Feral Jundi

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Legal News: Corporate Whistle Blower Center Reaches Out To Contractors

I like it. Anything that gets the companies to do the right thing is a good thing. So if the Corporate Whistle Blower Center can help contractors that have identified waste, fraud, and abuse in their companies, then I dig that. Especially if they can help those contractors get the reward that comes with reporting such abuse.

What I believe this organization is referring to when talking about a reward is the provisions within the False Claims Act. I mentioned this law as a primary driver on why AGNA settled in the case with James Gordon. Here is a quick summary of the Lincoln Law.

The False Claims Act (31 U.S.C. §§ 3729–3733, also called the “Lincoln Law”) is an American federal law that imposes liability on persons and companies (typically federal contractors) who defraud governmental programs. The law includes a “qui tam” provision that allows people who are not affiliated with the government to file actions on behalf of the government (informally called “whistleblowing”). Persons filing under the Act stand to receive a portion (usually about 15–25 percent) of any recovered damages. Claims under the law have typically involved health care, military, or other government spending programs. The government has recovered nearly $22 billion under the False Claims Act between 1987 (after the significant 1986 amendments) and 2008.

The other reason why there is more interest in these kinds of cases is that companies will be hurt in any bidding process for government contracts, if they are charged with False Claims or in litigation. It is the primary reason why AGNA settled, so that it would not stop them from pursuing contracts. Here is a link to the FAR 52.207-1 that details what I am talking about.  I also put that section up below this article.

Now just for clarification, I am not affiliated with this group, nor can I vouch for their effectiveness. They are just another option for contractors to use, and of course do your own research and put together a good strategy before getting into this stuff. –Matt


Corporate Whistle Blower Center Urges U.S. Contractor Employees in Afghanistan and Iraq to Step Forward for Huge Rewards if They Can Prove Massive Fraud
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Corporate Whistle Blower Center is urging employees of major U.S. federal contractors, or subcontractors, that have been defrauding the US taxpayer in Afghanistan, or Iraq to step forward, for what could be enormous rewards, provided they can prove it. An independent panel investigating wartime spending estimates that as much as $60 billion has been lost to waste and fraud over the past decade in Iraq and Afghanistan. In its final report to Congress, the Commission on Wartime Contracting said the figure could grow larger as U.S. support for reconstruction projects and programs wanes and Iraq and Afghanistan are unable to sustain the schools, medical clinics, roads and power plants already built with American tax dollars. The Corporate Whistle Blower Center says, “In actuality we are pretty sure in many cases the schools, power plants, or medical clinics were never completed, and in other instances we know federal subcontractors gouged the U.S. government, and the taxpayers on everything from over inflated fuel, or food prices, to pretty much you name it. As long as you can prove it, and the amount exceeds two million dollars, there can be huge rewards for this type of information, as long as its substantial proof, and credible. If you possess this type of information please call us at 866-714-6466, because we would welcome the chance to explain the federal whistleblower reward programs to you.”
September 06, 2011
The Corporate Whistle Blower Center is strongly encouraging employees of federal contractors, or their subcontractors, that were providing any type of service in Afghanistan, or Iraq to step forward, if they possess significant proof of overbilling, or defrauding the U.S. federal government, because the rewards can be enormous. The group says, “If a government type panel says the fraud is sixty billion dollars in Iraq, or Afghanistan, its probably more like a hundred billions dollars plus, and provided you have substantial proof, and the proof is easy to understand, and black, and white, the rewards can be huge.” The Corporate Whistle Blower Center says, “When it comes U.S. contractors, or subcontractors defrauding the U.S. taxpayer we think in some instances it could be in the tens, or hundreds of millions of dollars, and it runs the gamete from construction, or infrastructure projects, that were not properly done, or not done at all, to food, fuel, engineering services, to you name it. And, we are pretty sure there are hundreds, or thousands of individuals, who possess the proof it happened. To us this type of solid proof is like having a winning lotto ticket, and we’d like to explain how the U.S. Federal Whistleblower programs work.” For more information please contact the Corporate Whistle Blower Center anytime at 866-714-6466, or contact the group via its web site at http://CorporateWhistleBlowerCenter.Com
Simple rules for a whistleblower from the Corporate Whistle Blower Center:
•    Do not go to the government first, if you are a major whistleblower. The Corporate Whistle Blower Center says, “Major whistleblowers frequently go to the federal government thinking they will help. Its a huge mistake. Frequently government officials could care less, or they are incompetent.”
•    Do not go to the news media with your whistleblower information. Public revelation of a whistleblower’s information could destroy any prospect for a reward.
•    Do not try to force a government contractor, or corporation to come clean to the government about their wrong doing. The Corporate Whistle Blower Center says, “Fraud is so rampant among federal contractors, that any suggestion of exposure might result in an instant job termination, or harassment of the whistleblower. We say, come to us first, tell us what type of information you have, and if we think its sufficient, we will help find the right law firms, to assist in advancing your information.”
Any type of insider, or employee, who possesses significant proof of their employer, or a government contractor fleecing the federal government is encouraged to contact to Corporate Whistle Blower Center anytime at 866-714-6466, or they can contact the group via their web site here.


