Feral Jundi

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bounties: Mexico Offers Rewards For 33 Drug Gang Suspects

    In Chihuahua City (1849) Michael H. Chevallié and Glanton may have influenced the state legislature to pass the Fifth Law over the veto of the governor, empowering Chevallié to contract with guerrillas to capture or kill troublesome Indians on an individual basis. Chevallié entered the first contract the next day, and Glanton was in his company on several successful expeditions north of the capital.- From Handbook of Texas Online on John Joel Glanton


   Wow, this is quite a list below.  You know, in my research on John Coffee Hays I also stumbled upon an infamous group called the Glanton Gang. These guys were contracted to hunt down Indians for a bounty in Mexico, and they used scalps as a proof of death.  The problem with this gang is that they ran out of Apache or Comanche warriors to kill, and they started going after innocents. In other words, the industry of killing the enemy was extremely effective.  But as soon as hunters violated the contract and tried to cheat the system, that is when the state put down the hammer.

   Mexico decided to put a bounty out on the Glanton Gang after they found out about their scheme, and that effectively ended the gang’s work in Mexico. From bounty hunter to fugitive, all due to a violation of the contract. If the Mexicans would have demanded a bond from these bounty hunters, I think that would have further kept hunters like this in check. Either way, the line of criminal behavior was crossed, and the gang instantly turned into criminals because of their actions.

   It should also be noted that John Glanton fought as a civilian scout for the US Army under John Ford, and was a Texas Ranger with Hays.  But it seemed that everywhere John went, he pissed off folks by killing the wrong guys or not playing well with others. lol So I would classify him as a guy who lacked discipline and was an extreme liability to anyone that used him. The book Blood Meridian is supposed to be based on the Glanton Gang as well.

   To get back to my point.  Mexico has a history of bounty hunting, and they have contracted outsiders before.  And seeing how the city of Juarez is now the most dangerous city in the world, maybe some consideration should be given to creating an industry that could clean it up.  They could issue Letters of Marque and Reprisals, or initiate the Fifth Law (what ever that entailed), and fire up the industry necessary to clean up these cartels. –Matt


John Joel Glanton

John Joel Glanton.

Mexico offers rewards for 33 drug gang suspects


May 29, 2010

MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s government unveiled a list of 33 wanted drug suspects Friday, including three men allegedly tied to a cartel responsible for much of the bloodshed in the northern border city of Ciudad Juarez.

The Attorney General’s Office did not specify the criminal bands affiliated with each suspect.

However, a security official in the northern state of Chihuahua, where Ciudad Juarez is located, said the three at the top of the list belong to La Linea, a gang tied to the Juarez cartel. Rewards of $1.1 million (15 million pesos) were offered for each.

One of the three, Juan Pablo Ledezma, is believed to be the head of La Linea, said the official, who is with the joint army and police operation in charge of security in Chihuahua. He agreed to discuss the list only on condition of not being quoted by name, because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter.

A turf battle between the Juarez and Sinaloa drug cartels has turned Ciudad Juarez into one of the world’s deadliest cities. More than 4,300 people have been killed over the past three years in the city, which lies across the border from El Paso, Texas.

Five men were killed in a Ciudad Juarez shooting Friday, said Arturo Sandoval, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state prosecutors’ office.

The five were riding in a car when gunmen drove up beside them and opened fire, Sandoval said. Two of the five were killed inside the car. The others tried to flee into a restaurant but were gunned down in front of panicked customers.

The Attorney General’s Office offered rewards of $387,000 (5 million pesos) each for five other suspects on the list. The other 25 had $232,000 (3 million peso) bounties on their heads.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bounties: Colorado’s Most Wanted–Bounty Hunters

Filed under: Bounties,Colorado — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 10:47 AM

   I wanted to put this up on FJ because this Rewards 4 Fugitives website is a gold mine. I know it is an older story, but it is still relevant and I had no idea it was out there. This site is extremely simple to navigate and this is exactly the kind of thing that could benefit from the Bounty Hunter Mobile Application.

   On the website, they list hundreds of wanted fugitives posted by bail bond companies throughout the nation, and they list exactly what the fugitives are worth if you are able to find them.  The website was originally started in Colorado by a bondsman there but as you can see, it is US wide and just click on your state to see who is wanted.

   The other cool thing about this website is how easy it is for a bail bond agent to list a fugitive they are looking for.  Now imagine if that bail bond agent could easily update information on the fugitive by the minute, and post any last known location information via a geo-location feature on a mobile application?  Cool stuff and I hope some readers out there are able to make a little coin and catch some fugitives with this resource. –Matt


Ashely Broderick (picked up for prostitution) is worth $300 dollars, if you can find her in CA or NV.

