Feral Jundi

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kaizen: People Will Support What They Help To Create

Filed under: Building Snowmobiles,Industry Talk,Kaizen — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 4:59 PM

    Hey everyone, this is a treat. I wanted to expand on a interesting conversation in the comments section, that I think deserves it’s own home.  This is from the article called The Importance of Shared Reality. –Matt



     Been thinking about your post while hiking the Laotian trail–more about that later.  Since we are using the auto industry as a source of metaphor for organizational best practices, I thought we might hyper-link to another–the Saturn Car Company concept.  Remember the original GM logic for creating Saturn–they realized that they had gotten too big, and too bueracratic to compete with the smaller more nimble company’s–like Toyota.  So GM selected 99 people (“the Group of 99”) and turned them loose to identify key founding principles for a new organization (Saturn) and to search the world for the best ideas in all key areas. The group consisted of a functional cross-section of people, including plant managers, superintendents, union committee members, production workers, and skilled tradesmen, as well as 41 UAW locals(which is fascinating because one of their findings was to scrap the Union model) and GM staff from 55 GM plants. 

     The group split into seven coss-functional teams to explore stamping; metal fabrication and body work; paint and corrosion; trim and hardware; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; and powertrain and chassis. In all, the Group of 99 visited 49 GM plants and 60 other companies around the world (shared reality). They made 170 contacts, traveled two million miles, and put in 50,000 hours of interviews and visits (listening to the guys on the ground). 

     The group’s findings were presented in April 1984. The keys to success identified included ownership by all employees, the assumption of responsibility by all, equality and trust among employees, the elimination of barriers to doing a good job including the union, giving staff the authority to do their jobs, and the existence of common goals. Specific recommendations included the formation of consensus-driven partnerships within work teams as well as between the union and company management. 

     Although initially a mega-success, Higher Headquarters eventually reigned Saturn back in and squashed their entrepenuerial decision-making and management methods, the lesson still stands as a precient model for how a large organization can reinvent itself to stary nimble, and stay competitive.  

     I believe that the Saturn Car Company model is what USSOCOM needs to follow in order to stay nimble and meet the challenges of modern day–I hate to use the word but I have to–assymetrical warfare.

 What think you? –Pete 




    Laos would be a cool country to check out, and I certainly would like to hear those stories. As for your question, I hope I can do it some justice.  It is something that all companies in my industry can learn from, and any ideas about how to better organize and manage a company should be listened to and studied.  The concept of Group 99 is intriguing, and it has certainly kicked in the thought machine within my head. I also wanted to make this answer for you, more reader friendly, and include a historical base as well.  So you will have to pardon the beginning here, because this is me just priming the pump for the reader.   

     The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) or what I will call SOCOM was originally created out of the ashes of Operation Eagle Claw(the failed Iran hostage rescue mission), and I think it is important to look at this first.  The investigation of this incident, chaired by Admiral James L. Holloway III, cited lack of command and control and inter-service coordination as significant factors in the failure of that mission. So this is one side of the story. 

     The other side of the story, is the reality of what the Special Operations Forces (SOF) were up against. Whereas my belief is that the SOF community was getting the short end of the stick well before Operation Eagle Claw, and certainly were aware of these command and control issues. The guy on the ground was not being listened to, which is too bad.  It was classic conventional versus unconventional mindsets, and of course the bigger of the two will win.  So no one of importance or influence was really sold on the concept, and looked upon SOF with skepticism, all while gobbling up budget money for their projects.  “All of my forces are special” was the mindset, “and money needs to go to my tanks, jets, and large scale infantry forces”.  

     And Carter, when confronted with a situation that required a clean and sharp scalpel, to cut those hostages loose from Iranian control, looked to the military to solve his problem. Did they have a developed Special Operations capability, or were they too focused on tanks and planes?  No wonder things failed, but I put that responsibility on the top leaders who were not forward thinking enough to even acknowledge the potential for a situation like what happened in Iran. So this is where SOCOM came from, and what it’s purpose in life is–to prevent another Operation Eagle Claw and effectively manage today’s Special Operations community.

    Then over the years, they have done much to work on the command and control issues and inter-service coordination, and have conducted numerous missions all the way up to the present wars.  But really, the current wars are the true test of the effectiveness of SOCOM, and I think this is why a conversation like this even takes place.  The true test of an organization’s strengths is not when all is well, but when they are tested and pushed to it’s limits.  Much like how does a company like Toyota weather the storm during a bad economy?  


