Feral Jundi

Friday, June 5, 2009

Building Snowmobiles: The Attack By Fire and the Super-empowered Individual

“It’s a schemer who put you where you are. You were a schemer. You had plans. Look where it got you. I just did what I do best-I took your plan and turned it on itself. Look what I have done to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple bullets. Nobody panics when the expected people get killed. Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the plans are horrifying. If I tell the press that tomorrow a gangbanger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will get blown up, nobody panics. But when I say one little old mayor will die, everyone loses their minds! Introduce a little anarchy, you upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I am an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos, Harvey? It’s fair. “-The Joker, from the movie Dark Knight

     This is a building snowmobiles post for the simple reason that no one else is covering this arsonist story or fire in this way (minus maybe War Nerd), or really getting into the concepts of the ‘attack by fire’.  Oyler, the arsonist, is the ultimate definition of the super-empowered individual, and truly symbolizes a modern day Joker.  Fortunately, he will be meeting the same fate as that character.

   Now of course I will not give a DIY class about using the attack by fire, but I do want to give a hint to the reader that this is stuff we need to be thinking about.  Lets just say it should be in your toolbox of ideas, so you know how to defend against it. But according to the Geneva Convention, fire as an offensive weapon has been ruled out, hence why flame throwers are not used anymore. (I posted the protocol below)  But if you read through it, it lists everything a terrorist or an insurgent wouldn’t mind doing to achieve a goal.  So learning how to defend against it, is key.

     But back to the attack by fire and the super-empowered individual.  What Oyler did, is exactly what arsonists do, and that is get off on lighting fires.  He had been perfecting his technique all summer in 2006, and the Esperanza Fire was his so called ‘masterpiece of chaos’.  So what can we learn from this tragic event? I will attempt to answer that question, both from a smokejumper/forest fire fighter position, and from a security professional position, and also delve into the attack by fire from a warfighter and strategist point of view.  

     As a smokejumper, I fought many forest fires throughout the west.  We would fight the small fires, and we would fight the big fires, it didn’t matter.  We would fight naturally started fires(lightening started) and we would fight man made fires (trash fires, thrown cigarettes, etc.).  But the most disheartening and frightening fires, are the ones set by arsonists.  Especially arsonists that know what they are doing.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Job Tips: Disaster Response Security Work and Cohort International

Filed under: Disaster Response,Job Tips — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 6:41 PM

  I was perusing Lightfighter the other day, and came across this awesome thread from the guys at Cohort International.  So after asking their permission, I was given the go ahead to post this awesome write up on what they are looking for for disaster security work.  

   To me, this is one area that could continue to be the silent bread winner in this industry, and disasters come in some shape or form every year it seems.  The last couple of years has really been nuts.  So get your resumes in and do what you gotta do to keep in shape and do well on the shooting tests, because disasters strike at any time.  Thanks again to the guys at Cohort for putting this together.  –Matt



 The diaster relief contracts are with the third largest energy suppler in the US. Cohort has been helping them out and has the contract already. (We have been under contract with them since Katrina)

We are looking for former military, LEO, medics, and National Guard units. (Last seasnon we hired 50 NG from the Montana guard.) YES females may apply with the same qualifications as the men,you will be treated like everybody else.

If last season is any indication of things to come according to NOAA this year is supposed to be worst. Cohort put 400 operators in the region and kept them there for over three months.

With the hurricane season starting in three months we are compiling a list of good solid people willing to work these disasters.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Disaster Response: We Used PMC’s for the Katrina Hurricane Disaster, So Why Not The US/Mexico Border Disaster?

     This story below is ridiculous, and I certainly hope that this is not yet another trend that only increases do to a perceived lack of manpower or resources to fight this crap.  I have also been listening to a lot of law enforcement agencies and government officials on the news continue to complain that they just don’t have the manpower to cover this stuff. Couple that with the weapons story I just posted, and entire towns being rampaged by drug cartels, and I am just wondering when this disaster is going to be treated like a disaster?  

     To me, this is a disaster of epic proportions, and needs attention now. Arguably, the drugs and gang/border violence over the years, have killed way more people and ravaged way more communities than any muslim fundamentalists have or hurricanes have.  It is a disaster that requires attention now.  But so do the disasters in Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, etc.

     So what is the solution, if the border needs guys with guns, and there just isn’t enough of them in the military or police? Hell, Obama just requested 4,000 more troops for Afghanistan.  And if money is an issue, or time to train up an adequate force to get on the border is an issue, then a short term or mid term solution called Private Military Companies or Private Security Companies is the answer. They were an answer during the Hurricane disaster of 2005, and they could be the answer now.   


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jobs: Armed Security, Louisiana and South Texas

Filed under: Disaster Response,Jobs,Louisiana,Texas — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 1:54 PM

 I got this from Jeff, so thanks.  –Head Jundi


     As most of you know FEMA has contracted out for security in Louisiana and Texas. here is the requirement I have. They say they will take as many bodies as I can provide.  Call me at the office so we can talk.  Feel free to share this email with your other contacts.

     Armed Security needed for post Hurricane recovery efforts in Louisiana and South Texas. Transportation provided. $1700 week Immediate requires for 30 days, billeting provided as well. Interested parties contact undersigned send me a  resume if available in softcopy. Should have a handgun permit or security license from U.S. State or municipality and driver?s license.


James Mattes

Director Special Operations Branch

Metropolitan Protective Service, Inc.


5001 Forces Blvd. Suite 200 

Lanham Md. 20706

Phone 301-772-8278/3097/2412

Fax: 301-772-5099

Cell 301-442-2476

e-mail: mattesmps@yahoo.com 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jobs: Unarmed Security for Disaster Relief, Texas

Triple Canopy


Security Guard

Operational/Corp Intermittent Employee

Location                         Texas

Department                 Operations

Position Schedule Intermittent Employee


Job Description




Reports To     

Project Manager


Position Summary

Contingent upon contract award. Unarmed guard for disaster relief. Approximate length of contract is 30 days.


Position Responsibilities

•Unarmed security in support of disaster relief


Essential Skills and Experience

•US Citizen

•Honorable discharge from the military (if applicable)

•Four years military and/or law enforcement experience

•Force Protection experience

•Must have no felony or domestic violence conviction. Record of recent recurring misdemeanors may adversely impact candidate’s suitability rating

•Employment with Triple Canopy is contingent upon a favorable background check


Physical Demands and Work Environment

Able to perform unarmed security guard services with limited support.



Must adhere to and support company polices, procedures and standards. Triple Canopy, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer


Apply Here


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