Feral Jundi

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Syria: Assad Passes Decree Legalizing Private Security Firms

Filed under: Industry Talk,Syria — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 9:34 AM

This is an interesting move. Of course during an armed revolt, Syria no longer has the luxury of using the police and military for all security functions. If anything, the police are being taken away to do more war-like functions and have less manpower to deal with petty crime and the day to day functions of a domestic police force.

Enter private security. Now at first, this seems to be a pretty basic move. But there might be more to this, or it might evolve into a different animal. Specifically, will the private security market morph into more of a mercenary market of force to support the Assad regime? Russian or Iranian private military groups (or government proxies) moving in to provide manpower to the cause? As the war in Syria drags on, all and any means of force will be considered by both sides of the conflict.

A great example of what I am talking about are the rebels, and how their ranks are filled with foreign opposition fighters. Palestinians account for the largest amount of foreign fighter deaths at a staggering 471 killed in action. The total amount of foreign opposition fighter deaths is 2,759!  –Matt

Edit: 6/19/2015- I wanted to add a new deal to this post in regards to Assad’s use of private forces. Apparently Iran has been hiring Afghan mercenaries to fight in Syria. Here is the link to this story done by the BBC.


RSB guard protecting Russian Embassy in Iraq.


Syria’s Assad ‘legalises’ private security firms
August 6, 2013
Syria’s president has passed a decree legalising private security firms, faced with a 29-month armed revolt against his rule that has pinned down the police, state news agency SANA reported Tuesday.
President Bashar al-Assad’s decree regulates “licencing for private companies that provide protection and guard duties … to ensure the safety of individuals, establishments, property and the transport of cash, jewels and precious metals,” said SANA.
One-year renewable licences are to be issued by the interior ministry, it said, but only to Syrian nationals with capital of more than $250,000.
“The interior minister will define the categories of arms to be used by each company, ranging from revolvers to rifles and others,” said the agency.


Monday, August 5, 2013

Jobs: Risk Management Consultant, Afghanistan

Filed under: Afghanistan,Jobs — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 9:02 PM

This is interesting. From the sounds of it, TigerSwan is looking to snag an RMC contract. If you go to the APPF website (yes, that group), it requires companies to have risk management consultants or RMCs to work as liaisons between the company and the APPF.

I am not the recruiter for this job and if you want to apply, please follow the links provided below. By the way, this job will only fly if TigerSwan gets the contract. But it helps to get your resume in now if in fact they do win it. If anyone from TigerSwan would like to comment on this position, please do so in the comments. –Matt


City: Herat
Country: Afghanistan
Date Opened: 07/29/13
Employment Type: Contract
Days Hours:
DAILYRATE RANGE: $338 – $550
Provide individualized and collective consultation to clients regarding:
• Personal Security, Individual Security Measures
• Situational Awareness
• Threat and Risk Mitigation
• Mission Planning
• Mobile Security Management
• Mobile Support Site construction and placement
• Sub Contract Guard Services Management
• In Transit Security – Convoy Planning and Control
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Ability to adhere to the requirements of Afghan Law and Regulation
Ability to receive arming authorization under current Department of Defense and CENTCOM regulations
Ability to adhere to The Lautenberg Amendment to the Gun Control Act which makes it a felony for those convicted of crimes of domestic violence to ship, transport, possess, or receive firearms or ammunition.


Quotes: SIGAR’s John F Sopko On Government’s Inability To End Contracts With Al Qaeda And Taliban In Afghanistan

Filed under: Afghanistan,Al Qaeda,Quotes — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 8:38 PM

This is just appalling. If this doesn’t get your blood boiling, I don’t know what would. Pass this around and let your elected officials know that this is unacceptable. –Matt


In conclusion, I would also like to reiterate the concerns I raised in our last report about the Army’s refusal to act on SIGAR’s recommendations to prevent supporters of the insurgency, including supporters of the Taliban, the Haqqani network, and al-Qaeda, from receiving government contracts. SIGAR referred 43 such cases to the Army recommending suspension and debarment, based on detailed supporting information demonstrating that these individuals and companies are providing material support to the insurgency in Afghanistan. But the Army rejected all 43 cases. The Army Suspension and Debarment Office appears to believe that suspension or debarment of these individuals and companies would be a violation of their due process rights if based on classified information or if based on findings by the Department of Commerce. I am deeply troubled that the U.S. military can pursue, attack, and even kill terrorists and their supporters, but that some in the U.S. government believe we cannot prevent these same people from receiving a government contract. I feel such a position is not only legally wrong, it is contrary to good public policy and contrary to our national security goals in Afghanistan. I continue to urge you to change this faulty policy and enforce the rule of common sense in the Army’s suspension and debarment program.” – John F. Sopko (SIGAR) in their latest report, July 30, 2013.


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