Feral Jundi

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Film: Antony Beevor on Films That Rewrite History

Filed under: Film — Tags: , , — Matt @ 2:26 PM

   I want to thank Scott for sending me this link, because it is relevant to our industry and to the military.  There will come a time, when this industry will be represented in film, and the story and message will be in the hands of those film makers.  The question we have to ask is if these individuals care about producing something accurate and fair, or something that suits an agenda of historical revision or politics.  Our industry is old, but to the unknowing public, it is absolutely new and virgin thought territory.  We must engage those individuals that seek to define our industry through film or music or video games, and make sure that they get it right and care to make a good product.  And if they don’t listen, and could care less, then at least we can call them out on it.  

     Or better yet, we can embrace the process and work with them.  If someone was to do a film on Blackwater, would it benefit Blackwater to protest it, or would it benefit Blackwater to work with them and insure that it is accurate and fair?  Shared reality between the two groups, would help out the overall image of the portrayed group in that film.

    Also, if you ever want to watch an interesting show, check out The Unit.  One of the main writers of the show is Eric Haney, a retired CAG officer.  Also, Pete Blaber has contributed to the writing of the show as well.  In essence, the most secretive and best soldiers in the US, are now contributing to a TV show about their unit(Eric wrote the book The Unit, and the show revolves around the book).  Instead of fighting media, they are embracing it, and controlling the quality and content(or at least trying to).  That is a lot better than someone making a show about this incredible group of guys, that have no credibility at all about this subject.   

    Media relations is the one area where PMC/PSC’s really drop the ball on.  Hell, the entire contracting industry as a whole sucks at media relations, and film is one area that we certainly need to be wary of, just for the very reasons that Mr. Beevor discusses in this article. –Matt 


Antony Beevor on films that rewrite history

From The Sunday Times

January 18, 2009

Open Minds: Films that rewrite history, says Antony Beevor, are fatally warping our sense of reality

Antony Beevor

     In the West, we tend to assume that the greatest threats to democracy and liberty come from outside. We think of the totalitarian systems of the last century or fundamentalist terrorism today, but we fail to recognise the viral strain that has developed out of our own entertainment industries.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Film: ‘Killing Pablo’ is dropped and replaced by the ‘A-Team’?

Filed under: Film — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 7:04 PM


     I am not down with this, and I was looking forward to the movie version of Killing Pablo.(the story about hunting down the drug lord Pablol Escobar in Colombia).  And more than likely, hollywood has an agenda with this dorky A-Team movie thing.  If it follows the original, then you will have veterans once again portrayed as a bunch of psycho dorks going on idiotic missions for a price.  Even if the movie is done somewhat seriously, it will still be presumed to be as idiotic as the series.  I am not looking forward to this, and I think these guys are gutless.  Killing Pablo would have been a far more interesting movie, and if Christian Bale was going to star in this one, it totally would have been a hit.  (Dark Knight comes to mind?)  Come on hollywood, grow a pair and produce a movie that people would actually be interested in watching. –Matt


Fox assembles ‘A-Team’

Carnahan, Scotts join remake set for 2010

January 27, 2009


Twentieth Century Fox has assembled a creative team to transform 1980s TV series “The A-Team” into a summer 2010 film.

Studio has set Joe Carnahan to direct and Ridley Scott to produce, with Tony Scott exec producing through their Scott Free banner.

Also producing are Jules Daly and Stephen J. Cannell, the latter of whom created the original TV series.

Carnahan will team with Brian Bloom to polish a script by Skip Woods (“G.I. Joe”). The intention is to start production by June for a June 11, 2010, release.

Fox has struggled to find a way to exploit the branded TV show while avoiding the series’ campy tone. Director John Singleton had most recently been attached to such an attempt before dropping out. Woods came in and started over.

“Tony and I feel that marrying this Scott Free project with Joe’s sensibility will result in a fast-paced, exciting franchise, one we hope will be around for years to come,” Scott said.

Carnahan and the Scott brothers say they will use the original premise of the series as the template for an action film. In the original, four Vietnam vets convicted of armed robbery escape from military prison and became do-gooder mercenaries.

