Feral Jundi

Monday, April 12, 2010

Building Snowmobiles: Secretary Of Defense Gates Gives The ‘To Be, Or To Do’ Lecture At The AF Academy

     It strikes me that the significance of Mitchell, Arnold, Schreiver, and Boyd and their travails was not that they were always right. What strikes me is that they had the vision and insight to see that the world and technology had changed.  They understood the implications of that change, and they pressed ahead in the face of incredibly fierce institutional resistance. 

    One of the reasons they were successful at championing their ideas is that they were always willing to speak truth to power…. -Secretary Gates


   This is great and totally worthy of a ‘building snowmobiles’ post.  Secretary of Defense Gates pays homage to Col. John Boyd in a big way with this lecture, and I was certainly motivated by the words.  It is a lecture that completely supports the concept of ‘to be, or to do’.  How incredibly refreshing it is to hear such words from someone at that top.

   I will shut up now, and let the reader check out this ‘truck load of awesome’. –Matt


John Boyd

Col. John Boyd.

United States Air Force Academy Lecture

Remarks as Delivered by Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates,

Colorado Springs, CO

Friday, April 02, 2010


Thank you for that introduction.

It’s a pleasure to be back at the Air Force Academy for my first visit since 2007, when I spoke at commencement. And I’m particularly happy to be in Colorado Springs, but then I am happy to be anywhere other than Washington, D.C.

I should begin by congratulating the Class of 2013 for making it through “Recognition” and earning your props and wings. It’s a great achievement and one you should be proud of. I hope you’ve had a chance to get some well-earned freedom.

I certainly did not go through anything nearly as rigorous when I was commissioned as an Air Force officer 43 years ago. I have to admit now, though, four decades plus removed from Officer Training School at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, I’m a little surprised that they even let me out.

Now, in a normal speech, I would thank you all for coming, but I know full well that this event is not exactly optional – so, my apologies — and I’ll be content with thanking you for just staying awake after lunch, or at least trying to, with the schedule that you all have here.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Books: Start-Up Nation–The Story Of Israel’s Economic Miracle, By Dan Senor And Saul Singer

   Outstanding book, and I give it two thumbs up.  I don’t get a chance to read many books these days, and this was a book that I wanted to get my hands on and read ever since it came out. No disappointments either.  So let me do a run down of what inspired me, and how this book relates to our industry.

   I also want to mention that I realize that the US has given aid to Israel.  So you could easily say that their economy and war machine has benefited from that infusion of aid.  But the return on investment in Israel, has been phenomenal for the amount of patents, inventions, and business innovation that has come out of that small country. How is it that Israel– a country of 7.1 million, only 60 years old, surrounded by enemies, in a constant state of war since its founding, with no natural resources– produces more start-up companies than large, peaceful, and stable nations like Japan, China, India, Korea, Canada and the UK? How can anyone look at how much has come out of Israel, and not be inspired or curious as to the ‘why’?  With that said, lets get started.

   If I was to sum up the theme of this book, it would be the Hebrew word ‘Davka‘, or ‘to succeed in spite of’.  The Israelis are surrounded by people and countries that hate them and want nothing more than to destroy them.  In turn, the Israelis have to be smart to survive and they have to have a strong military that can deal with multiple threats. Do to such a small population, everyone must serve in the military too.  They also need a vibrant economy to pay for it all.  And like Dan Senor and Saul Singer have so eloquently spelled out in their book, the Israelis know exactly what it takes to survive.

   It is a country filled with entrepreneurs who are not afraid to fail, and they all have gained valuable leadership and innovation experience at an early age while in the military.  The companies in Israel are extremely innovative and are resilient in the face of war, because of this military infusion in their culture.  It’s not because they want to be a militaristic society, it’s because they have to be, do to a shortage on manpower.  It is that dynamic, that has helped produce such highly resilient economy filled with entrepreneurs.

