Feral Jundi

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cool Stuff: The Dillon Aero M 134 Gatling Gun, Mounted in a Suburban

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Video,Weapons — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 2:13 PM

Saturday, October 10, 2009

DIY: How to Make a Shim for Combination Locks Out of a Can

Filed under: Cool Stuff,DIY — Tags: , , — Matt @ 10:29 AM

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cool Stuff: Off Duty Gamers

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Technology — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 3:24 PM

   I picked up on this over at Blackfive, and thought it was pretty cool.  There are a few games now that revolve around PMC’s, and if you want your voice heard about what they are getting right or wrong with these games, then sites like this are the place to go.

    You are probably wondering why would security contractors want to hang out on a site like this?  Well for one, there are a lot of guys out there that play these games during their off time out on contract. This is the kind of stuff we do to pass the time or to let out some steam, and the games are pretty fun.  The military guys are the same way, and on all of the FOB’s and Outposts, gaming is a huge thing.

   But what is even more important, is that these first person shooter and strategy games, are what influence these guys that play them.  If PMC’s are portrayed negatively in these games, then you as the security contractor gamer on a site like Off Duty Gamer could express your opinion or enlighten others about what the real deal is.  You can also be a source of information for other Off Duty Gamers that might be interested in getting into this industry.  It is also important that we make sure these game designers make a good product.

   Of course there are plenty of forums that guys can go to now, but a site like this is designed specifically for our kind, and it’s purpose is to seek out our opinions.  Now that is some shared reality.

   I have no idea when they will be up and running, but when they do I will put the word out. –Matt

Edit: 01/04/2010 – Off Duty Gamers is fully operational and check it out.


Off Duty Gamer

Off Duty Gamer

The concept is pretty simple and goes like this. A lot of games in the console and PC market are either directly or indirectly military related yet the primary people who would know this genre best are the least polled or heard from.

In a time when gaming has gotten very realistic it is time for those of us who know the material to have a place to go and be among our own community. The site will cover things such as:


Monday, September 28, 2009

Cool Stuff: Pistol Shrimp

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Video — Tags: , , — Matt @ 8:58 PM

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cool Stuff: Sonshi–The Premier Sun Tzu Resource and Network

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Kaizen — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 2:43 AM

   Every once in awhile, I stumble on something pretty cool, and this little website is just that.  Sonshi has been around for awhile and is essential for all your Sun Tzu studies and research needs.  Enjoy. –Matt


Founded in 1999 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA by author Thomas HuynhSonshi.com is a network of professionals from various disciplines joined together by a common interest: Sun Tzu’s Art of War.

We wanted to build a practical website that captures the essence of the book’s timeless principles — without spam, ad banners, or pop-up ads. Our purpose is to help people learn and apply the teachings of Sun Tzu to prevent, break down, and overcome barriers to their goals and happiness.

Sonshi.com has since become the largest and most popular website for Sun Tzu’s Art of War, and is the gathering place of authors, scholars, and readers around the world. Regardless of your background (race, gender, religion, education, national origin, economic status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, etc), if you want to learn more about the book, consider yourself part of the Sonshi community.

For more information, go to the FAQ page. For an introduction of Sun Tzu and website highlights, click here.

Please note Sonshi.com is a spam-free site; your privacy is respected. See our privacy policy.

Reach us on-line using the quick and simple e-mailer form. Questions are confirmed and replied within 24 hours. You can also reach us at service@sonshi.com.


Interview with author Robert Greene. (August 2009)

Sonshi.com founder Thomas Huynh speaks at Google. (August 2009)


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