Feral Jundi

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Funny Stuff: Feral Jundi Had Some ‘Potential’ Viewers In Abbottabad, Pakistan

Filed under: Al Qaeda,Funny Stuff,Pakistan — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 12:40 PM

This is funny.  Over the course of this blog’s history, I have had five visits from Abbottabad Pakistan according to my Google Analytics. They found the site through Google, and these are the dates they visited.

Sept 28, 2010
August 16, 2010
June 30, 2010
April 7, 2010
October 8, 2009

Now what I did was to go back to each of these dates and see what stories they were attracted to.  Well what I found out was that it wasn’t a story they clicked on, but a Funny Stuff poster I posted a long time ago called Potential.  I posted this poster to show how ridiculous our enemy was, and how little regard they had for human life.  So did Bin Laden or any of his clowns check out the poster?  It is a good possibility because on those dates, there wasn’t anything of significance interest to their efforts, and the Potential Poster had top viewing. lol

The reason for that is because it reached the first page of Google Images for the search ‘funny stuff’.  Thousands of people over the course of the image’s history have viewed the thing because of it’s placement in the image search.  And it looks like I was able to piss off five folks with that ultra-offensive poster.  Score!!!  The best part is that thing will continue to do it’s damage to the psyche of booger eaters world wide. hee hee –Matt

Edit: Just so folks know, I was not the original creator of this poster.  I just found it floating around out there on the internet and thought it was pretty funny. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Al Qaeda: Usama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!

This is incredible news, and I am writing this as it is coming over the news. Usama Bin Laden is dead and it sounds like his body has been recovered, and identification has been made. President Obama is soon to come on the television and make the announcement. This is such awesome news.

By the way, all of Al Qaeda and it’s supporters better watch out–because you are next!…… –Matt

Edit: An American team was tasked with killing or capturing UBL at a mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan. There was a firefight, and OBL was killed in the firefight. The body was identified by DNA and all of this was confirmed by President Obama in his speech.

Edit: CNN Reports that it was Navy SEALs that came in by helicopter to assault the mansion that UBL was at. Supposedly one of UBL’s sons was killed in the attack as well.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Funny Stuff: Taliban Promise Never To Use Ambulances Again For Suicide Bombings…..Liars!!!!

Filed under: Afghanistan,Al Qaeda,Funny Stuff,Music — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 12:50 PM

This has to be the funniest thing I have read in a week.  The Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid promised IRIN that this will ‘not happen again’.  Now that is funny.  The Taliban are liars, and of course they will use ambulances for assaults or for transporting drugs and weapons again. They also burned ten Qurans and have yet to be punished for that. Either way, I think this song below spells out exactly what kind of folks the Taliban and Al Qaeda are……Enjoy. –Matt


AFGHANISTAN: Taliban rue ambulance attack
12 April 2011 (IRIN) – The use of an ambulance by Taliban suicide attackers in a raid on a police training centre in the southern province of Kandahar on 7 April has been acknowledged as a violation of war laws and the insurgents have promised investigations.
“This will not happen again,” Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman, told IRIN.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) strongly condemned the use of a clearly-marked ambulance by the attackers.
“Using an ambulance for the purpose of deceiving the adversary in carrying out an attack constitutes perfidy. This is strictly prohibited by international humanitarian law and is totally unacceptable,” said Jacques de Maio, the ICRC’s head of operations for South Asia, in a 7 April press statement.
Several people, almost all of them security forces, were killed and wounded in the attack, according to provincial officials. (more…)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Libya: About Those Rebels–Freelance Irhabists Join The Party And The Article ‘Destination Martyrdom’

Filed under: Africa,Al Qaeda,Libya — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Matt @ 10:44 AM

Freelance jihadists huh?  So this is what our no-fly zone is supporting?  I will say that not only does Gaddafi suck, but to support the opposition is not a good idea either.  I vote on staying out of the thing completely, and let the kids fight it out.

Both articles that I have posted below should definitely give anyone thinking about supporting these rebels a pause.  To think that coalition pilots are providing over watch and even CAS for rebel forces that quite possibly have Al Qaeda sympathizers in their ranks or even freelance irhabists working along side is disturbing. Especially after all we have been through in this war.

And if that doesn’t get you fired up, then read the Destination Martyrdom article that Newsweek published in 2008. That many of the foreign suicide bombers in places like Iraq or Afghanistan came from Libya, and they certainly killed innocents and soldiers alike. So these are the people we are supporting? I say let both sides of this conflict destroy each other, and stay out of the way.  Not to mention the costs of such operations?…..