   So let me cover some points as a teaser that really stood out for me.  The Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffet, actually invested in an Israeli firm, and that was something he promised he would never do.  At face value, investing in a company located in such a volatile part of the world, doesn’t make sense.  But because the companies in Israel are driven by Davka and have a supreme dedication to the customer and delivering on their promises, that during times of war, production levels actually increased.

    During the Gulf War 1, the Israeli economy persevered, because the thinking was that Saddam would not get the best of Israel or impact it’s economy negatively.  The production levels increased during that war, just because they wanted to succeed in spite of the attacks.  The same thing happened during the Second Lebanon war, and production levels increased.

   These companies were also run by reservists or former IDF, and that battlefield resolve translated into economic resolve in the face of crisis.  Buffet recognized this, and that is why he invested there.  Cisco has bought nine companies in Israel, and the list goes on. Everyone knows that the Israelis produce the most innovative stuff, and they are extremely resilient in the face of crisis.  Investors love that stuff.

   Israel also has a culture in which the military veteran is highly regarded, and business recognizes the value of that veteran.  It is much like how after WW 2 in America, where if you were applying for a job and ‘weren’t a veteran’, you were an oddball.  In today’s America, it is the other way around.  We have one half of the society that has never served in the military, and really doesn’t understand the benefits behind hiring veterans, and then we have the other half of society, that does serve or has served, and understands those benefits clearly.  We are not taking full advantage of this leadership resource.  Today’s business is also missing out on the innovation capabilities of this abundant resource, and continue to think that they will get better leaders out of ‘universities that produce book smart kids’, but certainly fall short in the leadership manufacturing department.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jundism: Save Your Pennies

     This is a new addition to Jundism, and I wanted to back this precept up with plenty of historical reference. From Bushido or the Boy Scout Law, to Col. John Boyd and Miyamoto Musashi. As you can see, being thrifty is a concept that needs attention.

     For your personal life, being thrifty means you can survive in between your gigs because you saved your pennies. In my experience, you need to be able to last for up to a year to two years without a contract sometimes. You just cannot depend upon a job to be there for the long term, despite what your employer or contract might say. The smart contractor saves their pennies so they can weather the down times.

     Being thrifty also means being fiscally responsible, and not creating a situation in your life where your decision making process could be impacted by debt.  It absolutely kills me to hear guys say ‘man, I would leave this crappy contract tomorrow, if I didn’t have a house payment to make’.  With that said, how many guys are out there, that are a slave to a poorly managed contract and don’t say anything to make it better, all because they owe money back home and fear employer reprisal?

     So strategically speaking, if you could focus on saving your money and entering into contracts from a position of strength, then that makes sense.  Boyd recognized the power of being frugal, and it certainly allowed him to not be influenced by others and be free from the constraints of debt. Imagine being able to say ‘If these guys do not do the things necessary to properly manage this contract, I am leaving’, all because you have enough money back home to survive through the unemployment.  Of course I always recommend that folks have a new job lined up before leaving a crappy contract, but if you cannot put up with the shenanigans, then leave.  Having money saved up at home, gives you that freedom to be able to do that. (having retirement money, allows you never to work again, but good luck getting to that level-lol)

     Also, if your brain is clogged with negativity because you have bill collectors or ex-spouse pressing down on you all the time, then how does that mindset translate to your decision making process out in the field? If you are stressed out from money issues, and have your finger on a trigger of a weapon in a war zone, how is that helpful in your shoot or no shoot situations?  Money and poor relationships seems to be some of the main culprits of adding stress to an already stressful job.  A good strategy is to get your finances in order before a contract overseas, so you can think clearly and have one less thing to worry about.

