Feral Jundi

Sunday, October 18, 2009

History: Contractors During the Indian Wars of 1864 – 1866

Filed under: History — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 12:46 PM

“These are perilous times, Mr. Holladay, all over our country; my anxiety is great. We have no soldiers to spare, but I will do all in my power… You will be reimbursed for all loses and damages; like all patriotic men, you must trust to the honor of our government.” -President Lincoln in reply to Ben Holladay’s urgent plee for help, in regards to keeping the routes west open and running, despite indian attacks (Chapter 13, Stagecoaches by John A Sells).


   Who here has an American Express card, or has an account with Wells Fargo?  Have you ever wondered about the history of these two institutions?  Well guess what, these institutions, along with the Pinkertons, have some interesting history.  They were operationally speaking, equal to today’s companies like Armor Group, Blackwater, Triple Canopy, Dyncorp and any number of other PMC’s or PSC’s that are conducting convoy or PSD operations for clients in today’s wars. These companies were among the many companies performing convoy and PSD operations during the Indian wars of 1864-1866.  And it wasn’t just these years, it was during all of the years during the expansion out west.

   The point is, it took armed contractors with the guts to say ‘I will transport you or your goods to where they are needed’, no matter how dangerous.

   And especially during the Civil War. Troops were short during that time, and armed contractors were especially important during these times. Things were very dangerous, and Indian attacks, bad weather, terrain, and bandits were all contributors to that danger.  Sound familiar?

   I have posted several stories below, but the first one is the most important.  I would like for the reader to go through this story, and replace Smoky Hill Route with Route Tampa in Iraq.  Or replace the Butterfield Overland company with Armor Group (AG transported many folks on the dangerous roads in Iraq). The Indians would be the insurgency.  The reporter writing the story, of course would be an embed traveling with Armor Group on Route Tampa.  You get the idea.

   Finally, what I want the reader to come away with on this, is that the expansion into the west was of vital national interest.  Gold and natural resources were necessary to fund the Civil War and for the growth of the US.  It was in our best interest to keep pumping folks out west, and that is clearly evident with Lincoln’s reply to Ben Holladay in the quote up top. Contractors are what made that happen, and the importance of contractors and private industry in regards to supplying the war effort or expanding control throughout the west, is the history that no one talks about.

   It is history that was always there, and it is very interesting to apply today’s definition of what we do, to what we did back in the day.

   By now, you are starting to see the theme here.  From Privateers winning  the sea war during the Revolutionary War, to the Marines at the shores of Tripoli using mercenaries, to the Pinkertons protecting Lincoln, to contractors being essential to the expansion into the West, we are an important part of US history.  And I will continue to point that out in future posts. –Matt


Legends of America-Butterfield

One of Butterfield’s stagecoaches.

A Journey to Denver via the Butterfield Overland Dispatch

New York Times

December 26, 1865

Smoky Hill Springs, Kansas, Saturday, November 25, 1865 –

 In my last epistle, I gave an account of the murder of several persons along the Smoky Hill route, and depredations of various kinds by a band of Indians, supposed to be Cheyennes, under the lead of one of their chiefs rejoicing in the soubriquet of “Fast Bear.” We, that is the Butterfield Overland Dispatch coach, containing General Brewster and several passengers, left Chalk Bluff Station with an escort of cavalry on the 23rd, arriving without adventure at Monument Station the same evening. At Monument there is a military post, so we considered our case a safe one.

A large wagon train with an escort of Infantry was also at this point en route for Pond Creek, a military post some twenty-five miles west of our present position.

We left Monument yesterday morning to continue our journey to Denver, accompanied by an ambulance, in which was Surgeon N.L. Whipple, who had been to Chalk Bluff to care for the soldiers wounded at that place in repelling an attack made by Indians a few days since.

Colonel Tamblyn seemed to think that there was so little danger that we felt very safe with an escort of eight men, three in the ambulance with the doctor, and five mounted men riding in advance of the coach.

We saw no sign of the presence of Indians during the morning, and had nearly reached the station when the ambulance driver took a short cut which did not pass the station, but joined the main road a mile beyond it.