52.209-5  Certification Regarding Responsibility Matters.

As prescribed in 9.104-7(a), insert the following provision:

Certification Regarding Responsibility Matters (Apr 2010)

(a)(1) The Offeror certifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that—


War Art: Al Farrow– The Trigger Finger Of Santa Guerro, And Other Interesting Artwork

Filed under: War Art — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 12:34 PM

Hat tip to Mark over at Zenpundit. I am always on the lookout for interesting war related artwork, and I think this stuff definitely qualifies. Al Farrow has been doing these types of sculptures for awhile and they are very involved and intricate. As you can see, these sculptures are made out of bone, bullets, guns, artillery shells, etc., and Al explains where he is going with all of these pieces in the video below.

In his first exhibition in Washington, DC, Al Farrow presents welded metal sculptures of religious structures, which are composed entirely of gun parts, bullets, artillery shells, and human bone. The works form striking commentaries on the militarism embedded in the histories of the three major religions. Farrows Christian reliquaries (in a series ironically titled The Trigger Finger of Santo Guerro) and exact-scale replicas of a Jewish synagogue and a Moslem mosque are based on historical models for which Farrow assembles appropriated gun parts symbolically related to the three religions.

The plate is very unique and if you go to his website, you will see a bunch of different plates he made that have defense themes. Stuff like Men With Uzis, B2 Bomber, and Nuclear Submarines. lol

Also, if you check out that video you will see that the gallery is also displaying Shepard Fairey’s stuff (famous for the Obama campaign posters)

I also put up a couple pieces to give you an idea of the detail and intricacies of his stuff. Check it out. -Matt

Website for Al Farrow artwork here.


Trigger Finger of Santa Guerro (I), Gun Parts, Bullets, Steel, Glass, Bone, 25"h X 14"dia., Reliquaries Sculptures


Mother & Daughter / Mortar Launchers, Polyester Resin with Clay Filler and Paint, 11.5" diam X 4.5" deep, Mimbres Series Sculptures


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

History: Lawton’s Use Of Civilian Scouts Part 1– The Geronimo Campaign

Lawton’s official report dated September 9, 1886 sums up the actions of his unit and gives credit to a number of his troopers for their efforts. Geronimo gave Gatewood credit for his decision to surrender as Gatewood was well known to Geronimo, spoke some Apache, and was familiar with and honored their traditions and values. He acknowledged Lawton’s tenacity for wearing the Apaches down with constant pursuit. Geronimo and his followers had little or no time to rest or stay in one place. Completely worn out, the little band of Apaches returned to the U.S. with Lawton and officially surrendered to General Miles on September 4, 1886 at Skeleton Canyon, Arizona.-From wikipedia here.

This is ‘part one’ of a very intriguing aspect of history that historians have really never focused on. The Geronimo Campaign was arguably the equivalent to our modern day Usama Bin Laden manhunt. Hell, SEAL Team 6 even identified Geronimo as the call sign for UBL during the raid. In this story, Major General Henry Ware Lawton was a Captain at the time of the Geronimo manhunt, and I wanted to point out his use of contractors in this pursuit.

