Feral Jundi

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cool Stuff: The Control Risks CEO Blog

     Now this is what I like to see!  The smart company is one that can apply effective strategic communications to their specific market.  This is just one tool that can help you to achieve that kind of communications.

     It is also a way for companies to correct the record or express views on a constantly changing market and world. From business owners/bloggers like Tim Lynch of Free Range International to CEO Eeben Barlow of Executive Outcomes fame, blogs are an excellent tool for both that individual to set the record straight or to attract new business for whatever projects they are working on.

     This simple act also gives potential clients and researchers information that will further help them to make better choices or to create more factual publications/articles. Bravo to Control Risks and CEO Richard Fenning for setting this up and this blog is definitely on my Google RSS Reader. –Matt

Hello and welcome to my blog

December 8, 2010

By Richard Fenning

The aim of this blog is to provide you with an informed perspective, as well as personal observations, on the complex and dynamic challenges faced by ambitious organisations operating on a global stage fraught with risk.

This first blog outlines some of the key global trends that will characterise 2011 and beyond. Urbanisation and mega-cities, the worldwide enforcement of anti-corruption legislation and the dominance of China will all have an impact on global business in the year ahead.

It is easy to feel a sense of weariness when contemplating all these challenges. In part, with good reason; the world can seem perilous and increasingly fragile. And at Control Risks, it can be all too easy to see the world through an excessively risk–shaped prism. Like doctors who think the world is full of sick people, and dentists who must feel that there is nothing else to life than crumbling molars, we encounter some of the most hazardous predicaments on a daily basis. So, in this blog I hope to demonstrate that as well as complexity and hostility, our world is more full of opportunity, and occasional bursts of optimism, than ever before in the planet’s history.

Control Risks CEO Bio

Richard Fenning is the Chief Executive Officer of Control Risks. Before becoming CEO, Richard held a number of other roles with Control Risks including Chief Operating Officer, head of the New York office and Business Development Director. He is a regular speaker on how geo-political risk can impact a company’s operations and on the role of the private sector in fragile and post-conflict states. Richard is also a director of emergency medical relief charity, Merlin.

Link to blog here.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kidnap And Ransom: As Kidnappings For Ransom Surge In Mexico, Victim’s Families And Employers Turn To Private US Firms Instead Of Law Enforcement

     This story brought up an interesting thought about K and R that was new to me. I didn’t know that there was no requirements for private K and R companies to report their activities, thus denying law enforcement agencies valuable information for their cases. The kind of information that can help create matrixes, fill databases, and determine patterns for future cases.

    Perhaps instead of blaming private industry for not self organizing here the various law enforcement agencies out there can try to bring everyone under one tent and figure out a way to get that information? (or expand a current program?)  Something like an online reporting system that only certified and licensed companies can participate in and contribute. That way, law enforcement and private industry can tap into the same databases, and both can contribute to that database.  Who knows, but there has to be some kind of a way to create a safe and secure way for information exchange here?

    Although the other side of the coin here is that private industry worked hard to develop their cases and files, and those are worth money to them.  The more success they have in serving clients based on these files, the more money they make in the future through word of mouth and increased business. Today’s law enforcement agencies could probably learn a thing or two about how these companies work. Besides, if victim’s families want to use private industry versus the public’s law enforcement, then I think that is within their right.

     All in all though, both private and public entities can benefit from each other’s work and of course the ultimate benefactor would be those who were kidnapped and then rescued because of that collaboration. -Matt

As kidnappings for ransom surge in Mexico, victims’ families and employers turn to private U.S. firms instead of law enforcement

By Nick MiroffSaturday, February 26, 2011

IN CHULA VISTA, CALIF. As kidnappings soar in Mexico, U.S. companies and well-to-do Mexican families are turning to private American firms to rescue their loved ones and employees from brutal criminal gangs.

The U.S.-based companies that specialize in resolving kidnappings say they now handle far more cases in Mexico than anywhere else in the world. The companies claim near-perfect victim recovery rates, using former FBI and CIA agents as consultants and charging clients thousands of dollars a day for their services.

But because the abductions occur in Mexico, the American firms are not required to report their cases to U.S. law enforcement agencies, even though the companies and families involved are increasingly located in the United States.

As a result, the boom in cross-border extortion rackets is occurring almost entirely in the shadows, as families and businesses opt to hire private firms and the crimes go unreported in both countries.

The abysmally low level of public trust in Mexican police has driven demand for the private American firms. But U.S. federal and local law enforcement officials say the growth in ransom negotiation services diminishes their ability to gather essential data on the criminal networks.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Publications: Journal Of International Peace Operations, March-April 2011

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