Feral Jundi

Friday, December 18, 2009

Cool Stuff: Bad Ass Of The Week

Filed under: Books,Cool Stuff — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 9:19 AM

   This is pure cool stuff. lol This website lists a different character of history every week, and they have a book as well. –Matt



You’ve reached the Badass of the Week, your one-stop shop for all things badassery-related.  Scroll down for this week’s badass, or just go ahead and search through the complete list of all badasses that have been featured on the site.  I update the page every Friday, so if you give a crap feel free to check back in next week to satisfy your insatiable desire to read about grown people punching each other in the mouth or beating each other about the head and neck in a most furious manner.

You should probably also be aware that this site features an unnecessarily copious amount of profanity, so if you’re easily offended by that sort of thing then this would be a good time for you to turn off your computer and go join a convent.

Website here.

Buy the book here.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cool Stuff: Concrete Cloth

Film: Cade Courtley, Contractor and Host of ‘Surviving Disaster’

   First off, this show definitely gets a FJ thumbs up.  Each episode is all about how to survive some really tough and realistic scenarios.  The two shows I recommend especially are the mall shooting and the hijacked airplane episodes.  Both of them are filled with excellent information on how to realistically survive and lead the efforts.  This stuff falls in line with the ‘hero in waiting concept’ I keep talking about.  That there is no one else that is going to save you and your fellow victims, so it is up to you all to stop the terrorists or criminal, and get out alive.

   The second part of this, is that Cade Courtley is one of us.  He is a security contractor (or was, now that he has this Hollywood gig), and this is something we can all be proud of.  Cade is representing his SEAL community, and this industry well.

     I also think that these shows will no doubt lead to the survival of folks. It reaches out to the kid, the mom, the grandmother, the wife, etc., and gets everyone involved in an entertaining and intriguing show.  It is all about arming people with the knowledge necessary to defeat the Jokers, the Mumbai terrorists, the fires and floods, the 9/11 hijackers, and the Hasans.  We cannot and should not depend on someone else to save us, and this show is just one more way of arming yourself with life saving and enemy defeating information.  Be the ‘hero in waiting’ and win that fight. –Matt


Cade Courtley, Host of Spike TV’s Surviving Disaster

What will you do when disaster strikes? Spike TV’s new original series Surviving Disaster, led by Navy SEAL Cade Courtley, vividly takes viewers through catastrophic scenarios and arms them with the knowledge needed to survive the unthinkable. Courtley tackles worst-case scenarios and equips viewers with the practical information needed to save their own lives and the lives of their loved ones. Whether the threat is natural or man-made or on a national or personal level, Courtley speaks directly to the viewers and guides them through a comprehensive, step-by-step process to not only survive the big picture disaster, but endure the many dangerous obstacles that may occur within each catastrophic event. While leading viewers out of danger, Courtley not only provides helpful tips and hands-on instruction, but swiftly points out common misconceptions and fatal mistakes. Unlike any other series, Surviving Disaster may actually save lives by providing actions that anyone can perform.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Cool Stuff: Local Motors–A Marine Starts the First Open Source Car Company!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gear Review: Black Friday Deals

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Gear Review — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 2:48 AM

   Hey gang, check it out.  Matt put together this list of Black Friday specials pertinent to our industry, so a big thanks to him.  With the coming surge in Afghanistan and all the maritime security stuff, everyone will be hitting the online stores hard and buying stuff for deployments. So definitely take advantage of any deals now, and I hope these sites still have stuff after the big rush. Also, if any other vendors would like to add their deals to this list, just let me know and I will add it, or you can just put it up in the comments section. –Matt


SOG Knives -Online Sale Nov. 26th-Dec. 11th TAKE 50% OFF SELECT PRODUCTS! Just use coupon code”WINTER” when ordering.

EOTAC– If you place an online order from November 26 to November 29, you will receive a 25% discount. Enter the following discount code during checkout…. TURKEYDAY

TAG Gear – Thanksgiving Day Sale- 55% off entire site. Even Armor!

Battery Junction – Black Friday 7 Day Blowout Sale – Flashlights, batteries, chargers…

Photon Light – Thanksgiving Sale – 15% off entire site

Boondock Saints Online -IL Duce’s 50% off Black Friday BLOWOUT!!! One day only – Friday the 27th! Enter code “DUCE50” at checkout.

Blade Tech – 25% off everything. Starts Nov 27th, ends Nov 29th.

Blackhawk! – Save an additional 20% off Clearance Items, Now through Nov 30th. Use promo code “BLACKFRIDAY”.

Botach DEFENSE – Save an additional 5% off already discounted items. Use coupon code “BLACKFRIDAY”. And use coupon code “FREESHIPPING” for free shipping on all orders over $100. Now through Nov 30th.

Brownells – Black (Rifle) Friday Sale – Save 10% off all orders over $150 – Sale good from Nov 27th – Nov 30th, Black

Friday to Cyber Monday. Use promo code “CYB”

BDU.com – Six Days of Savings – Take 12% off anything from Wednesday through Monday. Use coupon code “blackfriday”

Mako Group – 30% off anything on the site. Use coupon code “BLK-FRI”. Valid Nov 26th-Nov 30th.

Supply Captain-The sale runs from now until the 29th. The coupon code “TURKEY09” at checkout, which will net you 25% off a purchase over $75.

A big list of other stores and their Black Friday ads here.

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