Feral Jundi

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cool Stuff: William F Cody Medal Of Honor Headstone, Colorado

   I found this at the Home of Heroes website, which lists all the states who have graves of Medal of Honor recipients. Low and behold, the famous civilian scout William Cody rests in Golden, Colorado. Pretty cool, and something to check out for you contractors and history buffs that live in Colorado or just passing through. –Matt


William Cody

Born:  February 16, 1846 at Scott County, IA

Entered Service in the US Army from Fort McPherson, NE

Earned The Medal of Honor During the Indian Campaigns For heroism April 26, 1872 at Loupe Fork of Platte River, NE

Died:  January 10, 1917 at the age of 70

     In the spring of 1872 a small party of Indians made a dash on McPherson station, about five miles from the fort, killing two or three men and running off quite a large number of horses. Civilian Scout William Cody guided a cavalry detachment in seeking out the responsible party, and upon finding their camp near the Loupe Fork of the Platte River, scouted the emplacement with six soldiers. After finding a small enemy patrol, concerned that they might escape, Cody led the six soldiers in an immediate attack though he was outnumbered two-to-one. The soldiers killed six of the thirteen Indians, the sound of the battle drawing a relief force of cavalry that then put the remainder to flight. For this action which resulted in the destruction of a dangerous party of hostile raiders, William Cody and three soldiers who fought with him in the battle were awarded Medals of Honor for “Gallantry in action.” The three cavalrymen cited were: Sergeant John Foley, Private William Strayer, and First Sergeant Leroy Vokes.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Publications: Pseudo Operations And COIN: Lessons From Other Countries, By Dr. Lawrence E. Cline

   If you have the time, check out this excellent paper.  I loved it, because this is the kind of stuff that we need to be doing more of in this war. All it takes is one guy that we can use to deeply penetrate into Osama Bin Laden’s network or some drug cartel, and we could effectively dismantle those operations.

   Dr. Cline gave a big mention to the Selous Scouts in this treatment of the subject, and brought up numerous other groups that had conducted pseudo operations in their wars.

   Towards the end of the article, he builds a snowmobile out of all of this data from all of these other countries, and puts together a pretty good ‘lessons learned’ of how to do pseudo operations correctly:

1. Money counts.

2. The alternative to cooperation can be dire.

3. Coordination is critical.

4. Breaking guerrilla communications systems is a key tool.

5. Effectiveness of pseudo operations depends in large part on

the effectiveness of response forces.

6. The role of “turned” guerrillas is critical.

   The two big components of turning enemy combatants it seems, is money and leveraging the choice of harsh incarceration or execution. That, and treating the captives really well in the beginning and having a really well planned system of turning these folks. It is quite clear though, that pseudo operations can be effective, and they are not impossible to do. It ain’t easy either, because if it was, everyone would be doing it successfully.

   One of the things that is working against the US for pseudo operations, is that we detain terrorists with no chance of execution. There is nothing scary at all about our detention, despite what the media might have the public believe .  If anything, terrorists want to go to Gitmo, so they can conduct propaganda campaigns for their cause while in detention.  They love the idea that they can continue to live and wage jihad from a cell. The paradox though, is that they want to be martyred, so execution would be cool with them as well. So right there is one factor working against us for doing pseudo operations. Still, I think there are other incentives that we could use in order to turn these guys, and we should leave no stone unturned with a pseudo operation strategy.

   Finally, the one theme that repeated throughout the paper, is that pseudo forces should focus primarily on information collection.  When you involve them in more kinetic stuff, that tends to muck up everything.  So whatever turned guerrillas or terrorists you use, it would probably be best to use them just to collect information and have a very flexible and quick reaction force to work off of that information. And to figure out a means of not accidently killing good guys or screwing up the pseudo operator’s operation. Lot’s to think about, but I really think this is the kind of stuff we need to do more of.

   Now to put my industry hat on.  Could a PMC offer these type of services?  If a company was able to claim some kind of speciality in turning guerillas and terrorists, that is the kind of service that would really give states an advantage in their wars. Hell, I know non-states are already doing this kind of thing, and you see examples of it everywhere in this war. But if a company had a proprietary method for turning folks within the framework of international law, and within the laws of that host/contracting country, you could probably name your price. Especially if you were able to produce results. –Matt


Pseudo Operations and Counterinsurgency: Lessons from Other Countries

June 2005

Authored by Dr. Lawrence E. Cline


Pseudo operations, in which government forces and guerrilla defectors portray themselves as insurgent units, have been a very successful technique used in several counterinsurgency campaigns. Pseudo teams have provided critical human intelligence and other support to these operations.