Here is the analogy I have for Libya and all of these uprisings in the Middle East.  This is a raging forest fire, and in the world of forest fire fighting, when you have a ‘gobbler’ or fire that is uncontrollable, then you stay out of it’s way and let it do it’s thing. Because to do anything to try and stop this massive force of nature would be a waste of resources and man power, and a needless risk of life.  The only things you can do for gobblers is to evacuate people (which has been done in Libya), and put up a buffer around things you hope to save (which nothing has been done about the oil facilities in Libya).

The time where you fight a fire, is when you have the highest chance of success–and that is when it is small or manageable due to the terrain or weather.  Or to attack when the fire or the elements that support fire, are weakest and your forces are ready and capable. That is how you deal with fire, and that is how you deal with the ‘fires’ burning in the Middle East.

Which brings me to the Saudi Arabia/OPEC question.  If things blow up in the major oil producing countries, I could foresee some kind of effort to secure the oil facilities. That would be an appropriate use of military force, because those facilities are crucial to the world’s oil market stability. We can survive Libya being out for the count, but with countries like Saudi Arabia–that is the kind of thing you want to protect because those oil producing facilities are the life blood of the world.(Robert Baer mentioned the same thing in his book ‘Sleeping With The Devil‘)  I would classify that as putting a buffer around the things you want to save during a raging fire. Other than that, get the hell out of the gobbler’s way. –Matt

‘Freelance jihadists’ join Libyan rebels

Destination Martyrdom

‘Freelance jihadists’ join Libyan rebels
Ex-al Qaeda member speaks out
By Eli Lake
March 29, 2011
A former leader of Libya’s al Qaeda affiliate says he thinks “freelance jihadists” have joined the rebel forces, as NATO’s commander told Congress on Tuesday that intelligence indicates some al Qaeda and Hezbollah terrorists are fighting Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s forces.
Former jihadist Noman Benotman, who renounced his al Qaeda affiliation in 2000, said in an interview that he estimates 1,000 jihadists are in Libya. (more…)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pakistan: Raymond Davis Has Been Released!

Filed under: Al Qaeda,Pakistan — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 12:19 PM


This is great news.  Either the US paid the ‘diyat’ directly or indirectly to the families of the dead, but either way blood money was paid and Raymond was released!

It reminds me of the cases currently in Afghanistan.  I wonder how much a compensation payment would have to be in order to get Robert Langdon and others released? In Raymond’s case, it sounds like a total amount of $ 2.3 million was paid out to all three of the families.

Now the thing to watch in Pakistan is the public reaction.  Uprisings have been going on throughout the world, and the government in Pakistan is probably bracing itself for the negative reaction from the population after this release. Hell, they were already fired up after Davis killed the two men out of self defense. I have no doubt that elements of the Taliban and AQ are right in there stirring up the masses into a lather.  It doesn’t take much to get the mob all riled up in Pakistan.

That brings up another point I wanted to make.  The media in Pakistan, and specifically the new media is a joke. It is so hard to tell who is politically motivated, who has an agenda, or who is really focused on just getting the truth out. Most of the times I just laugh when reading the stuff, because it’s as if the author of the story found his material in a comic book. Or worse yet, you can blatantly tell when it is some irhabist dork trying to spin the story.  Matter of fact, I am sure they are just dreaming up new and fantastical ways of spinning the Davis deal as we speak.

Finally, our relations with Pakistan pisses me off.  The US has dumped billions of dollars into that country in this war. Not to mention all the support and money given during their flooding crisis last year, and other disaster in past years. And what really gets me going is that AQ and the Taliban enjoy a nice little safe haven along the border, and yet we continue to depend on Pakistan’s ability to do the job of destroying them. They have not done this, and it’s as if the money we have been giving Pakistan is passed on to the Taliban and AQ to build resorts and health spas for their guys up in those hills. Pffft.

And look how much hassle it took to get Davis back? Are we not in the same fight? What really gets me is how would you like to be a soldier in the Pakistani army that lost friends in the war, and yet they see their government playing games like this? Politics… –Matt

U.S. did not pay compensation in Raymond Davis case

March 16, 2011

The U.S. government did not pay any compensation to the families of two Pakistanis killed by Raymond Davis, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday.

“The United States did not pay any compensation,” Clinton told reporters in Cairo. Asked who paid the families, she replied: “You will have to ask the families.”


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