Feral Jundi

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Call To Action: Everybody Draw Mohammad Day–May 20th!

   The drawing below that Lars Vilks did, as well as the Mohammad in a bear suit that the guys at South Park/Comedy Central put together, are two prime examples of the kind of stuff that really winds up these extremists.  What’s better, is now there is a holiday being promoted on Facebook that declares May 20th as ‘Everybody Draw Mohammad Day’!  I love it.  And check out how many friends that page has? lol

   All I have to say to Al Qaeda and company is that you better sell some more drugs and get some more donations from your rich muslim friends for all of the bounties you are going to have to post, because you are about to get an onslaught of funny Mohammad drawings. –Matt


Join up on Facebook for Everybody Draw Mohammad Day here.

Use your artistic skills (or lack thereof) and submit your drawings of Mohammad to drawmohammad @ gmail.com

Select entries will be featured on this page and on our website (currently under construction).

Invite all your friends to join this page – if individual freedom is important to you, now is the time to act!


Mohammed Dog

Swede cartoonist Lars Vilks attacked

May 12, 2010

Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, who sparked controversy by drawing Prophet Mohammed with the body of a dog, was on Tuesday attacked while giving a lecture at a university, police said.

“The man was sat in the first row and suddenly he rushed at me. He punched me in the head and I lost my glasses,” said Vilks, adding that at the very most he was “a little bruised”.

Police said around 250 people were present at the time of the attack at the university of Uppsala, north of the Stockholm.

Story here.


From the Facebook Page

In 2005, more than 100 people were killed in “cartoon riots”. Instead of speaking out against this insanity, people of the free world were bullied into the corner and decided that it would be better to appease Islamists with self-censorship under the threat of violence, since there is certainly plenty of evidence that they are more than willing to deliver on their threats. “If you dare portray Mohammad or criticize Islam” – you can end up dead.

The message was clear – and we were willing to give up our rights and forsake our values under the threat of violence from a group of thugs.

In 2010, we reached a new low when Comedy Central has decided to remove any mention of the name “Mohammad” from an episode of South Park, again as result of death threats from people who claim to be followers of a “religion of peace”.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Somalia: Respected Islamic Scholars Declare War As ‘Un-Islamic’

   You know, I think this is pretty significant.  There have been some new and startling developments in the war in Somalia, and I think it is important to highlight what is really going on.  The other reason I want to post this, is to set the record as to who is really responsible for all of this chaos over there.

   First off, my message to these extremists groups in Somalia is that Blackwater did not bomb your mosques.  Nor did Blackwater dig up Sufi graves and hide the bodies.  Nope.  Nor did Blackwater allow piracy to continue under their watch in Somalia, or cut off food supplies to the people of Somalia via banning the World Food Program food shipments, or proclaim that a 13 year old girl who was gang raped by thugs to be a whore and then have her stoned to death in public.  Nope, Blackwater didn’t do any of that.

    But I will tell you who did.  It was al Shabab and company, and now that Somalia’s true Islamic scholars have spoken and rejected their war, from here on out they will have that hanging over them. How can you wage holy war, when you don’t have a case for such a thing?

   Further more, I will go as far as to say that al Shabab and company care more about power and making money, than living some kind of purist lifestyle under Sharia Law.  In other words, I call them hypocrites.  You administer your form of sick justice on helpless little girls, yet look the other way when it comes to piracy, desecrating graves, bombing of mosques, chewing khat, recklessly launching mortars into population centers and otherwise making a hard life for the people of Somalia, even worse.  And now you have lost the support of the guys who are more knowledgeable of Islam than you. And last I checked, these scholars said nothing about Blackwater at the Garowe Islamic conference. Nope, they were referring to your now ‘un-holy war’ and you have no one to blame but yourselves.

   On a side note, I do think it is funny that islamic extremists fear contractors as much as they do.  It used to be that the Marines or Special Forces where the ones that everyone feared or put the blame on for everything.  But hey, if you guys want to make us into the new bogeyman, so be it……. Boo! lol –Matt


Aweys rejects clerics’ verdict on Somalia war

11 May 11, 2010

The Islamist leader of Somalia’s Hizbul- Islam rebel group Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys dismissed the declarations of the country’s most respected Islamic scholars, who were in attendance at the recently concluded Garowe Islamic conference, Radio Garowe reports.