     Then there is the IRS and getting a clearance for work.  Financial problems are the one thing that really screw up a lot of guy’s chances for getting a clearance, and thus a job.  Especially if you lied about problems, or didn’t know everything about your finances when you submitted a SF 86 form.  I recommend getting a background check done on yourself, and know all the little financial secrets about your life.  It’s called ‘being prepared’, and having that information will help you when applying for jobs that require clearances.  And if you owe the IRS money (or whatever tax collector agency in your country), you will only hurt your chances for work, and that kind of debt will yet again impact your mental stability.  Pay your debts, clear your mind.  It’s that simple.

     There is no retirement plan with this stuff either. How you play your cards now, will influence how you do later on in life.  Put your money in a Roth IRA, or some Index Fund and feed them both with dollar cost averaging. Compounding interest and time are your friends, when it comes to saving money. Invest in your health, and insure you have a good health plan. Get a good CPA during tax time.  Enlist the help of a financial advisor, and get a good strategy going for saving your money. Most importantly, make sure you have covered all the loose ends with supporting your family.  Especially if you get wounded, or worse yet, if you get killed.  All of these items will help to put your mind at ease, if you put the proper time into researching and building your financial strategy.

     Finally, there are so many good reasons for saving your money and living modestly.  Of course the recession is forcing many to re-evaluate their finances, but even during the good times, it is important to just keep saving.  I want your brains to be clear of any kind of negativity associated with money. Go ahead and treat yourself every once in awhile, and that is only human. But for the true professional, saving your pennies is a key life and work strategy.  It also equates to a clear head, which will help in your decision making processes out there in the war.

     I also think if you can get your money matters in order, it will also influence the quality of your relationships at home, which will also impact your mental state out in the field. This industry needs you to be thinking straight and ‘Saving your pennies’ is another excellent addition to Jundism. I look forward to your thoughts on the matter. –Matt



Sonshi.com: Boyd believed Sun Tzu’s The Art of War was the only book he read that didn’t have any flaws. He was known to own several translations and encouraged close associates to read it. We believe the greatest testament to his understanding of the work was his remark, “My goal was not personal. My work was for the best interest of the country. I tried to do it the Air Force Way and was refused at every turn. Then I did it my way.” Sun Tzu said, “The general who does not advance to seek glory, or does not withdraw to avoid punishment, but cares for only the people’s security and promotes the people’s interests, is the nation’s treasure.” Do find this to be the underlying theme in his life?

Chet Richards: Boyd might not agree that it didn’t have flaws. It is, after all, the creation of mortal human beings. However, he never critiqued Sun Tzu as he did Clausewitz or Jomini, where he identified fundamental problems with their underlying approach to strategy. I’ll go into this in more detail below.

As for doing it his way, by the end of his life, this was certainly true. After he realized that the Air Force was not going to promote him to general, he restructured his life style to fit his colonel’s retirement pay. By doing this, he freed himself from any need to make more money. This produced an almost Zen-like detachment from material desire.

From an interview between Sonshi and Chet Richards.



By the Ronin, Miyamoto Musashi

The Dokkodo “The Path of Aloneness” or “The Way to be Followed Alone” was a work written by Miyamoto Musashi a week before he died in 1645. It is a short work, consisting of either nineteen or twenty-one precepts; precepts 4 and 20 are omitted from the former version. It was largely composed on the occasion of Musashi giving away his possessions in preparation for death, and was dedicated to his favorite disciple, Terao Magonojo (to whom the earlier Go rin no sho had also been dedicated), who took them to heart. It expresses a stringent, honest, and ascetic view of life. Musashi is also the author of The Book of Five Rings.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Building Snowmobiles: The Drone Archer

“Do not engage in military operations; that will lead to defeat. Do not take land from a peasant. Emphasize nationalism rather than communism. Do not antagonize anyone if you can avoid it. Be selective in your violence. If an assassination is necessary, use a knife, not a rifle or grenade. It is too easy to kill innocent bystanders with guns and bombs, and accidental killing of the innocent bystanders will alienate peasants from the revolution. Once an assassination has taken place, make sure peasants know why the killing occurred.” This strategy was referred to as “armed propaganda.” –
Ho Chi Minh


   For this post, Doug gave me a ton of good ideas and he is certainly a contributor. I also want to thank Amos for the Elephant Chisel idea. This building snowmobiles is an ambitious exploration of drone warfare and what we think it will look like in future wars, and especially at the small unit level. The quote above is more geared towards explaining why precise targeting is so important and why collateral damage will only hurt our efforts in this war.

