I got this from strategy page, and thought that this was interesting. You never hear too much about Chinese security contractors, and especially in Africa. I think you will see more and more of this, just as long as China has natural resource interests there. They are also active in the Sudan. -Head Jundi
Asian Mercenaries in Zimbabwe
April 24, 2008: Concurrent with China’s latest shipments of arms and munitions to Zimbabwe (see http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htproc/articles/20080421.aspx ), two dozen uniformed and armed Chinese soldiers were seen patrolling the streets of the eastern border town of Mutare, with Zimbabwean troops, during a strike by Mugabe’s political opposition. The Chinese Embassy denied that there were any Chinese troops in the area, but suggested that local Chinese-owned companies hired contractors to protect their interests. Over the last few years, thousands of Chinese have moved to Zimbabwe, where they have become active in retailing, manufacturing, mining and farming. They have a lot to protect and apparently have formed a militia. (more…)