guide the Army in Utah. It is here that he got his reputation as an ‘Indian fighter.” Sometime between the age of 12 and 14 he killed his first Indian. At the age of 14 he signed on with the “Pony Express.” Before he became a rider, he helped build the stations and corrals and took care of the livestock. In 1863 , after the death of his mother, he enlisted with the Union Army and entered the Civil War.(In 1863 he enlisted as a teamster with the rank of Private in Company H, 7th Kansas Cavalry and served until discharged in 1865. From 1868 until 1872 Cody was employed as a scout by the United States Army.)


Afghanistan: Gunmen Storm UN Guest House in Kabul, 11 Dead

Filed under: Afghanistan — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 12:32 PM

John Turner, a trucking contractor from Kansas City, said the attackers appeared well organized and were able to penetrate the building, located on a residential street.

Flushed and with black stains on his hands and face, Turner said 40 people were staying at the guest house, of whom about 25 took refuge in the laundry room at the back of the building under his protection.

“I am armed. I carry an AK-47 and I kept firing it to keep the attackers away from the group I was guarding,” he said. The group later jumped over a back wall to take refuge in a house behind the guest house, he said.


     Good on John Turner, and way to step up and deal with these bastards.  Rest in peace to the fallen, and my heart goes out to the friends and family.

     My one commentary on this is that soft targets are now the flavor of the month.  The goal is to disrupt the runoff election, by attacking the UN and it’s workers.  The other goal is to make unsafe, any and all areas in which NGO’s and others wish to operate out of.  The security for these so-called soft targets needs to be re-evaluated and adjusted in order to defeat similar Taliban attacks in the future.

      And going back to the super empowered individual as a counter to the super empowered individual or cell. As you can see, John the trucker was definitely able to make an impact on this attack.  To completely rely on police to come in and save the day, is not realistic, and these attacks happen way too fast in order for that to happen.  It takes a ‘John the trucker’ armed with a AK, or ‘Mary the accountant’ armed with a Blackberry, to act in the face of chaos, and do the things necessary to defeat the attacker.  Just having a plan for a facility, and ensuring everyone knows the plan, will help to save lives, as well as empowering those on the facility with the mental tools necessary to survive these incidents.  And like Dr. Phil Zimbardo says, teach people to be ‘a hero in waiting’. –Matt


Gunmen storm UN guest house in Kabul, 11 dead


October 28, 2009

KABUL – Taliban militants wearing suicide vests and police uniforms stormed a guest house used by U.N. staff in the heart of the Afghan capital Wednesday, killing 11 people including five U.N. workers.

The two-hour attack, which began shortly before 6 a.m., sent people jumping out of windows or hopping from roof to roof to escape a fire that engulfed part of the three-story building. A man from Kansas City, Mo., said he held off gunmen with a Kalashnikov until a group of guests escaped through the laundry room.

It was the biggest in a series of attacks intended to undermine next month’s presidential runoff election. At least 25 U.N. staff were staying at the guest house, most of them advisers for the Nov. 7 balloting.

A Taliban spokesman claimed responsibility for the assaults, which included rocket attacks at the presidential palace and the city’s main luxury hotel. The Taliban has warned Afghans to stay away from the polls or risk attacks.

The chief of the United Nations’ mission in Afghanistan, Kai Eide, said the attack “will not deter the U.N. from continuing all its work” in the country.


Law Enforcement: Civilian Response to Active Shooter Situations, From a Police Officer

   This is a great post from New American Truth, and thanks to Matt for sending me this one.  This goes back to the best counter to a super empowered individual wishing to do bad–and that is a super empowered individual who has the mindset and tools for stopping this type of individual.  An active shooter has seconds and minutes to do their damage, and a citizen with a gun could be the one thing that could stop this individual from doing more damage.  Ideally you would want law enforcement to be everywhere and at all times to stop something like this, but that just isn’t going to happen. –Matt


Civilian Response To Active Shooters Situations

In recent weeks, with active shooter events having occurred at a mall, a church and as children got off a school bus, I’ve seen some postings in various online forums from civilians who hold concealed carry permits asking, “How should we react to this?” The question they are asking, in general, is what they should be doing if they’re on the scene and the shooting starts. I was at first conflicted as to how to answer this question. Then, having developed an answer, I strongly prefaced it with “this is just my opinion”. There are far too many “what if”s that come into play when considering a response to an active shooter – even for police officers who are off duty. Those “what if”s multiply ten fold for a civilian who is legally armed and happens to be on hand when a shooting starts. What to do?


Industry Talk: Interview With Sunil Ram, CEO of Executive Security Services International

   This was cool.  Sunil actually contacted me the other day, and we had a pleasant exchange of emails. He expressed an interest in sharing any published stories of his company on FJ.  I obliged by posting this interview below that he did awhile back, and I also put up a link to his company for any of my Canadian readers that are interested. Now that is new media information engagement, and bravo to Sunil for doing so.

   His company is also one of the few Canadian security companies out there, that are actually licensed by their government.  One of these days, we will do a post on how that is working out up north, and if there is anything we can learn from that program here in the US. –Matt


Edit: 11/21/2009- I was contacted by Professor Sunil Ram, who is someone completely different than the Sunil Ram in this interview, and for the readership and record, I just wanted to make sure everyone knew the difference.  I imagine they get mixed up together often.

Also, here is Professor Sunil Ram’s background:

Adjunct Professor, School of Security and Global Studies, American Military University

Military Advisor, Saudi Royal Family

Defense Studies Committee, Royal Canadian Military Institute

Thesis Advisor (COTIPSO), Peace Operations Training Institute



Guarding Lives

Jan 17, 2007 11:41 AM, By Ashley Roe

Veteran personal security specialist shares his experience in the industry.

When assassins threaten famous people, it only takes seconds for bodyguards to spring into action and offer protection a skill that Sunil Ram, a veteran personal protection specialist, says only comes with training.

Ram is the owner of the Huntsville, Ont.-based Executive Security Services International (ESSI) and has worked in the personal protection industry for 21 years. He shares his perspective of the personal protection business in an interview with Access Control & Security Systems. More information on ESSI can be found at http://www.essi.cjb.net/.

WHAT TYPE OF protection services do you offer? Our specialists protect executives, celebrities, entertainers, athletes, doctors, lawyers, abused women and witnesses. We provide our services to clients around the globe, and currently, we have 20 on-call security specialists.


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