The Islamic conference was held last month in Garowe, capital of Puntland in northern Somalia, where more than 50 respected Somali clerics declared that the ongoing war in Somalia as un-Islamic.Aweys defended the war his waging against the foreign troops and UN-backed government as “in accordance with Islamic law.’“The war we are waging is in accordance with Islamic law, because we are not after power. We want to implement Sharia Law in the country,” said the 65-year old cleric.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Strategy: Suicide Assaulters, Swarming, And Toyotas–The Taliban And The New Rules Of War

Rule 1: “Many and Small” Beats “Few and Large.”

Rule 2: Finding Matters More Than Flanking.

Rule 3: Swarming Is the New Surging.


   This latest suicide assaulter attack in Afghanistan is important to look at and study, and this post is dedicated to ‘knowing your enemy’.  Tim over at Free Range International just posted an excellent run down of this latest attack in Nimroz at the governor’s compound, and Bill Roggio over at Long Wars Journal has some excellent stuff on this incident as well. I highly advise reading Tim’s post, because it comes with pictures and diagrams of the assault, along with Tim’s commentary on the whole thing.

   As you can see, these guys are following a path that John Arquilla and others have laid out with the ‘new rules of war’. They are continuing to use this same type of attack, just because it is so hard to defend against and it causes so much chaos and confusion.  The only thing working against the enemy is their ability to be organized and plan this stuff better.  But some attacks have been successful, and they are learning. What I wanted to do in this post is match up what the enemy is doing with these three new rules I listed up top, and discuss their effectiveness.

     Multiple assaulters armed with AK’s and suicide vests, are the many and small.  Plus, with the suicide vest and AK, the assaulter has multiple options for killing.  They can fight their way into concentrations of enemies, and blow up when close enough (finding). The human bomb can also identify specific targets, and detonate just close enough to kill them. They can also use their suicide vest to clear obstacles so other assaulters can punch in and shoot at people or detonate(swarming).  But as Tim has pointed out in his post about the subject, these latest assaulters were not that organized or effective.  My guess is that they were poorly trained and prepared for the mission at hand, which is a good thing for us. And of course they are poor shots, as Tim and others have pointed out, which is also a good thing.

   But the next angle of this attack is the idea of using Toyota pickups and swarming, in order to arrive on target and overwhelm the defenders.  This is exactly how the Taliban was operating and it deserves closer inspection.  Tim mentioned in his write up that large vehicles really cannot move around in Nimroz, just because of the small streets and power lines all over the place.  You either have to have a small truck, motorcycle, or be walking in order to get around in places like this.  And as the Toyota Horde paper pointed out, small pickups can be a tactical advantage for attackers who are swarming or preparing a battlefield for the defense. They are cheap, you can use many of them, and they are great for all types of utilitarian activities for hybrid warfare.  The Taliban continue to use these small pickup in places that MRAPs cannot go, and they can also use those pickups or motorcycles to outrun our large lumbering vehicles and forces.  They can also blend in with the local population, because they all use pickups.

   Further more, small pickups are essential for swarming operations.  If you want to get a truck load of assaulters into position, and not cause too much attention, the pickup is perfect because it is low profile (meaning there are many of these in the attack area).  Or they could use taxis, cop cars and ambulances as delivery vehicles.  The key here is just getting into position so the assaulters can pour out and attack the target from multiple angles.  Small vehicles that blend in are the perfect tool for delivery in this case.

   What further adds to the attack, chaos, and blending in factor, is assaulters wearing police or soldier uniforms.  These types of attacks can be extremely confusing, and they work great for the assaulter.  They can also do secondary attacks as the real police and military show up, and it is all about blending into that chaotic environment to create as much chaos as possible.  That is another reason why it is essential for defenders to get to know the local police and army stations really well, so they can recognize who should be on scene and shouldn’t.  Still, this is very tough to defend against, and the enemy knows this.  ‘Finding’ in this case, is extremely critical if we want to succeed in the defense, because combatants that look like cops or soldiers could be causing a whole slew of problems.

   The swarming attack, coupled with the population camouflage I mentioned, is one of those deals that works well because it confuses the defender and brings a whole lot of chaos in a short period of time.  And with assaulters that double as human breachers that blow apart gates (with their bodies strapped with bombs), the swarming attack becomes even more feasible and more lethal.  It just takes really good planning and rehearsal for the enemy to accomplish the mission.

   Finally, I want to give solutions to countering these types of attacks.  The one thing that really screws up planning for these attacks, is the unexpected.  Being random and doing things that no one expected, is definitely one way to counter these types of attacks.  Also having excellent SOP’s to cover these types of swarming attacks is highly advisable, along with drilling over and over again to get proficient.  To also war game all and any scenarios in your head, and talking it up with your fellow guards is another way to keep sharp.  You should have answers in your head for all types of scenarios.  Red teams are great tools to find out how an enemy might attack a facility, and those red teams should do all they can to mimic what the enemy is doing today.