The Middle East will replace Vietnam as the place the four did their tour of duty, but Carnahan said the origin story is the jumping-off point.

“You can … make a film that reflects on the real world without losing the great sense of fun and the velocity of action in a classic summer popcorn film,” Carnahan said.

Carnahan has put his Pablo Escobar film “Killing Pablo” on the back burner. The project was complicated by the bankruptcy filing made by the Yari Film Group.

“I am determined to make that movie there or elsewhere, but it’s an interesting time in Hollywood, and you have to be aware when you get the opportunity to step into a business model that is working,” Carnahan said, noting that many of the top-grossing studio films are based on branded properties.

“This was a coveted property, and reimagining a show that I remembered as a kid was tough to turn down,” Carnahan said. “Fox hired me to make it as emotional, real and accessible as possible without cheesing it up.” 

Story Here

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Film: The Cult of the Suicide Bomber 1 and 2, by Robert Baer

Filed under: Film,Israel — Tags: , , — Matt @ 3:43 PM

     I Just finished watching part 2 and ordered it through Netflix.  These two documentaries are awesome, and Mr. Baer did a great job in peeling back the layers of this horrific tactic.  If you want to see into the mind of these folks, and get a feel for the why and how, then check this out.  –Matt


The Cult of the Suicide Bomber 1 

The Cult of the Suicide Bomber 2 (2008) 

Editorial Reviews

About the Actor

Robert Baer spent twenty years running agents from inside the CIA s Directorate of Operations, operating against Hizballah, Al-Qaeda, and other terrorist organizations, and was considered perhaps the best on-the-ground field officer in the Middle East (Seymour M. Hersh, The New Yorker). His memoir See No Evil was a New York Times bestseller and inspired the movie Syriana, starring George Clooney.

When Baer left the agency in 1997 he received the Career Intelligence Medal, with a citation that says, He repeatedly put himself in personal danger, working the hardest targets, in service to his country.

–Robert Baer [was] one of the most talented Middle East case officers of the past twenty years. (Reuel Marc Gerecht, The Atlantic Monthly)

Product Description

On 18 April 1983 a truck drove into the entrance of the US embassy in downtown Beirut killing 63 people, including six CIA officers. Never before had the CIA lost so many officers in a single attack. In the weeks and months after the bombing top investigators from the CIA and FBI failed to solve the mystery of who was responsible. For Robert Baer, the CIA s top operative in the Middle East, it became a lifelong obsession.

His investigation and the answers he found became the Emmy Award-nominated motion picture, The Cult of the Suicide Bomber. In the first film Bob uncovered the history and evolution of suicide bombing as a weapon of radical Islam. Now in this vital new film he discovers how the phenomenon has spread to the West and changed the role of women in the Middle East, and crucially tells us how this threat can be defeated.

With shocking footage of actual suicide bombings and interviews with failed suicide bombers, The Cult of the Suicide Bomber is the most definitive documentary on suicide bombers ever produced.

Baer himself says: I almost look at the Cult of the Suicide Bomber films as a CIA briefing. In the CIA, we were taught to go to policy makers and tell them what we believe is the absolute truth. For me, the Cult films are the absolute truth.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Film: House of Saddam Trailer, HBO Series, Dec 7

Filed under: Film,Iraq — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 1:07 AM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

War Art: ‘Waltz With Bashir’, an Israeli Animated War Documentary

Filed under: Film,War Art — Tags: , , — Matt @ 1:39 AM

     This is a first for me.  I have never seen an animated documentary, and I was really enthralled with how the trailer looked and felt.  If you go to the website, the director has more trailers to check out. 

     I guess the film will be opening up on December 25th in New York and Los Angeles.  The politics and controversy that surround this film is an area that I will not comment on, and that is really not what hit me with this thing.  To me, this is more of an intimate film about the director’s war experience and how he conveyed that through animation.  I really liked the style of this thing, and I am sure we will see more of this type of animation in the future. –Head Jundi

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