Feral Jundi

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Al Qaeda: Usama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!

This is incredible news, and I am writing this as it is coming over the news. Usama Bin Laden is dead and it sounds like his body has been recovered, and identification has been made. President Obama is soon to come on the television and make the announcement. This is such awesome news.

By the way, all of Al Qaeda and it’s supporters better watch out–because you are next!…… –Matt

Edit: An American team was tasked with killing or capturing UBL at a mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan. There was a firefight, and OBL was killed in the firefight. The body was identified by DNA and all of this was confirmed by President Obama in his speech.

Edit: CNN Reports that it was Navy SEALs that came in by helicopter to assault the mansion that UBL was at. Supposedly one of UBL’s sons was killed in the attack as well.


  1. I do not think anyone could wake up this morning and not rejoice at this news.

    Well done to the team that carried out the operation – in fact, brilliant!



    Comment by Eeben — Monday, May 2, 2011 @ 12:30 AM

  2. It is incredible news. There is much celebration throughout the world right now and I am pretty happy about the whole thing. I can't wait to hear the story come out on what exactly happened in this operation.

    Comment by Feral Jundi — Monday, May 2, 2011 @ 7:45 AM

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