    For simmunitions developers out there, maybe building a paintball suicide vest for red teams would be a good product to sell? (it could already be out there for sale?)  Red teams could simulate fighting their way into your position, and detonate the suicide vest as part of the assault.  We have to start thinking about enemy assaulters as dual weapon systems–they shoot, fight their way in, and are seeking human pockets or obstacles to blow up. We also have to expect that suicide vests will also have plates in them, in order to make the assaulter tougher to kill.  The plates also help to focus the blast outward, and further turn the assaulter into a human claymore. Stuff to think about, and our enemy’s tactics and strategy are definitely evolving–Joker eat your heart out. –Matt


Taliban hits government compound

May 05, 2010

At least eight attempted suicide bombers have been killed during a gun battle with police in southwestern Afghanistan, the interior ministry said.

Ministry officials said at least two Afghan policemen were also killed and five others wounded before the fighting ended in Nimroz province on Wednesday.

One witness said a female local council member was also killed in the attack.

Musa Rasooli, a senior police official in Nimroz, said the fighters were targeting the provincial governor’s compound and had entered the governor’s office.

He said two suicide bombers had blown themselves up outside the compound.

‘Taliban responsible’

The interior ministry said the fighters had also targeted civilian buildings in Zaranj, the provincial capital.

“A group of terrorists attacked some civilian and government buildings this morning in Zaranj,” Zemarai Bashary, an interior ministry spokesman, said.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Somalia: Pirates Vs. Islamists–A Dispute Over Business

   Finally some reportage that gave some commonsense analysis on this latest move in Somalia.  Hizbul Islam are attacking pirate havens because they want to control the ports.  Shabab has their ports, and Hizbul Islam wants their ports.  It totally makes business sense, and strategic sense, if they want to capitalize on all the piracy related operations going on out there.

   Now what is interesting to me is how the media sucked into the spin that Hizbul Islam was trying to produce about their latest move.  That somehow what they were doing was righteous and piracy is an anti-islamic business. pffft. Whatever chews your khat. Bravo to Mr. Wadham for calling it like it is and getting the real story out.

   One final point.  We show sorrow and outrage over the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico with the oil spill disaster there.  So my question is what happens when pirates take a chemical tanker (oops, that just happened) on behalf of an extremist group like al Shabab or Hizbul Islam, and they sink that thing or crash it into some western port? Will we then realize that assigning armed escorts to each boat/floating weapon system out there is something that should be required? Why must we wait for a disaster like this to happen, before we do something about it? –Matt


Somali Pirates vs. Islamists: A Dispute Over Business

By Nick Wadhams/Nairobi

Friday, May. 07, 2010

Even by the jaded standards of the failed state of Somalia, this week’s news was enough to raise eyebrows: one of the country’s two competing Islamist factions, Hizbul Islam, stormed into the coastal city of Harardhere and drove out the pirates who have run amok in the waters off the Horn of Africa, wreaking havoc on global shipping and confounding the world’s navies.

“Piracy has become too much. It’s an anti-Islamic business, and we won’t accept it,” Hizbul Islam spokesman Sheik Mohamed Ali Abdinasr told TIME. “We want to bring law and order to that country of Somalia, and we want to show the good name of Somalis.”

But what may at first glance appear to be a showdown between two trends that have coexisted in relative peace in Somalia until now — piracy and Islamic radicalism — is actually a cunning power play for resources.

First, a bit of background. One of the best ways to thrive as a Somali businessman is to import just about anything — cars, food or clothing, for example. Very little gets produced in Somalia. And in the absence of central government authority, which collapsed 19 years ago, the best way for any armed group to finance itself is to control one of Somalia’s ports.

The Western-backed Transitional Federal Government gets much of its very limited revenue from the Mogadishu port, one of the few patches of Somali real estate over which it maintains control. Hizbul Islam’s capture of the pirate lair at Harardhere may have been motivated primarily by the fact that it was driven out of the southern port of Kismayo late last year by the al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militia. Experts say Hizbul Islam attacked Harardhere because it needed a new port to control.

“They lost their foothold in Kismayo when they fell out with Shabab,” says Roger Middleton, a piracy expert at the London-based Chatham House think tank. “Moving to Harardhere seems to me like a move to find some territory that they can control and to have a port in order to try to make some money.”


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Funny Stuff: Mohammad In A Bear Suit!

Filed under: Al Qaeda,Funny Stuff — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 2:15 AM

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