Geronimo was an incredible Apache warrior that killed many Mexicans and Americans in his guerrilla war and fight for survival. Geronimo was not only a skilled warrior, but his survival and evasion techniques are the stuff of legends. He epitomized what it meant to be an Apache Warrior and he is definitely a combatant that I have respect for.

In this post I wanted to take out the Feral Jundi filter and magnifying glass, and take a look at the contribution of contractors in these historical events. The Geronimo Campaign is as significant to US history, as the UBL manhunt, so it is cool to try to put that hunt into perspective and find some of the clues. I would also like to highlight the similarities between relentless pursuit and Lawton’s constant pursuit, and what it really takes to make that happen.

So what I found out is that civilian contractors did have a significant role in this manhunt. Tom Horn was the chief of scouts for this particular mission, and Captain Lawton highly depended upon Tom Horn and his ability to lead and manage the Indian Scouts under his watch.  These Indian Scouts were essential for reading the sign/spoor/tracks that Geronimo and his band left, and it was this scouting and tracking, along with relentless pursuit that tired out Geronimo and forced him and his group to give up.(Albert Sieber was another famous Chief of Scouts for General Cook who was in charge of Tom Horn. Al went with Cook into Mexico as well looking for Geronimo)

At sixteen, he (Tom Horn) headed to the American Southwest, where he was hired by the U.S. Cavalry as a civilian scout under Al Sieber and became involved in the Apache Wars and aided in the capture of warriors such as Geronimo. On January 11, 1886, Tom Horn was involved in an expedition into Mexican territory in the pursuit of Geronimo. During the operation, Horn’s camp was attacked by Mexican militia and he was wounded in the arm.Allegedly Horn killed his first man in a duel-a 2nd Lt in the Mexican Army. -From wikipedia.

If you read through this account below, you really get a feel for how dangerous and how tough this campaign was. These guys were also operating in Mexico, which had it’s own set of difficulties. It is also important to point out that food or logistics was crucial to keeping up the pace for this pursuit. And when food ran out, they had to hunt and subsist off of the land to keep up the hunt.

Of course Geronimo and his gang lived off the land, but they also did a lot of raiding of Mexican and American groups to get food, weapons, and anything else of value. Geronimo had some serious offense industry going on in order to survive and justify further war parties. But he was also heavily hunted by Mexico and the US and his Indian raiding parties took some hits.

Check out the story below and definitely click on the links to the history of Tom Horn. He is certainly a controversial figure in American history, but none the less, he and his Indian Scouts were a crucial element of the Geronimo Campaign, and to the Indian Wars as a whole. In part 2 of Lawton’s Use Of Civilian Scouts, I will delve into his creation of the Young Scouts during the Philippine-American War. –Matt


Lawton's Pursuit of Geronimo, Frederic Remington

Captain Lawton’s Campaign
as recounted by Captain Leonard Wood
As illustrating the character of the raiding done by these Apaches, I may mention the case of the Peck family. Their ranch was surrounded by Indians, the entire family was captured, and several of the farmhands were killed. The husband was tied up and compelled to witness indescribable tortures inflicted upon his wife until she died. The terrible ordeal rendered him temporarily insane, and as the Apaches, like most Indians, stand in great awe of an insane person, they set him free as soon as they discovered his mental condition; but otherwise he would never have been allowed to live. He was afterward found by his friends wandering about the place.
His daughter, who was about thirteen years old, was captured by the Indians and carried by them three hundred miles, hotly pursued by Captain Lawton’s command, when they met a party of Mexicans consisting of sixty or seventy men. The Mexicans fired a volley on the Indians, killing a woman and wounding the men who carried the little girl, thus enabling her to escape. This Indian’s horse was killed at the same time, thus making it impossible for him to follow the remainder of the party as they retreated, so he took to the rocks, and stood off the entire sixty or seventy Mexicans, killing seven of them, each of whom was shot through the head.
Our command had followed the outfit that had the little girl, and on the same day that this skirmish occurred with the Mexicans we had been able to get near enough to fire at them, but it was too late in the day to accomplish anything, and the next morning at daybreak we were again on their trail following as fast as possible, when our scouts came rushing back, saying they had met a large body of Mexican troops. Captain Lawton, Lieutenant Finley, and myself went on foot as rapidly as we could to try to overtake them but they were in full retreat and we had to follow them about six miles before we could catch them. As we approached, the whole party covered us with their rifles and seemed very much excited. They proved to be the very party who had recaptured the little girl, and they now delivered her over to Captain Lawton, who sent her back to the United States where she was taken in charge by friends.