Monday, February 2, 2009

Building Snowmobiles: The Importance of Shared Reality

    Today’s post is about the concept of shared reality as discussed by Pete Blaber in his book ‘The Mission, the Men and Me’.  And because this is about best practices management, I wanted to tie it into Toyota’s ‘Genchi Genbutsu’ management principal 12 (Japanese for go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation).  The goal with this piece is to emphasize the importance of listening to the guys on the ground or the Mavens and why a company should tap into this input gold.

    Everyone in the contracting business has experienced at one point or another, the disconnect between the head shed and the reality on the ground of where they are posted at.  A funny one is uniforms, where you have to wear some ridiculous outfit that is way to hot for the climate, and you become a heat casualty if you wear it–but boy does it look sharp in the catalog.   

    Or worse yet, you have experienced what it means when a manager has no idea what you are seeing and experiencing on post or on a mission, and implements an order from the office that just did not make sense that you must follow.  And if you have experienced this, and someone got killed or hurt because of such a thing, I am truly sorry your team experienced that.  

    The biggest problem I have seen with contracts is that the head shed back in the states or lets say in Baghdad, has not a clue about what their managers are doing out in the field.  Worse yet, they get input from the guys on the ground that are working under that manager, and the input from the workers falls on deaf ears.  You hear things like, if you don’t like it, leave, and those workers have the choice of putting up with a poorly managed contract, or they jump contract to somewhere else.    

    So what is the problem that companies keep repeating out there?  There is no shared reality within the company, and they do not act on the input in an appropriate way to solve problems and constantly evolve/improve.  They do not view complaints or input from the field as a good thing, or they just don’t care or refuse to seek it out, and they have not a care about improvement or taking care of their employees and client.

   In the spirit of building snowmobiles, let me add some ideas that companies could use to build a management philosophy, and why companies need to listen and obtain a shared reality.  I will not build it for you, but I will bring up the most current ideas of the best run and most highly respected companies and military units in the world.  I will also bring up random ideas in the spirit of this process, just to add a horn to the snowmobile, and I think Boyd would approve.

SEALs and Army Fusion in Ramadi    

     The Navy SEALs and Army in Ramadi, as discussed in Dick Couch’s book ‘The Sheriff of Ramadi’, used the concept of sharing reality to integrate the two very different units to assault Ramadi.  The SEALs checked their egos at the door, and really opened up to the Army so they could integrate well into the mission.  They shared each other’s reality to get the job done, and really took advantage of each other’s strengths for the mission of taking back Ramadi.  The SEAL commander made a statement in the book regarding fusion.  In SEAL operations, they were always trying to fuse Information with Operations, in Ramadi, they were trying to fuse the SEALs with the Army.  The result of this sharing of information and resources–a total transparency of intel between the two, was amazingly successful.  I highly recommend this book, and shared reality is a major theme.

Shared Reality

   Pete Blaber wrote a book called The Mission, My Men, and Me, and he was also mentioned in another book by Sean Naylor called ‘Not a Good Day to Die: The Untold Story of Operation Anaconda’.In the comments section of a blog I was perusing, that discussed Sean’s book, Pete himself commented on one of the most important lessons he took away from that operation. Here it is:


Thanks for the superb summary of the battle, I’m reading your insights and perspectives on the eve of my book being published on 2, Dec. Your points on hubris, and listening to the guys on the ground are central to the section of the book devoted to Anaconda. My overarching lesson/take-away from the battle is this–It’s not reality unless it’s shared. Sharing information creates a shared reality, not only does it make the whole wiser than the individual parts, it also serves as and effective system of checks and balances to correct misinterpretations by individuals who don’t have all the pieces of the puzzle. AFO was a boundaryless organization, we had no boundary’s to sharing information–both outward and inward, it was above all else, the reason why we were able to accomplish so much with so few.

Pete Blaber

The Toyota Way and Principle 12

With Toyota, this is a no brainer.  This is one of the best companies in the world, and they are doing something right.  The book, The Toyota Way talks about the 14 management principals that have made them great.  I also posted the wikipedia for these principles in the publications section of Feral Jundi.  The principle I wanted to focus on is principle 12. As a primer though, here is Toyota’s philosophy that is constantly instilled into the DNA of the management and work force of this outstanding company.   

Toyota, Our Philosophy(from their website)

At Toyota, our first concern is our customers and the quality of product we deliver. That’s why we say total customer satisfaction drives everything we do. Naturally, the best approach to keeping our customers satisfied is to provide them with the highest quality products and service.

At Toyota facilities around the globe, “kaizen” is a word mentioned frequently. The word means “continuous improvement” and is a key factor in Toyota quality. Kaizen has been incorporated into the Toyota Production System driving our engineering and manufacturing teams to constantly improve our lift trucks. It also drives our service personnel.   