Colorado’s Most Wanted- Bounty Hunters

by Deborah Takahara

29 December, 2007

A Denver bondsman and bounty hunter has a new way to track down fugitives. Ben Mares started a website called “rewards4fugitives.com”. He said, “the website itself is just a posting avenue for bondsmen to put their people up there. The public can see who’s wanted and can contact that bondsman.” Rewards range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, paid by the bondsmen. They say if they turn fugitives into the court, they save money. And bondsmen say this website is already working. John Trujillo had a fugitive featured and within 24 hours, he had several tips. He said, “you could knock me over with a feather. i was surprised. I didn’t think I would get so many tips within a 24 hour period.”

Story here.

From the Bounty Hunter Discussion blog here.

And from About Bail blog here.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bounties: $100,000 Reward To Locate Criminal(s) Who Stole Mojave Desert War Memorial

Filed under: Bounties,California — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 3:12 AM

   I am not affiliated at all with Family Security Matters, but I am a veteran and stuff like this pisses me off.  I am sure it pisses off the majority of the readership here at FJ, and I like putting this stuff out there with the chance that some of our ‘hunters’ who make it their business to find stuff and people, will try and find this memorial and the thugs who stole it. Good luck and happy hunting. –Matt


$100,000 Reward to Locate Criminal(s) Who Stole Mojave Desert War Memorial

May 13, 2010

A $100,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of the individuals who seized the Mojave Desert War Memorial earlier this week.

The $100,000 is being offered by a donor to the group Family Security Matters (FamilySecurityMatters.org). The donor is an anonymous U.S. Military wounded veteran who was the recipient of the Silver Star Medal.

“Family Security Matters is honored, on behalf of an anonymous U.S. Military wounded veteran – a recipient of the Silver Star Medal – to announce this reward,” said Carol Taber, President of Family Security Matters. “We are confident that our donor’s generosity will help to bring the criminals to justice and that the message rings loud and clear: we will never allow such a vile crime that defiles the memory our nation’s war dead to stand. Not now, not ever.”

Earlier this week, the memorial was stolen from its longtime perch in California’s Mojave Desert. It was first erected 75 years ago as a memorial in honor of America’s World War I veterans and became known as a symbol to honor all veterans who have served their country. Less than two weeks ago, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed a lower court order, returning the case to the District Court, and thus enabling the symbol to stay on federal land for now.

Thomas J. Tradewell Sr., the national commander of the 2.1 million member Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) said: “We are extremely grateful for the $100,000 anonymous contribution to the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial reward fund that Family Security Matters was able to arrange from a private donor.”

“We may never know the donor’s name, but the VFW wants to personally thank him or her for caring enough to get involved,” he said. “These thieves desecrated a national war memorial that was erected to honor America’s war dead. They must be caught, prosecuted and jailed in a federal prison, and we hope that will happen quickly now that the total reward money has been upped to $125,000.”

Family Security Matters has established a tip hotline and a private email address for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators of this crime. Anyone with information is asked to call 202-528-4665 or to email at tips@familysecuritymatters.org. To contribute, click the Mojave Desert War Memorial Fund at this URL: https://www.familysecuritymatters.org/donate/donate.asp

About Family Security Matters

Family Security Matters was created to give Americans like us the tools to become involved citizens and powerful defenders of our homes, our families, and our communities.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fish And Game: Fox Stop Versus The Fox And Wild Dog Bounty Program In Australia

    “In reintroducing the bounty, we are aiming to replicate the success of the 2003 program when about 198,000 foxes were killed,” Mr Ryan said.

     Mr Walsh said the State Government’s token ‘Fox Stop’ program had proved to be an abject failure.

     “Just 6,200 foxes were killed last year under the Fox Stop program last year, as opposed to 198,000 when the Fox Bounty was trialled in 2003,” Mr Walsh said.


   Wow, the numbers speak for themselves. lol I say bring back the bounty program because the Fox Stop program looks pretty ineffective.  If you read through the rules and such for the Fox Stop program, you can kind of see why it sucks.  The bounty program is simple and plays well to free market forces that work.  You assign a value to the animal, and you open up the hunt to those who have a license.  Simple and easy to understand. –Matt


Coalition vows to bring back the bounty

10 May, 2010

A VICTORIAN Liberal Nationals Coalition Government will implement a year-round statewide bounty to control fox and wild dog numbers across Victoria.

Shadow Minister for Regional and Rural Development and Leader of The Nationals Peter Ryan, and Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Deputy Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh today announced $4 million over four years to establish a Fox and Wild Dog Bounty if elected to government.

Mr Ryan said Victorian fox and wild dog numbers had exploded in recent years and were a serious threat to farming communities and the natural environment.

“Foxes and wild dogs are exposing farmers to severe stock losses, resulting in hefty costs to farm businesses and Victoria’s economy,” Mr Ryan said.

“Under the Coalition’s program all licensed shooters, including rural landholders, will be eligible for a $10 bounty for every fox and a $50 bounty for every dog killed.