When within fifteen hundred yards of the station, Mr. Davis, of Harper’s Weekly, discovered that a squad of Indians were charging down on us. He at once gave the alarm and opened on the redskins with his Ballard rifle, which performance was immediately initiated by General Brewster, Mr. Hasbrock and Your Own, Mr. Perrin doing duty his revolver from the outside of the coach.

As were all armed with Ballard guns, we drove the party off quite as fast as they came, two of them bearing tokens of our regard in the shape of curiously shaped cones of lead.

The driver of our coach was not wanting in pluck but quickly drove his team to the station.

We left the coach at once, and discovered that another party of Indians had rushed in among the horses and mules that were grazing near, stampeding them.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cool Stuff: The Dillon Aero M 134 Gatling Gun, Mounted in a Suburban

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Video,Weapons — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 2:13 PM

Al Qaeda: AQ’s Guerilla Chief Ilyas Kashmiri Lays Out Strategy in Interview

Filed under: Al Qaeda,Pakistan,Strategy — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 1:02 PM

“Within just months of arriving in the Afghan war theater in 2005, Kashmiri redefined the Taliban-led insurgency based on legendary Vietnamese General Vo Nguyen Giap’s three-pronged guerrilla warfare strategy. For the Taliban, the main emphasis was to be placed on cutting NATO’s supply lines from all four sides of Afghanistan, and carrying out special operations similar to the Mumbai attack in Afghanistan.”

“Afghanistan is a unique place in the world where the hunter has all sorts of traps to choose from.”

“Wolves only respect a lion’s iron slap; lions do not impress with the logic of a sheep, Ilyas said.”


   Doug sent me this, and I found this to be a fascinating interview.  The things I keyed into, are the quotes up top.  That, and what Kashmiri did not say.  Meaning, this guy has some serious plans, and he is a pro.  In terms of strategy and guerilla war fighting, this guy has the goods. He also mentions General Giap as an influence, but really, that is just a propaganda ploy.  His real influence, is the very thing that influenced General Giap, and that is Mao Tse-Tung.

   Mao-Tse Tung’s three phases of revolutionary war, are what Giap and Kashmiri are talking about.  Although what Giap did, and what other guerilla leaders have done in their wars, is to take a winning strategy like the three phases of revolutionary war, and soup it up to meet the needs of their war.

   Basically copy what works, gain experience practicing that strategy on the battlefield, seek continuous improvement, and introduce an edge that will put you ahead of an enemy who is also briefed on or practicing the same type of strategy.  It all goes back to being a better learning organization than your enemy, having the flexibility to apply those lessons faster than your enemy, and applying OODA to your fight. The OODA part is very important, because both the enemy and you have access to the same history, lessons learned and military strategies thanks to today’s technologies and open source material.

    Meaning, we have to assume that Kashmiri knows about Sun Tzu, Col. John Boyd, Mao Tse-Tung, Clausewitz etc., and our OODA must reflect that reality. (if our military strategists in this war have not come to this conclusion yet, you are idiots) More importantly, Kashmiri is learning from our experience in Vietnam, and studying how that war’s guerilla fighters operated.

   The propaganda angle is clear as well.  Kashmiri is trying to give the impression that AQ is the new Vietcong.  That, and that the US is fighting another Vietnam war in Afghanistan.

   Here is another point.  If Kashmiri is building off of the Mao Tse Tung 3 Phases of Revolutionary war, then our counter insurgency strategy should take the position of isolating Al Qaeda from being able to accomplish all three phases. Or on a grand strategy level (because we fight AQ all over the place), is that we isolate the enemy morally/mentally/physically from the population centers they choose to prey upon, and at the same time, we increase our standing with the various populations–morally/mentally/physically.

   To make it really simple, for each phase below, we must always ask ourselves, who is doing a better job at each phase?If we can’t say we are doing well at any of these phases, then our learning organizations must be focused on coming up with a better way, and our warfighting and diplomacy machines should have the flexibility to apply these new lessons to win the fight.  The small and agile guerilla has the advantage when it comes to this kind of flexibility, and large organizations will always run into the problem of being able to adapt and flex. Find what works, gain experience practicing it, apply Kaizen to making it better, and find an innovation or ‘edge’ that will put you ahead of the game to defeat the enemy.