    And here is the 12th Principle from Wikipedia.  It is self explanatory and take note of #4.


Principle 12 from the Toyota Way

    * Go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation (Genchi Genbutsu).

Toyota managers are expected to “go-and-see” operations. Without experiencing the situation firsthand, managers will not have an understanding of how it can be improved. Furthermore, managers use Tadashi Yamashima’s (President, Toyota Technical Center (TCC)) ten management principles as a guideline:

   1. Always keep the final target in mind.

   2. Clearly assign tasks to yourself and others.

   3. Think and speak on verified, proven information and data.

   4. Take full advantage of the wisdom and experiences of others to send, gather or discuss information.

   5. Share information with others in a timely fashion.

   6. Always report, inform and consult in a timely manner.

   7. Analyze and understand shortcomings in your capabilities in a measurable way.

   8. Relentlessly strive to conduct kaizen activities.

   9. Think “outside the box,” or beyond common sense and standard rules.

  10. Always be mindful of protecting your safety and health.

Safeway, Mystery Shoppers, and Trust But Verify

     A little talked aspect of how corporations try to get some shared reality(not everyone acts normal around the CEO or Review Team), is mystery shoppers.  It sounds funny, but mystery shoppers are an essential tool for one company called Safeway, a grocery chain.  They hire mystery shoppers to shop at their Safeway’s, and report on the services of the various stores.  The management and workforce are all evaluated by these trained and vetted Mystery Shoppers, and no one knows when it happens or who they are.  But if a MS comes in and does not see things being done properly or they feel that they did not get good service, the company tasked with gathering this intelligence will send a report to Safeway corporate office, and they will confront those issues. 

    This is a very interesting concept, and the way I could see it being done in the security contracting industry is companies could hire a investigative company to actually plant employees who can report on how everything is working in the field.  The main theme here, is to see if everyone is doing it right, when no one is looking.  That should be the goal of any company when they hire a manager–that individual should be the type that does it right, when no one is looking.  Safeway using a MS service, is able to determine that through a ‘trust, but verify’ type system.   

What Would Google Do? 

     This is an interesting one, because it requires a type of open-ness that most companies are not used to.  Especially managers, but it is important to look at in today’s internet age.  The book ‘What Would Google Do’, by Jeff Jarvis talks about just that.  If Google was to build cars, how would they do it?  If they were to run an airline company, how would they do that?  Jeff has put together the principles of what makes the company Google great in today’s Web 2.0 world, and asks the question of how Google would run your company differently.  Google really depends a lot on customer feed back and making everything they have accessible, cheap, and easy to build off of.  They always put something into Beta, and then they seek out all and any input to make it better.  The result is a service or online tool that pleases a lot of people.  

     For our industry, listening to the guys on the ground about how to do something better, or setting up a social networking site around a company(like what Obama did with his social networking/campaign site), that actually taps into the ideas and enthusiasm of the group, is something that has a lot of merit.  Or another idea is to just constantly share information with your employees, and constantly be open to all ideas that come back–both good and bad.  It is all about being a learning organization, and the more ideas the better.  It requires transparency though, and that means opening up to your work force about what is what and why the company does it this way or that.  And your best ideas usually come from your Mavens.

Mavens and Blogs

     When the book called The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell came out, I was enthralled with it.  What an awesome book about business and ideas, and how stuff works in a company.  Malcolm listed three vital components of a company–a salesman, a connector, and a maven.  All of them are important to the success of a company, and everything is self explanatory.  A Salesman is the type of guy that could sell snow to a eskimo.  You need these guys to sell products and services, so you can constantly get business.  The Connector is a guy that knows everyone, and I mean everyone.  They are the type that have a mega rolodex in their brain, and are very social.  These are the guys that will know a guy that will get you a cheap part or service, and can make things happen when it is time to implement a plan.  

    But to me, the most important guy out of all of these guys are the Mavens.  These are the guys that are extremely knowledgeable about a certain subject and are almost obsessed with it.  They are certainly passionate about that subject, and people look up to them for answers and ideas.  Mavens are the guys that a company needs to impress and embrace, or suffer the onslaught of criticism by that Maven.  Malcolm described a Maven as the guy that would call the 1-800 number printed on a pack of bubble gum, to put their two cents in about that gum.  That is why companies put numbers on a pack of gum, to attract the Mavens and get their input.  

     And when a Maven has a blog that is read by many, then you as a company must seek these guys out and figure out what makes them tick.  Because Mavens talk with each other, and they care about the details and the little things about your company.  If you are doing something right, someone in that Maven network will talk about it, so it pays to pay attention.