“Research shows foxes are estimated to cost Australia more than $228 million per year in combined environmental and agricultural impacts and control costs, with the direct impact on sheep production alone estimated at $17.5 million every year – in some areas they have been known to take up to 30 per cent of lambs.

“In reintroducing the bounty, we are aiming to replicate the success of the 2003 program when about 198,000 foxes were killed,” Mr Ryan said.

Mr Walsh said the State Government’s token ‘Fox Stop’ program had proved to be an abject failure.

“Just 6,200 foxes were killed last year under the Fox Stop program last year, as opposed to 198,000 when the Fox Bounty was trialled in 2003,” Mr Walsh said.

Story here.


FoxStop 2010 website here.


Fox, wild dog bounties under state coalition

David McKenzie

May 10, 2010

BOUNTIES for killing foxes and wild dogs will be re-introduced next year if the Liberal Nationals Coalition wins the November state election.

The $4 million, four year proposal was unveiled today by Shadow Minister for Regional and Rural Development and Nationals leader of  Peter Ryan and Shadow Agriculture Minister and deputy Nationals leader Peter Walsh.Under the proposed Fox and Wild Dog Bounty, all licensed shooters, including rural landholders, would be eligible for a $10 bounty for every fox and a $50 bounty for every dog killed. (more…)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bounties: $100,000 Reward For Eduardo Ravelo–Leader Of the Barrio Azteca Gang

   Let’s get this clown.  Eduardo supposedly had some plastic surgery done, and is doing a pretty good job of eluding capture.  But like the article below says, if you put a high enough price out on his head, someone will turn him in. If he had a hand in the deaths of Americans, then I would like to see that reward jump up to at least a million, if not more. Either a competitor, or some family member or former friend would jump all over that reward.

   This is also the captain of Barrio Azteca, and his capture could help put together the pieces as to who is training these folks.  Eduardo’s hit squads are very good at what they are doing, and they are very organized. Ed has also established networks that will provide warning and protection, much like most criminal enterprises.

   The quicker he can be captured, the better, and I do hope we get him.  Good luck out there, and happy hunting to all that are involved with tracking him down. –Matt


This is pre-plastic surgery, so who knows what he looks like now. 


Leader of Violent Barrio Azteca Gang   10/20/09

Eduardo Ravelo—leader of a violent street and prison gang operating out of Juarez, Mexico—is the second of three new additions to our Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. We are offering up to $100,000 for information leading directly to his arrest.

Ravelo heads the Barrio Azteca gang in Juarez, and is charged with a variety of crimes, including racketeering, money laundering, and possession with intent to distribute heroin and cocaine. Although he has not been charged with murder, Ravelo and his gang members are allegedly hitmen for a Mexican drug cartel and are responsible for multiple homicides.

“From everything our intelligence sources tell us,” said Special Agent Samantha Mikeska, who has been working cases related to the gang since 2003, “Ravelo is a ruthless killer who has absolutely no respect for human life.”

In Juarez, there is a war going on between rival drug cartels, said Mikeska, who works in our El Paso office, and Barrio Azteca is affiliated with one of them—the Vicente Carrillo Fuentes drug trafficking organization. The city, located on the other side of the border from El Paso, Texas, has had about 2,000 murders so far this year.

Barrio Azteca has approximately 600 active members who engage in murder, assault, extortion, human and drug trafficking, and other crimes. Many of the members are in U.S. and Mexican prisons and benefit from the gang’s illicit profits by having funds placed in their prison commissary accounts, Mikeska said. “They are well organized,” she added, “and they are dangerous.”

Ravelo, also known as “Tablas,” is believed to be in his mid-40s. He is 5-feet-9-inches tall and weighs between 150 and 180 pounds. He has a scar on his face and tattoos on his chest, abdomen, and back, although authorities believe he may have had plastic surgery and even altered his fingerprints. Ravelo is considered armed and extremely dangerous.We need your help. If you have any information concerning Ravelo, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate or submit a tip electronically.

“If he gets picked up,” Mikeska said, “it will put a big dent in the gang’s operation.” The bottom line, she added: “Ravelo needs to be brought to justice.“

Link to Press Release here.


The FBI is offering a reward of up to $100,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of Eduardo Ravelo.

Link to reward here.


He’s called the face of Ciudad Juarez terror

Authorities say Eduardo Ravelo has helped turn the border city into Mexico’s homicide capital. Now investigators think he played a role in the U.S. Consulate slayings.

By Richard A. Serrano

April 5, 2010

Reporting from El Paso

Authorities think he had his fingertips altered to disguise his prints and plastic surgery to mask his face. Except for his dark eyes, federal officials doubt he looks anything like his 12-year-old FBI most wanted photo — round face, trim mustache and a scar along his cheek. (more…)

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