Feral Jundi

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Industry Talk: Pentagon To Track Assault Of Contractor Employees

Filed under: Industry Talk — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Matt @ 12:27 PM

   Excellent, but my question is what took you guys so long?  This war has been cranking along for over 8 years now, and  the government is finally tracking this stuff or caring? And what about tracking contractor deaths, or do you guys care about that? The machine of progress in government can be mind numbingly slow or even absent. I guess we should be thankful for whatever they can accomplish, but how long does it really take to apply some common sense policies? pffffft

   The next step though, is to actually act on that information that you get.  What will really impress me, is if the government gives the same attention, to third country nationals working for us, as they do to expats.  When a Ugandan guard is raped, or some Filipina working at the DEFAC is assaulted, is the DoD going to care about that and hold companies accountable for how they handle those incidents? Or do we only care about U.S. contractors? I guess local nationals would fall under the laws of their country, but is there any responsibility to report that stuff too?

    Who knows, and maybe we do track and care about all of these folks.  It would be the least we could do for the service that all of these contractors have given to the war effort. –Matt


Pentagon to track assault of contractor employees

By KIMBERLY HEFLINGFriday, February 12, 2010

WASHINGTON — The sexual assault of employees of U.S. military contractors working in Iraq and Afghanistan will be tracked by the Pentagon under a system it is setting up.

The tracking will likely begin this year, Defense official Gail McGinn said in a memo to the Pentagon’s Inspector General included in a report released Friday.

The IG evaluation was initiated by a request from congressional members concerned that not enough protections were offered to U.S. contracting employees assaulted in the war zones. One of the most high profile cases was that of a Texas woman, J. L. Jones. Jones has sued Halliburton Co. and its former subsidiary KBR, saying she was gang raped while working for KBR in Iraq in 2005.

The IG also recommended the Pentagon develop plans to provide immediate help following assaults on contractor employees, which McGinn also said the Pentagon was developing plans to do.

The IG noted it found anecdotal evidence that contractors who reported being assaulted received medical and other assistance from military personnel.


Books: Author And Contractor– David A. Johnson

   For the record, I have not read any of his books, but I am definitely intrigued.  It’s not so often that you find guys in this industry that are current contractors, and authors of several books.  If any of the readership has anything to say about his stuff, I am all ears. They certainly sound interesting. Check it out, and you can buy his books through his website. –Matt


David A. Johnson.

Thanks for stopping by:

As a private military contractor I have traveled and worked all around Latin America and West Africa. I currently fly for the Department of Defense, but in the past I’ve worked for other government agencies and  multi-national oil companies.

However, my real passion is writing. In 2003 I wrote a short book on how to get a job as a military contractor. In 2007 I finished my first novel, Arauca. By 2009 I finished my second novel, Asgaard.

Both novels feature characters that work as private military contractors. These characters interact in political settings taken from tomorrow’s news. Arauca is based in Colombia, and Asgaard takes place in the Congo.

My third novel should be finished in 2010.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Military News: U.S. Marines Launch Major Offensive Into Marja, Afghanistan

Filed under: Afghanistan,Military News — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 3:19 PM

   Big news, and a big operation.  The biggest since the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, and I really hope the devil dogs tear apart the Taliban in Marja. Go get ’em!! –Matt


U.S. Marines launch major offensive in Afghanistan

By Rajiv Chandrasekaran

February 12, 2010

CAMP LEATHERNECK, AFGHANISTAN — Thousands of U.S. Marines and Afghan soldiers traveling in helicopters and mine-resistant vehicles began punching into a key Taliban stronghold in southern Afghanistan early Saturday, as one of the largest operations to assert government control over this country got underway.

The first wave of Marines and Afghan soldiers swooped into the farming community of Marja at about 2 a.m. Saturday local time (4:30 p.m. Eastern), their CH-53 Super Stallion transport helicopters landing amid clouds of dust on fallow fields. As the troops, weighed down with ammunition and supplies, lumbered out and set up defensive positions, AV-8B Harrier fighter jets and AH-1 Cobra attack helicopters circled overhead in the moonless sky.

Subsequent waves of troops were expected to alight in other parts of Marja in the hours before dawn. At sunrise, hundreds more Marines and Afghan soldiers plan to enter Marja by land, using mobile bridges to ford irrigation canals — built by U.S. engineers 50 years ago — that have served as defensive moats for the Taliban. Heavily armored mine-sweeping trucks and specially outfitted tanks will try to carve a path through a belt of makeshift bombs buried around the town.


Government Work: TSA To Give 10,000 Workers Clearances

   Well, there you have it guys and gals.  If you wanted to get a clearance, you can now get one through the mighty TSA. lol Interesting move, and I am wondering what this will buy them?  I mean did they not get briefed on threats before this latest move, or is this just a push to try and weed out some bad seeds? If it is, then TSA will soon find out that they will lose many employees.  Which is good, but what is also equally important is the leadership out in the field and giving your employees good training and guidance. I would also focus on customer service and satisfaction, and it seems government just does a terrible job in this department. Clearances will not make up for poor performance or worse yet, loose lips.  Because now this will be 10,000 individuals who have to be depended upon to watch what they say and do, all because they now have access to sensitive information. –Matt


Sir, is this your foot?

TSA to Clear 10,000 Workers for Access to Classified Intelligence

February 12, 2010

The Transportation Security Administration plans to clear 10,000 workers for access to secret intelligence, Fox News has learned.

The move comes as a slew of security agencies try to improve intelligence-sharing in the wake of the attempted Christmas Day bombing. However, a TSA spokesman told Fox News that the plan to give thousands of workers security clearance was developed in July 2008, and that the background checks started one year ago.


Bounties: $5,000,000 For Wanted War Criminal Felicien Kabuga, Reported To Be In Kenya

Filed under: Africa,Bounties,Kenya — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 2:07 PM

   Man, will someone grab this guy?  There are still a whole slew of these war criminals still floating around from the Rwandan genocide days, and they all have bounties too.  Hopefully any of my African readers will jump on this, and I will be crossing my fingers for you. This would also be a good one for the Bounty Hunter Mobile App. if it existed. Good luck and happy hunting guys and gals.  –Matt


Alleged Rwandan genocide financier still in Kenya: US

February 09, 2010

ARUSHA — The alleged financier of the Rwandan genocide, Felicien Kabuga, is still in Kenya, notwithstanding government declarations to the contrary, US diplomat Stephen Rapp said Tuesday on a visit to Arusha.

“I’m going to Nairobi tomorrow to talk to the Kenyan authorities about the arrest of Kabuga, who is still in Kenya,” Rapp, US extraordinary ambassador on war crimes, told AFP during a visit to the Tanzanian city of Arusha.

“We have intelligence indicating Kabuga is in Kenya,” said Rapp, who made the same claim late last year.

Rapp on Tuesday discussed the same issue with officials of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), which is based in Arusha, including tribunal president Dennis Byron and prosecutor Hassan Bubacar Jallow.

Kabuga is the most wanted of 11 genocide suspects sought by the ICTR and still on the run. The United States has placed a five-million-dollar bounty on his head.


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