These operations, although of considerable value, also have raised a number of concerns. Their use in offensive missions and psychological operations campaigns has, at times, been counterproductive. In general, their main value has been as human intelligence collectors, particularly for long-term background intelligence or for identifying guerrilla groups that then are assaulted by conventional forces. Care must be taken in running these operations both to avoid going too far in acting like guerrillas, and in resisting becoming involved in human rights abuses.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Cool Stuff: An Above The Knee Amputee Guide To Concealed Carry

     Boy folks, this is a treat.  The other day I was perusing the forums and stumbled upon a post over at Lightfighter that really caught my eye.  This hard charger actually converted his prosthetic leg, into a concealed carry platform.  I thought it was incredibly innovative and just damn cool. From AR 15’s to Glocks to knives–wow. It actually concealed pretty good too.  So with J.’s permission, I have posted a few of his pictures of his work.

   For some details, J. is an ‘above the knee’ amputee, and the prosthetic he has is totally adjustable and state of the art.  I invite the reader to check out all of the posts pertaining to the development of this project over at Lightfigther. Maybe if there are any equipment manufacturers out there, you can contact J. or ‘zombiehunter’ on the forum and pick his brain about creating a product line. Check it out.-Matt


Robocop Phase 1 post here.

Robocop Phase 2 post here.

‘Planet Terror’ post here.


Robocop Phase 1

I got this idea from Pat Rogers and hal5555 along with several other buddies. It’s as close to the internal holster in robocop as I can get since I wear pants. So far its working pretty damn good. I might have to downgrade to a Glock 26 due to the grip bulge. Perfect no rattle, easily accessible.

Your all like Serpa-yuck- right?

Well I don’t have to worry about shooting my foot now do I? -J.

Robo Cop

2nd Generation Robocop

Robocop Complete. It took a couple a months but it’s finished. I followed a fellow LFer’s advice and went with a cut Glock 17. I applied super adhesive velcro (loop) from Home Depot to the leg. Loop on one side, hook on the other. This way it will stick to both leg and security band. No movement.

Standard Serpa belt fastener cut to fit Serpa LE version carry holster. Shaved the holster to prevent catching. Velcro (hook) on back to attach to security strap. Velcro hook on belt side of mag carry. Loop side on the other 3 sides. This allows for use of security band. Serpa and Rc-3 attached to leg. Extra mag attached to ankle.

Glock 17 cut down to feed 26 mags. Also textured.Not very noticeable. For instance, I went over to HAL5555’s house and he didn’t know I was wearing it.Primary mag = 10 rds+1. Secondary mag = 31. Plus the standard 17’s work if I need a spare mag in a pocket. -J.

Second Robocop





Planet Terror Project

Yeah yeah I got jealous of that hot one legged chick in Planet Terror. I just couldnt get myself to walk on my barrel though… so I compromised.

Plus a hello and thank you to ITS TACTICAL points on this.

In no way am I that paranoid to carry this as a concealed unless 1 of 2 things was happening: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE OR BAGGY JEANS DAY (IM KIDDING). For all you “its for show… he cant even pull the charging handle back” people, your absolutely right it can’t go back when hooked on. But what can be done is one round chambered, mag ejected, on safe, non stop tac-reloads. Only time that charging handle would be required is if malfunction occurred (and I haven’t had one yet 4000+ rounds on it). And on the note of bolt being locked to the rear on empty, all I gotta do is bang the right side so it smacks the leg and the bolt release is pushed. In the 5th pic you’ll notice the selector lever is accessible finally- oh my god there’s no flash suppressor and the barrel is gonna shoot a big fireball everytime he shoots…..I couldn’t care less, I won’t feel it anyways. -J.

Planet Terror


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cool Stuff: Shot Show 2010

   One of these years, you will see Feral Jundi at a booth at Shot Show.  These things are so much fun, and filled with tons of networking possibilities and all sorts of new weapons, weapons parts and gear.  There are a few blogs out there that track shot show, but probably the best is Soldier Systems. If any readers have gone to this year’s SS, let us know what grabbed your attention there. –Matt



Shot Show 2010 Blog here.

Shot Show Home page here.

Shot Show Facebook here.

Soldier Systems blog here.

Shot Show 2010 on Youtube here.

ITS Tactical blog here.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Cool Stuff: Potential Drone Archer Weapon Or Augmented Reality Video Game?

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