   One final thing.  What makes Ilyas Kashmiri especially dangerous, is that he used to be a hero to the Pakistani military.  He killed Indians well, and had a knack for taking out leaders.  Kashmiri also knows the US strategy in war, because he was a fighter during the Soviet occupation in Afghanistan, and more than likely we trained the guy.  Or at least gave him some weapons and taught him how to use them (he was a mine or IED expert by the way–go figure).  This guy is a smart and experienced guerilla fighter, who is certainly a danger to Pakistan and the war effort in Afghanistan.  That is why he is AQ’s top guerilla commander.

    Happy hunting, and this guy would be a great trophy up on the wall! Did I mention he has a bounty on his head worth about 600,000 dollars?-Matt


Three Phases of Revolutionary Warfare

Phase 1 : Organizational and political mobilization. The emphasis is on creating an underground network and infrastructure in the rural area. Although a defensive stage,

occasional acts of low level guerrilla warfare may occur. It is, however, primarily a period of education and indoctrination.

Phase 2: There is an increase in guerrilla activity, to the point where the insurgents have gained control of the rural areas and surrounding countryside. Major base camps are established. Regional forces emerge. Occasional acts of mobile warfare are conducted, some of which, particularly in the latter portion of this phase, may consist of a relatively large attacking force.

Phase 3: This is the strategic offensive stage; large-scale conventional warfare attacks are conducted by the combined forces and a general uprising of the people occurs. –Mao Tse-Tung


Al-Qaeda’s guerrilla chief lays out strategy

Oct 15, 2009


By Syed Saleem Shahzad

ANGORADA, South Waziristan, at the crossroads with Afghanistan – A high-level meeting on October 9 at the presidential palace between Pakistan’s civil and military leaders endorsed a military operation against the Pakistani Taliban and al-Qaeda in the South Waziristan tribal area – termed by analysts as the mother of all regional conflicts.

At the same time, al-Qaeda is implementing its game plan in the South Asian war theater as a part of its broader campaign against American global hegemony that began with the attacks in the United States of September 11, 2001.

Al-Qaeda’s target remains the United States and its allies, such as Europe, Israel and India, and it does not envisage diluting this

strategy by embracing Muslim resistances on narrow parameters. In this context, militant activity in Pakistan is seen as a complexity rather than as a part of al-Qaeda’s strategy.

Militants have been particularly active over the past few days. Last Thursday, a car loaded with explosives rammed into the compound wall of the Indian Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital, killing at least 17 people. Then on Saturday, militants staged an audacious attack on the the Pakistani military headquarters in Rawalpindi, the twin city of the capital, Islamabad. On Monday, a suicide bomber detonated a bomb in market town in the Swat Valley region, killing 41 people and injuring 45 others.

Pakistan is at critical juncture, with the armed forces gathered in their largest-ever numbers (almost a corps, as many as 60,000 troops) around South Waziristan to flush out the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Taliban (PTT), al-Qaeda and their allies from the Pakistani tribal areas.


Pakistan: The Long War Journal–Pakistan Launches South Waziristan Operation

Filed under: Pakistan — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 11:42 AM

   I wanted to post Bill’s running commentary on the whole thing, because he ‘builds the snowmobiles’ out of all of this information.  He is also a war maven, and I highly recommend following the Long War Journal with Google Reader or similar.

   Now on to this operation.  This could be bloody for the Pakistanis. But this operation will certainly kill a few rats.  More than likely many of these rats will scatter into other areas, but at least they won’t be able to call South Waziristan a ‘safe haven’.  Which is good.  The enemy should not have a comfortable winter hide out anywhere in Pakistan, and anything that keeps them on their toes and moving around is good.