    Let’s get started. The historical reference for this conversation, will be the “White Company“.  The White Company was a 14th-Century Italian private military company of mercenary archers, led by John Hawkwood. Highly skilled archers were a hot commodity back in that time period, and were a key element to winning wars. John Hawkwood made a ton of money deploying these types of professionals, and because of these highly effective mercenary archers and their fearlessness, all the countries paid a high dollar to get those services.  Matter of fact, that desire to employ the best of the best to win wars, is what would later contribute to the rising debt of countries back then and the creation of the bond in order to help pay for it all. John was also very skilled at playing both sides of the conflict, but that is a different story.

   Another reason why I brought up the White Company, is that this closely mimics what is going on today.  PMC’s are very important to current day drone warfare.  They make the drones, they repair them, they prep them for battle and in some cases they control them.  Of course we are not seeing PMC’s take part in offensive operations, where a drone pilot is actually pulling the trigger on targets, but they are certainly involved with all other aspects of supporting offensive and defensive drone warfare.

   That’s not to say that a PMC wouldn’t be using drones like this in the future, but at this point, it is military drone pilots that are pulling the trigger. What is interesting today, is the close relationship that PMC’s have with the various militaries in the world, for conducting drone warfare. That is why I like using the White Company reference.

    In order to staff a modern day version of the White Company or whatever unit, you need a modern version of archers, or ‘drone archers’. (that would be cool if it catches on as the vernacular for this type of drone warfare)  These folks would be the guys skilled at all aspects of drone warfare and would represent the ‘knife’, as Ho Chi Minh would put it, of a unit.  Drone archers would certainly give any unit the edge in future battles, much like the archers of the White Company did in the 14th century. These expert drone archers would be tasked with preparing and using drones for both offensive and defensive maneuvers, and their precision targeting would be highly valued. (collateral damage will continue to be a bad thing in the future) Think of these drone archers as snipers who attack from the sky.


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Building Snowmobiles: The Bounty Hunter Mobile Application

Dog Chapman

   This is a basic one, but I think extremely intriguing.  The idea behind this post, is that I am hoping that some programmer or entrepreneur will take this idea and run with it. Meanwhile, my ultimate goal of wanting to see an increase of criminals and terrorists being captured would be the best outcome of all, along with people making money off of the concept.

    You can thank me later, if someone does take the ball and runs with it. Or maybe some whiz kid has already produced something like this? Nothing has come up on my PMC 2.0 radar that would indicate this, but if you do know of a similar concept, I would like to hear about it.

   So lets get this started.  This concept is really pretty simple.  Everyone owns or will own a smart phone with GPS capability.  That is an inevitability in my opinion, and the trends in mobile phone technology and availability points to this. They will actually be free with service plans, and you are already seeing this with some of the older smart phones.

   If everyone owned a smart phone with this GPS capability, then you could very well introduce a type of bounty hunter mobile application, which would connect folks who are looking for something or someone with the folks that are currently signed on with the BH application as hunters.  And what would really make it a ‘bounty’ hunter tool, is if those individuals looking for whatever, offered a reward.

   The way I see this working, is that you download the program onto your phone for free or for a small fee, and have the option to participate in the program or not, based on your personal preference . Just turn on the button that puts you into hunt mode.  You can either participate as a bounty hunter, or you could be the guy or gal offering the reward.   It could be individuals, police departments, organizations, schools, telecom companies, computer companies, countries, it doesn’t matter.  The application is open to the world, and they can sign up and play, all with intent of connecting folks for a common goal and creating an industry out of it.


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