Feral Jundi

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Disaster Response: The Blogs of Weather and Some Deployment Tips

Filed under: Disaster Response — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 10:04 AM

     As this develops, it is important to track the path of this thing.  You can follow the NOAA or you can do that, and read what the weather nerds/bloggers have to say.  Getting the basic information is one thing, but getting the correct analysis of this information is a little tougher.  It is a prediction game and to have a consensus amongst the experts is far better that just paying attention to one source.  That’s of course if you have the time.  So here are a few of the blogs out there that cover weather events like this.  


     One interesting thing about all of this is the oil threat. If these hurricanes screw with oil and gas production, and Russia cuts off the oil and gas in their neck of the woods because of events in Georgia, we could see a huge uptick in Gas prices.  I have been hearing 5 dollars plus here in the US, just with the hurricane stuff.  I am sure in Europe it will be even higher.  


     Also, if any of you guys are deploying as a security specialist for this hurricane, feel free to contact me about any questions for this kind of work.  I worked for FEMA back in 2004 for that hurricane season and I also worked as a security specialist in 2005 during hurricane Katrina. One bit of advice is to wash your hands before eating anything and stay out of the water as much as possible.  Bring several pairs of waders, because chemicals in the water could easily destroy your waders. Bring filtration stuff and do not trust the tap water–drink bottled water only!  Cabelas sell waders for about sixty dollars.  And please be cool with the local residents.  The last thing we need are guys doing stupid things in NOLA and giving security contractors a bad name.  When I was there, it was one of my main priorities to connect with the locals and let them know why we were there and what we were all about. 


Friday, August 29, 2008

Jobs: Hurricane Work with GSA

Filed under: Disaster Response,Jobs — Tags: , , — Matt @ 5:41 PM

Team Member


The responsibility of the ERT Member is to provide security guarding and support services at the assigned facility. The primary responsibility of the ERT Member will be to secure the facility perimeter, but may include other duties and responsibilities.


In order to provide this service, the ERT Member must maintain a state of readiness in anticipation of being deployed on short notice. The ERT Member will ensure that updated contact information is provided to the GSA Corporate Office at all times. The ERT Member will ensure that he/she is able to respond and deploy on short notice by having equipment and personal effects ready at all times.


Team Leader


The responsibility of the ERT Team Leader is to liaise with the GSA ERT Duty Officer, the GSA Client Point of Contact and to oversee the deployment and activities of the ERT Team Members assigned to him/her. The ERT will primarily be deployed to provide additional support in securing the perimeter of the assigned facility, but may include other duties and responsibilities.


In order to provide this service, the ERT Team Leader must maintain a state of readiness in anticipation of being deployed on short notice. The ERT Team Leader will ensure that updated contact information is provided to the GSA Corporate Office at all times. The ERT Team Leader will ensure that he/she is able to respond and deploy on short notice by having equipment and personal effects ready at all times.


Apply Here



Jobs: Hurricane Work with Armor Group

Filed under: Disaster Response,Jobs — Tags: , — Matt @ 3:57 PM

August 28, 2008




If you are planning on deploying to the area, please send an e-mail to info@retiredlawman.com or call either 225-302-3198 or 225-288-6115 so that we can plan for your arrival.

The In-Processing Center will not open until 1200hrs (NOON) on Friday August 28th, 2008. Please plan your arrival accordingly.


REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (3x Copies of Each):  


– Firearms certification w/i the last year

– Current POST Training w/i the last year

– Any training certificates

– DD-214 (if available)

– Social Security Card

– Unexpired Driver’s License or passport

– Immunizations Records (if available)





– 5.11 or Khaki’s


– You may bring your duty belt, we will be issuing them if needed


– Weapons will be issued as necessary, personal firearms are not allowed


– Firearms training will be provided, if necessary, as part of in-processing


PAY RATE IS $300 per 12 Hour day. 


The In-Processing staging area is at the reception hall located at Frank’s Restaurant, 17425 Airline Hwy, Prairieville, LA.  70769.  Directions to this location from Baton Rouge, LA are southbound hwy 61Airline Hwy from Interstate 12, approximately 10 miles.  The restaurant and reception hall are located on the west side of Hwy 61.


Apply Here 



Jobs: Security for Hurricane Gustav

Filed under: Disaster Response,Jobs — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 3:47 PM

Security for Hurricane Gustav


Blackwater is compiling a list of qualified security personnel for possible deployment into areas affected by Hurricane Gustav.Applicants must meet all items listed under the respective Officer posting and be US citizens. Contract length is TBD.


Law Enforcement Officers (all criteria must apply)


1. 1. Current sworn [may be full time, part time or reserve]

1. 2. With arrest powers

1. 3. Armed status (must indicate Armed and/or Semi Auto. Revolver only not accepted)

2. expiration must be greater than 60 days out

1. 4. Departmental credentials (not just a badge)


Armed Security Officers (all criteria must apply)


Only from the following states: OR, WA, CA, NV, NM, AZ, TX, FL, GA, SC, NC, VA, MD, IL, OK

1. 1. Current/active/licensed/registered armed security officer

1. 2. All training verification [unarmed and armed certificates of completion]

1. 3. Current state issued face card indicting armed status [expiration must be greater than 60 days out]

Applicants will be required to provide an electronic copy of the above required credentials/documents, recent photo withinthe last six months with response to this AD prior to consideration for deployment.

Personnel who meet the above qualifications and are interested, please send resumes and files to: 25505@blackwaterusa2.hrmdirect.com

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Disaster Response: Gustav is Heading Towards Gulf States

Filed under: Disaster Response,News — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 1:20 PM

This is not good.  This is heading straight for New Orleans and it is supposed to be Category 3. No word yet from companies like Blackwater, but I am sure the planners are ramping up.  I haven’t seen anything on the forums either.  –Head Jundi


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