    I do know that operations like this are awesome opportunities for UAV operators and SIGINT folks. The more you can get the enemy off balance by moving him around and talking up a storm on  cell phones or with messengers, the more opportunities we have for mistakes to happen.  Especially when guys are fearful for their lives and desperate for support. So I am hoping this operation turns into a bonanza of intel for everyone.  So go get those ‘miscreants’!!! –Matt


The Long War Journal: Pakistan launches South Waziristan operation

Written by Bill Roggio

October 17, 2009

The Pakistani military has launched its much anticipated ground assault into the Taliban stronghold of South Waziristan.

“The army has launched an operation after receiving orders from the government,” Major General Athar Abbas, the top military spokesman, told AFP. “The operation was launched early in the morning. Both air and ground troops are taking part.”

Infantry and armored columns have begun the advance into the Taliban controlled regions of Lahda, Makeen, and Sararogha in South Waziristan, where forces under the control of Hakeemullah and Waliur Rehman Mehsuh.

Large columns of troops have been reported to be moving south from Ramzak, northeast from Wana and Shakai, and northwest from Jandola. Army units are being backed by helicopter gunships and fighter-bombers.

The operation will focus on the eastern areas in South Waziristan that host Hakeemullah Mehsud’s Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. Other powerful Taliban leaders such as Hafiz Gul Bahadar, Mullah Nazir, and Siraj Haqqani will not be targeted.


Jobs: Personal Protection Specialists and Detail Leaders, OCONUS

   So here it is.  I posted the story recently that CSS Alliance/Global just picked up a contract in Somalia for protection work, and I am speculating that these are the job announcements for said contract.  Of course they do not mention Somalia in the ad, but I should note that these were not flying when I posted the story. Hmmm?

    Either way, go to their website and throw in an application.  You never know, and if you do end up in Somalia, good luck and let us know how it goes. By the way, I am not the POC or recruiter for this, so do not send me your resume. –Matt



Personal Protection Specialist (PPS)

Job ID: 2009-1051

# Positions:

Location: US-MI-Ada

Experience (Years): 2

Category: Protection


CSS Global (CSSG) is responsible for contracting services such as personal security, convoy security, guard services, training, construction of facilities, and operations and maintenance of facilitites. These services require management, operators, and support personnel. These positions are designed to fulfill requirements located outside the US.


The Personal Protection Specialist will perform Protective Security Detail (PSD) duties as directed by the Detail Leader. The PPS will perform day-to-day protective functions as specified in detail orders. The PPS will also be responsible for providing protective coverage of designated protectees during motorcade, walking, and static security operaions.


Level 2 – English Proficiency

Two (2) years of Protective Security Detail experience

Four (4) years of military, law enforcement, or professional security experience

Possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to communicate solutions effectively to both technical and non-technical audiences

Ability to function effectively in adverse situations

Apply here.


Detail Leader (DL)

Job ID: 2009-1049

# Positions:

Location: US-MI-Ada

Experience (Years): 7

Category: Protection

More information about this job:   Overview:

CSS Global (CSSG) is responsible for contracting services such as personal security, convoy security, guard services, training, construction of facilities, and operations and maintenance of facilitites. These services require management, operators, and support personnel. These positions are designed to fulfill requirements located outside the US.


The Detail Leader will be coordinate daily operations of protective security detail, convoy security, and professional guard force personnel under his/her command. The DL will be responsible for all aspects of organizing, managing, supervising, and scheduling of personal security detachments, convoy security, and guard force security operations. The DL will ensure that all protection teams are properly trained, equipped, briefed, and mentally and physically prepared for every operation. The DL will also conduct daily operational and intelligence briefs, and attend required site meetings. The DL reports directly to the In-Country Project Manager.


Must be US Citizen

Level 3 – English Proficiency

Seven (7) years of generalized security/protection experience; at least two (2) of these years must have been in a supervisory position

Bachelor’s Degree preferable

Experience in planning, coordinating, and supervising protection/security operations

Experience in development of operational plans and procedures

Possess excellent leadership skills

Possess excellent written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to communicate solutions effectively to both technical and non-technical audiences

Capable of solving complex problems

Ability to function effectively in adverse situations

Must be able to obtain a security clearance

Apply here.

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