Feral Jundi

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cool Stuff: Tim Lynch On The Alonya Show–The War, Contractors And Blogging

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Strategy: Van Creveld, Nagl, Bacevich, Hammes, Echevarria–All Star Strategy Conference

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Strategy,Video — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Matt @ 2:26 AM

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cool Stuff: Desert Manhunt–Shadow Wolves On The Border

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Call To Action: The 2010 Warrior Pride Ride

   This is a cool project that Jake is working on, and I figured I would do a little promoting for it.  Little fundraiser projects like this can be immensely helpful to the Wounded Warrior Project or similar foundations.  Especially if guys and gals started their own little fundraisers in their towns, and then you can see how big this could get if everyone started doing it. The point is, every dollar counts and it is all going to the cause of supporting wounded warriors.

   The contribuventure concept is really neat and I hope it catches on.  If you follow the links below, you can further investigate what this is all about. To those that are doing the 2010 Warrior Pride Ride, have a good one and thanks for caring. –Matt


Welcome to the 2010 Warrior Pride Ride!  A Contribuventure to support America’s wounded veterans.

The Contribution

The purpose of the 2010 Warrior Pride Ride is to raise $5,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP).  Donations will go to support the men and women who’ve served our country and who, as a direct result of that service, now suffer from a debilitating injury or condition.  Often their injury not only makes it impossible to continue their military service but also presents huge challenges in  re-integrating into civilian life.

The Adventure

As Contribuventurists we will ride our bicycles for 5 consecutive days going from the Washington D.C. area south to Virginia Beach.  The total distance is nearly 300 hundred miles.  Our adventure will  begin on or about Sunday, 30 May, 2010, and will end on Friday, 4 June, 2010.

We will stop to thank veterans along the way.


Cool Stuff: The JetLev

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Funny Stuff — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 2:52 PM

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