   One example of this, is Jake Allen of Combat Operator.  He wrote a scathing review of Blackwater and Eric Prince on his blog, and it is worth a read.  But most importantly, Jake is a Maven.  He has created a blog about the security contracting industry, and he is there thinking about it and writing about it all the time.  He pays for the hosting and the development of the site, and it is his passion displayed for everyone to read.   

   Jake also has a readership, which is a common occurrence for Mavens, and this is something that companies should take note.  Matter of fact, if I was Eric Prince, I would be doing my best to answer some of the questions and issues that Jake has raised, and utilize the power of this Maven before he is able to influence other Mavens and readers. 

    There are other Maven’s out there, like Eeben Barlow’s blog, Free Range International, Michael Yon, David Isenberg, Doug Brook’s IPOA, Danger Zone’s Blog, Soldier Systems Blog, Small War’s Journal Blog or even this blog.  At the right, I have listed all sorts of Mavens and their blogs.  I found them all and collected them up on my blog, so I and my readers can access them quickly.  Hell, I even made some of them into widgets or put them on a RSS feed, so I can get their information as it is posted.  

    A funny thing happens when you start doing it right, Mavens actually say something nice or complimentary about your company.  They actually mention a strength of an idea, service or product, and their readership listens.  Then that readership talks it up with their networks, and they send out links to that Maven’s blog, and it is viral. They know Mavens care and are passionate, and these networks of Mavens take notice when they have something to say.  And Mavens like myself and Jake use tools to spread ideas, like Facebook or Twitter or a Podcast, and you start to see that not only are we passionate about an industry, but we want to get the message out about our passion.  When we are wrong, our readership also corrects us, and that makes the strength of the ideas even stronger.  Mavens are always seeking that information gold and dishing out that wealth to their readership.  It is a powerful thing, if a Maven knows what they are doing.  

    What is also interesting is the use of blogs by companies and the military.  Soldiers and employees are encouraged to interact in the comments section of the blogs, and those guys get to interact with the leaders of the company.  I was reading about a General that had a blog, that is used to connect with his soldiers and public.  Perhaps Eric Prince could start a blog, and share more of his thoughts with his company and the public.  Mavens would love to interact on his blog, and I bring up the example of Eeben Barlow’s blog.  Eeben has been very open about his former company Executive Outcomes, and all that information is gold to a Maven.  As a result, I am always asking questions or commenting on stuff Eeben talks about, and that only builds my intelligence about the subject of Private Military Companies. 

Summary and Kaizen

    Shared reality, shared reality, shared reality.  Listen to the guys out in the field, listen to the Maven bloggers, listen to the lessons learned from Pete Blaber/the SEALs/Toyota/Google/Safeway and constantly improve your company by obtaining input from those that care enough to say something.  Then share your information and ideas with them so these Mavens and networks can actually come up with new ideas that are better or that enhance your current ideas. That is vital for learning organizations. This is what Toyota calls Kaizen or “continuous improvement”, and that is the stuff that will give your company the edge over the other guy. –Matt

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Building Snowmobiles: The Rypple Effect

Filed under: Building Snowmobiles,Technology — Tags: , , — Matt @ 5:29 PM

 This really grabbed my attention, because it touched upon a technological reality of today’s work force, to include even our workforce.  This is an idea that seeks to work with the mindset of today’s younger generation, and certainly enhances a learning organization capabilities.  Did you hear that?  Yes, learning organizations is the theme for any company and it’s culture or even today’s military and it’s culture if they want to be successful.  And constant feedback is essential for the health of that learning organization.  It is not good enough to do a yearly review, or a monthly review.  Today’s youth, and I would argue even our older work force (once familiar) would want more feedback about how they are doing, if there was a technology available to them to make that an easy process.  Emails and forums are ok, but they are not specifically designed for feedback generation, so what next?

   Enter Rypple.  This is still in the Beta, and only a handful of companies are using this, but it is some radical stuff.  It is a evolving program, that is free to sign up with, that has created a tool for the free flow of feedback, back and forth between bosses, mentors, and employees.  I challenge today’s security contracting community to take a hard look at this kind of thing, and see if this is something they could use.  Your older workers might be intimidated by this, but your younger workers might really appreciate this tool.

   Imagine, you feel really bad about your performance at the range or on a mission, and you want to get some feedback about how you did or what you could have done differently from some of your cherished mentors or instructors or team leaders.  But scheduling time or circumstance just couldn’t allow that to happen.  Using a system like Rypple, where you ask the question of your network, and they answer back(or at least a few of them) so that you can get that feedback could be the answer.  I guess you could use an email or forum, or you could use something that is actually designed to facilitate this feedback network. And for bosses and employees that hate doing evaluations every year or every month, something like this would be cheap and easy to do as a form of evaluations.  Every company should be using evaluations, so that everyone knows where they stand in the company and how they are doing.  Rypple would be a very easy program to initiate. 


