Feral Jundi

Friday, September 5, 2008

Book Review: What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People, by Joe Navarro

Filed under: Books — Tags: , , — Matt @ 6:40 PM

    Check this book out if you want to become fluent in reading body language.  This thing is informative and extremely relevant to our industry.  Most of us have had to communicate non-verbally anyways when we are out in the field.  We are constantly having to read the faces of those that we are talking with, and be expressive with our own, because we can’t understand a word they are saying.  I don’t know how many times I have had to play ‘sand theater’ with some Jundis, when there was no interpreter around.  Or trying to figure out some dude I am talking with through my interpreter.

     A couple of things to mention about this book, just to stir up some interest.  Joe mentions that the legs are one of the best indicators of non-verbal body communication.  He describes how the legs kind of follow what the limbic brain tells them.  So if a person is uncomfortable, lets say from telling a lie, then you might see that lack of comfort exhibited in their leg movements.

     What is neat about the book, is you really get a sense of why you do certain things.  It is all built around trying to protect ourselves. We cover our face or neck with our hands, to hide or protect ourselves when we think we are being threatened.  And what is cool, is that Joe references a ton of interesting books, like Gaven de Becker’s book, ‘Gift of Fear’  to emphasize his points. Very cool stuff.

     Probably the best story in the book, was when Joe described how he was able to read a spy with non-verbal techniques.  They had the guy read the names of all of those that he worked with, and Joe was able to pick up on when the guy’s eyes dilated and then focused on certain names.  They investigated those suspects, and low and behold, busted the spy ring wide open!

     Overall, you will not be disappointed with this book.  It is a ‘How to’ in terms of reading body language, complete with lots of pictures.  And if you are dealing with a lot of people at a gate that do not speak english, or patrolling and observing, then this book will help you to zero in on those threats out there.  Or if you are involved with questioning someone who you think is lying, then the techniques that this book discusses will certainly help you make some determinations.

     Matter of fact, it is actually kind of fun to observe people after reading this book, because it will open a whole new world of ‘communication through body language’ that most of us are not aware of.  –Head Jundi


What Every BODY is Saying:  An Ex-FBI Angent’s Guide to Speed-reading People

By Joe Navarro

Editorial Reviews

Product Description

    He says that’s his best offer. Is it?

    She says she agrees. Does she?

    The interview went great—or did it?

    He said he’d never do it again. But he did.

Read this book and send your nonverbal intelligence soaring. Joe Navarro, a former FBI counterintelligence officer and a recognized expert on nonverbal behavior, explains how to “speed-read” people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for deceptive behaviors. You’ll also learn how your body language can influence what your boss, family, friends, and strangers think of you. You will discover:

    * The ancient survival instincts that drive body language

    * Why the face is the least likely place to gauge a person’s true feelings

    * What thumbs, feet, and eyelids reveal about moods and motives

    * The most powerful behaviors that reveal our confidence and true sentiments

    * Simple nonverbals that instantly establish trust

    * Simple nonverbals that instantly communicate authority

Filled with examples from Navarro’s professional experience, this definitive book offers a powerful new way to navigate your world.

About the Author

For twenty-five years, Joe Navarro was an FBI counterintelligence special agent and supervisor specializing in nonverbal communications. A frequent lecturer, he serves on the adjunct faculty at Saint Leo University and the FBI.

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