Film: Non-Essential Personnel

Filed under: Film,Funny Stuff,Industry Talk — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 12:46 PM

There is a funny story on how I stumbled upon this series. I was at the project funding website called Kickstarter, and for fun I put ‘private military’ into their search engine to see what would come up. Low and behold, someone actually put together a project or comedy about the administrative side of a private military company. (I also looked up Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and all sorts of projects popped up for those.)

Now of course the folks that put together this series  really trumped up the PMC with tons of stereotypes, to include anything that would give it some corporate evilness. But what makes it funny is to watch the admin folks go through all of the ridiculous policies or deal with the leadership of the company, and this is something that many folks in multiple industries can identify with to include ours. It is what makes The Office so popular, and this show takes the viewer into the administrative world of a PMC. Check it out. –Matt


NON-ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL Episode 1: Corporate Solutions from grammar school on Vimeo.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Medical: Security Issues–A Top Five, By Angela Benedict

The other day Angela wrote me to ask about some of the issues that contractors are having to deal with in the war and at home. Stuff that get’s us into trouble on the job or with our personal lives. It’s a good list, and a good start. I am sure there are other issues we could talk about and hopefully this will get the mental juices flowing out there. A big thanks to Angela for putting this together.

I also forgot to give her one more area that really messes with guys, and that is the money issue. Sometimes people get into contracting against their wishes, all because they are desperate. You have scenarios where guys are extremely burned out on anything to do with the war or the military, but they have a family they need to feed and jobs are scarce at home.  So they begrudgingly get into contracting, and introduce this bitterness to the work place. They might not have any respect at all for contracting and the very basic guard duty jobs they are doing, and this attitude gets them in trouble with their co-workers and management.

The other reason why I like posting this stuff is that this gives those out there that are suffering, more tools and ideas on how to cope. Angela is the only one out there that has reached out to this community with a helping hand, and I think she is an awesome person for doing so. As a result, I send folks her way all the time.

I also get the hard emails now and then, and all I can do is listen and try to channel them to persons and places that can help. I definitely do not want to see another Danny Fitzsimons scenario where a contractor is suffering and yet they keep going after jobs to stay employed. But these are the guys that are walking time bombs in the contractor workplace. We need to find these contractors and help them before they hurt themselves or others.

Which by the way, and I mentioned this to Angela, I do not know what the suicide statistics are for contractors. I imagine there have been quite a few suicides, just because many contractors already come from a past filled with trauma–either as a cop or veteran of a war. But there are no studies at all about this area of contracting. If I were to speculate, the rates of suicide would be similar to that of the military or police. But this is just speculation….

I am also interested in all and anything that will help to create mental resiliency for war zone work. Because we all deal with some kind of personal demon or issue which can have an impact on our work, health, or relationships, and it is important to create a personal battle plan on how to work through those issues. You need to be constantly learning about yourself and continuously improving upon what makes you strong and resilient mentally. The pay off is the ability to work in this industry for the long term and still maintain a life at home.  The other pay off is that your mental state will not interfere with your job, and your decision making process will be enhanced and focused on winning the fight. –Matt

Security Issues – A Top Five.
By Angela Benedict
August 30, 2011
Five of the most debilitating issues in security disciplines are; addictions, relationships, PTSD, physical pain and suicide. Addictions are tied to relationship problems.  Alcohol and women get many personnel into serious, life-altering trouble.  Alcohol is especially problematic as it has such an engrained historical place and therefore acceptance within military settings.  It is a cultural norm.  The devastating effects of its status are seen as unfortunate, but not serious enough to curtail the place it holds in the culture.  If this happened, the positive ripple effect would be immense.


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