Feral Jundi

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Quotes: Hillary Clinton and Security Contractors

Filed under: Quotes — Tags: , , — Matt @ 4:19 PM

   Way to call that one Doug.  There is politics, and then there is reality. We are an essential part of the big picture. –Matt


“These private security contractors have been reckless and have compromised our mission in Iraq,” Clinton said in a prepared statement, referring to private security companies performing traditionally military missions. “The time to show these contractors the door is long past due.” –Hillary Clinton during presidential campaign.


I expect she’ll back off her hard line campaign rhetoric on the issue. She will be keen not to paint Obama into a corner by demanding unrealistic timetables or requirements for ending the use of private security. Not sure how her folks at State would take losing their primary security force in Iraq overnight . . .-Doug Brooks, President of IPOA.


“Our civilian employees need to be protected. As we withdraw our troops, we have to get assurances of their protection by Iraqi troops, or we have to use contractors.”-Hillary Clinton at her confirmation hearing at the Senate for Secretary of State.


More here at Democracy Arsenal blog.


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