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Building Snowmobiles: Fifth Generation Warfare Blogs

Filed under: Building Snowmobiles — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 2:06 PM

     Today I was investigating 5th Generation Warfare, and the various thoughts about the concept.  I first started out with some stuff written by Colonel T.X. Hammes(thanks to scott for that article), and eventually ended up on these blogs through my searches.  I’m a blogger, so I guess I would naturally gravitate towards the blogging community to learn.  And low and behold, I stumbled upon these little gems.  

     They are called Dreaming 5 GW and Purple Slog(although not a specific 5GW blog), and there are some heavy duty concepts being laid down by the various authors of each.  Especially the use of OODA and the references to Boyd, and how 5 GW enters into the mix. I will let the reader explore for themselves.  Although I have to give you guys a taste of the kind of snowmobiles they are building.

    The author of Purple Slog developed some interesting 5 GW attack models, and the ones I got a kick out of was the Frog Boiling* and the Black Swan** method of 5GW. And what makes all of this interesting, is that blogs are what allow these individuals to network and exchange ideas about 5 GW.  A network about networks.  In essence, these thoughts about 5GW is slowly ‘boiling the frog’ of what conventional thoughts there are about 5GW.  And blogs are representations of individuals that are constantly learning and commenting about their subject, always evolving and always hammering away at the concepts like a blacksmith to steel.  Here you go, and enjoy.-Head Jundi


*The boiling frog story states that a frog can be boiled alive if the water is heated slowly enough — it is said that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will never jump out.

**An event or occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and that would be extremely difficult to predict. This term was popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a finance professor and former wallstreet trader. 



A 5GWer will either take the path of Frog Boiling [4] or the path of Black Swan Hatching [5]. 

Frog Boiling

A Frog Boiling 5GW aims to make many small effects which lead to success. The planning will be iterative [6] and future actions will depend on lessons learned from the results achieved from the prior actions. By going slow, using many small actions, and relying upon N-order effects, the Frog Boiling 5GW hopes to get a successful end result without exposure to adversarial forces or without other perhaps even knowing a 5GW has taken place.

Black Swan

A Black Swan Hatching 5GW is designed using the waterfall method [7] to effect a Black Swan event [8] (or at least a major Systems Perturbation). This 5GW achieves its goals from either the Black Swan event itself or from reactions to the Black Swan event [9]. Secrecy is achieved by the tight knit, closed, top-down model of planning and control. The hope is that even if the 5GW effort is discovered, it will be after it is too late[10]. 

Purple Slog Blog

Dreaming 5GW Blog

Evolution and Timeline of 5GW 

Friday, November 14, 2008

Building Snowmobiles: Pope John and The Supersonic Monastary

Filed under: Building Snowmobiles — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 12:25 PM

    This is a little old, but still a cool article.  It was written at the beginning of the year, and it is a dedication to ‘Pope John and his Supersonic Monastary’ (Col. John Boyd and his ideas). But most importantly, it is an article that focuses on what parts of Boyd’s ideas we have successfully used in this current war, and what leaders have been influenced by Boyd. It is a great read, and very easy to understand.

     Some of the things that I keyed in on, that I have never heard of before, was the Cockpit or Crew Resource Management(CRM) concept and how it is being used by various groups. I will touch more on this in future articles but in summary, CRM can be defined as a management system which makes optimum use of all available resources – equipment, procedures and people – to promote safety and enhance the efficiency of flight operations. Or share in the decision making process, so nothing is missed and the right decision is made to achieve the goal.  I think there is something there for our industry, and I will build that snowmobile in the future.  Enjoy the article below, and be sure to read the comments section too.  –Head Jundi


This is a story about success and failure. It is a story about Iraq, and of something much bigger than Iraq. It is, perhaps, a small look into what makes victory, and defeat. It is a tale of infantrymen, of brave soldiers in dusty alleys a world away. It is a story of generals and strategies, too.

But to understand our newfound success there, to know a little of how we achieved it and most importantly, how to keep it, we need to move away from that Mesopotamian desert and those boots on the ground, and back to a different desert on the other side of the world a half century ago. For there, a vision was vouchsafed to a most unlikely warrior priest… the kind of insight that comes once or twice in all of human history.

There are some diverse threads to connect here. But if you have the patience to take a walk with me, you may perhaps see things in a way you have not seen them before.

Part 1

Part 2 


Wikipedia for Cockpit Resource Management 

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