Feral Jundi

Friday, February 12, 2010

Funny Stuff: Army Of Two World Tour!

Filed under: Funny Stuff,Games,Video — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 11:40 AM

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Industry Talk: Seattle Authorities To Review Security Rules After Transit Beating

   First off, I know these guys were limited by the terms of their contract. But to me, this would have been a scenario where violating those terms of the contract could have saved this victim from being beaten. Common sense and basic human compassion should have been applied to this situation.  I know most guys on the high end of security contracting, would have stepped in regardless, because that would have been the right thing to do. For the lesser paid, and minimally trained folks who the company really doesn’t care about anyway, then scenarios like this are going to happen. This just happened to be filmed.

   From a pragmatic point of view, the guards did exactly what they were supposed to do.  If anything, I think Metro’s policy is what is really at fault here, because they hired and trained these folks to just be observers, and that is it.  The policy has put these guards into a terrible position, and it is something to think about for us all. Especially after incidents, where organization create knee-jerk reactionary policies and make asinine rules that are supposed to somehow make it impossible for another incident to ever happen again. pffft. For all we know, this ‘just observe’ policy was created as a less than lethal, cheap, and less liability option, as opposed to hiring armed guards who know what they are doing.  Who knows, but now that the film is out, and the public has outraged, here we go….

   With that said, if you are with a company who has set up policies within the contract that do not meet the realities of what is going on out in the field, then either you need to demand a re-thinking of the contract/policies or leave. While on post, you should be going through your head, every ‘what-if’ situation you can, and game that situation.  If you are severely limited by your current policies, and your life or the lives of innocents are impacted negatively by those policies, then you need to say something. Of course be tactful, but still, it needs to be brought up and a supervisor needs to know about it. How else is it to be changed?

    Another example, is these unarmed contracts for ship security in the Gulf of Aden?  We know pirates attack boats using all the weapons of warfare, yet there are those in the industry that continue to promote this concept that you can defeat those tools of warfare with less than lethal options.  It does not work.  An RPG trumps a water cannon, every time.  AK 47’s trump LRAD sound machines, every time. And when we watch entire security teams jumping over the side of boats in order to escape the wrath of an attacker, all because they were not able to defend the boat with their less than lethal tools, then what was the purpose in the first place for hiring these guys?  The same rule applies to this deal in Seattle.

    The other point I want to make is the money and liability of security these days.  Thanks to a violence averse and litigation happy society, private security has been weakened in many places throughout the world.  There must be a recognition for the fact that security is a human endeavor, and sometimes it is not perfect.  How could it be? Contracts should reflect this, and they should have protections for the guards so they can actually do their job.

   Or that companies continue to play the odds, and think they can ‘do without’ just fine, and luck will be on the side of their ineffectual and low cost guards following weak policies. Pffft.  Criminals and terrorists are laughing at us.

    We also have criminal and terrorist type elements who know how to exploit this stuff. The obvious angle, is the kinetic one–just use a gun and you have now put the fear of god in that unarmed, minimally trained, low paid guard. That equates to those thugs doing whatever they want. Criminals or terrorists could also make a film of these pathetic guards, throw it up on youtube, and the thing makes the rounds across the world. If their intention was to show some weakness of a security apparatus or destroy the legitimacy of a state’s institutions through propaganda, well then they just accomplished that task.

     Since everyone has camera phones now, this reality becomes very sobering to think about.  As security professionals, we need to think how our actions will look to the public or innocents, if in fact we were filmed. Of course there will always be someone who will film it, edit it, and try to take it out of context.  But still, we have to be focused on doing the right thing out there. That is another reason why I like the Jundism concept of ‘be the guy that does it right, when no one is looking’. Let me know what you think. –Matt


Seattle authorities to review security rules after transit beating

February 11, 2010

Seattle, Washington (CNN) — Video of unarmed transit guards watching a girl being beaten on a bus tunnel platform has prompted Seattle authorities to review guidelines that kept the guards from intervening.

“Public safety is our top priority. I am appalled by the sight of uniformed guards standing by while a person was kicked and beaten,” King County Executive Dow Constantine said in a statement released Wednesday.

“I have ordered a full review of all operating polices that govern Metro’s contract with civilian security guards to determine what changes must be made. People have an expectation of safety when riding public transit, and we must take every measure we can to assure that.”


Call To Action: The Great Guns and Coffee Movement Of 2010

   Now this is funny.  The goal here is to create a counter movement to the anti-gun lobby and the latest Brady* move about forcing Starbucks to kick out gun carrying customers that frequent their shops.  Hopefully this movement will force Starbucks to take a courageous stand in support of the Second Amendment, and not cave into these dorks.

   Also, if you want to show your support for the movement, put the Avatar up on your forum or social network page if you want, or sign the petition below.  Super simple, and super fun. It is also free.  You can also purchase a morale patch or t-shirt from some of the various vendors that will be offering those things in the near future. Stand by for that.

   The other angle on this movement, is that the logo for the anti-gun lobby was designed to bring in anti-gun supporters for the movement.  In my opinion, the logo they created will do the exact opposite. As you can see below, several folks have already modified and played around with the thing. lol  I envision morale patches and t-shirts being made that are all modified to show their support for Guns and Coffee pro-gun movement.  We will see, and this will be a fun little movement if we can get it moving.  Thanks to the folks at Lightfighter and ITS for bringing this to the limelight. –Matt

*I do not link to the anti-gun lobby, or post any of their drivel because that only helps them. Follow the links below or use a Google Search to find out more if you want.  My intention is to promote the Second Amendment here. 

Edit: 3/6/2010 -You can now buy the patches here.  They look pretty sharp as well.


Sign petition here.

Facebook page for group here.

Discussion about the topic here at Lightfighter.

Discussion about Guns and Coffee here at ITS blog.

Discussion about making and ordering patches here.

Avatar for Guns and Coffee:


Avatar for G and C


Full size for Guns and Coffee here.


Guns and Coffee


Full size happy Guns and Coffee here.


Happy G and C



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Iraq: Iraq Orders Former Blackwater Security Guards Out

     It applies to about 250 security contractors who worked for Blackwater in Iraq at the time of the incident, Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani told The Associated Press.

     Some of the guards now work for other security firms in Iraq, while others work for a Blackwater subsidiary, al-Bolani said. He said all “concerned parties” were notified of the order three days ago and now have four days left before they must leave. He did not name the companies.  


   Interesting development, and I am not too sure how they plan on finding these ‘250’ folks from that time period.  It would take some highly unethical methods, and if you are a former BW guy over there, definitely watch yourself. On the up side, Iraq is winding down, and Afghanistan is the place to be these days.

   What is most concerning with this, is where is the US government on this? It seems to me that the highly political persecution of the Blackwater Five, has increased now to the Blackwater 250. This list of 250 men served the US Government and put their lives on the line in the process.  Some did not make it back alive, and others came back with missing limbs and other wounds.  Where is the gratitude, thanks or support for what these men did during such a dangerous time in Iraq?  Because to me, it is a crying shame that the government does not have the courage to stand up for those who definitely put it all on the line for them. Especially when most of these Blackwater 250 were US citizens and veterans of the war when they were in the military, or officers in law enforcement agencies.

   As for legal action, I am just not sure how you could approach it.  I don’t know if the non-disclosure agreements are a two way, and I wonder if any of the legal eagles out there have anything to say about this.  I would like to think that companies would not succumb to this kind of deal, but if they did, is there any legal recourse? I am just thinking out loud and throwing some hypotheticals with this.  Or maybe it isn’t worth the effort, and just move on. Stuff to think about and we will see how this goes. –Matt


Iraq orders former Blackwater security guards out

By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRAWednesday, February 10, 2010

BAGHDAD — Iraq has ordered hundreds of private security guards linked to Blackwater Worldwide to leave the country within seven days or face possible arrest on visa violations, the interior minister said Wednesday.

The order comes in the wake of a U.S. judge’s dismissal of criminal charges against five Blackwater guards who were accused in the September 2007 shooting deaths of 17 Iraqis in Baghdad.

It applies to about 250 security contractors who worked for Blackwater in Iraq at the time of the incident, Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani told The Associated Press.

Some of the guards now work for other security firms in Iraq, while others work for a Blackwater subsidiary, al-Bolani said. He said all “concerned parties” were notified of the order three days ago and now have four days left before they must leave. He did not name the companies.

Blackwater security contractors were protecting U.S. diplomats when the guards opened fire in Nisoor Square, a busy Baghdad intersection, on Sept. 16, 2007. Seventeen people were killed, including women and children, in a shooting that inflamed anti-American sentiment in Iraq.


Cool Stuff: Some New Affiliates For Feral Jundi

    I am excited about these new additions to FJ and I hope these widgets can be of use to the readership.  I have signed up with a couple of affiliate programs out there that I think would be appropriate for the blog and please feel free to check them out at your leisure.

    The way they work is that FJ gets a small percentage of the sales of equipment and such, every time someone goes to these online stores from this site and buys something.  So if you are going overseas, and need to buy some kit, these are some options for you to check out in your research.  For example, US Cavalry has an excellent price on my favorite pair of Woolrich Elite LWO pants that I wear, and I plan on purchasing through their site to get some more. Not to mention the fact that I can access their coupon codes (5% Off Any Order of $49 or More w/ Code PJUSC5 at Checkout!) and (Receive 10% Off Any Order of $99 or More at U.S. Cavalry w/ Code PJUSC10 at Checkout!) and throw it out there for you guys to use. Also check out the cool FBI most wanted widget I put on the side.

    I will be adding some more widgets in the near future, and we will see how they do.  On that note, I will probably be removing some stuff as well, just to clean up the place a little. Kaizen all the way. –Matt

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