Feral Jundi

Monday, November 1, 2010

Job Tips: Navigating The FBO And Learning About Security Contracts OCONUS And CONUS

Vendor: Are individual guard weapons truly required to be fully automatic, as semi-auto weapons are shown to be safer and increase accuracy? 

Contracting Officer: YES, FULLY AUTO

-From a question on one of the solicitations from the FBO. 

     This is cool. I have been playing around with the FBO search features and figured out a way to identify all the armed security related solicitations that have come out over the last year, for Iraq and Afghanistan. This is how you can find out what is coming up for contracts, and who has won what. It is also a way to put rumors to rest and refer to a source that you can depend upon for clarification.

     For those contractors and businesses that are interested in tracking FBO, just use these NAICS codes ‘561612 — Security Guards and Patrol Services’ and ‘561613 — Armored Car Services‘ in the Advanced Search feature of the site. Then play around with locations and see what pops up. I have already searched Europe, Asia, South America, etc., and lots of interesting things pop up.

     What was really intriguing to me was to see how many documents came out this last year, both in the US and abroad in regards to the search input of security guards, patrol services, and armored car services. 328 pages of solicitations came up! That is remarkable and it sure doesn’t sound like the government is shying away from contracting security. If anything, that just shows how dependent the government really is on private industry to provide these services.

     Also, if you click on any of the Afghanistan solicitations below, you will find the questions and answers section under synopsis. This is where vendors ask the contracting officer about the particulars of the solicitation. This is very interesting to me, because a lot of the questioning revolves around Crazy Karzai’s decree and how it will impact these contracts.

     Along with these clarifications, might I also point out that two awards just came out in regards to armed security contracts in Afghanistan. There were also some solicitations that were cancelled, and probably because of the latest crap going on in Afghanistan. Maybe not, and I am not privy to the particulars of these contracts and the deciding factors.

     Either way, please check out the links below because you can learn a lot about these armed security contracts overseas. I also need more folks checking this stuff out so they can pick up on any little details that are of interest that is being missed by the industry or public discourse. The FBO is a wealth of information, and if you are a small business owner or independent contractor trying to get into the game, it is vital that you track and understand what is coming out on FBO so you can ‘be prepared’ and ‘know your stuff’. –Matt

Facility Protective Services


99 — Miscellaneous

Department of the Army

CENTCOM – Joint Theater Support Contracting Command

KABUL RCC Award Oct 31, 2010

Facility Protective Services


99 — Miscellaneous

Department of the Army

CENTCOM – Joint Theater Support Contracting Command

KABUL RCC Award Oct 31, 2010



R — Professional, administrative, and management support services

Department of the Army

Joint Contracting Command, Iraq/Afgahnistan

FENTY RCC (JALALABAD) Combined Synopsis/Solicitation / Cancelled Oct 25, 2010



R — Professional, administrative, and management support services

Department of the Army

Joint Contracting Command, Iraq/Afgahnistan

FENTY RCC (JALALABAD) Combined Synopsis/Solicitation / Cancelled Oct 19, 2010


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Funny Stuff: How Not To Fire An RPG–Allah Snackbar!!!

Filed under: Afghanistan,Al Qaeda,Funny Stuff,Iraq,Video — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 10:52 PM

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Publications: Contractor Support Of USCENTCOM AOR, 3rd Quarter FY 2010

Contractor Support of USCENTCOM AOR, 3rd Quarter FY 2010

Legal News: Efforts To Prosecute Xe Are Collapsing

     Interviews with lawyers involved in the cases, outside legal experts and a review of some records show that federal prosecutors have failed to overcome a series of legal hurdles, including the difficulties of obtaining evidence in war zones, of gaining proper jurisdiction for prosecutions in American civilian courts, and of overcoming immunity deals given to defendants by American officials on the scene.

     “The battlefield,” said Charles Rose, a professor at Stetson University College of Law in Florida, “is not a place that lends itself to the preservation of evidence.” 


     This is very interesting and troubling from a legal standpoint. This will just add to the argument against this industry that we are above the law or immune from any wrong doing.

     I am speaking for myself here, but I am sure others will echo the same sentiment. I do not view us as above the law or unaccountable, nor do I want to be looked at as ‘above the law or unaccountable’. I want us to be accountable, and the public that pays the taxes that is used by congress to contract our services in war zones must also be assured that we are accountable.

     As it stands now, the government has yet to figure this stuff out and we continue to be demonized and discredited for our service in the war. That means the security contractors who died in the war, as well as the living will continue to be looked at as less than or illegitimate. That is why it is extremely important that a legal mechanism is established that actually works.

     Now of course the justice system ran it’s course with the ruling of this individual who shot the Iraqi bodyguard. But if the DoJ can’t prosecute such a simple and clear cut case, then how does that translate with other similar cases?

     I also want to hold the FBI to some accounting as well.  If evidence in a war zone is needed, then send agents to that war zone and collect it. They can call upon military police in those jurisdictions to help. For the whole immunity deal, it needs to be made clear exactly who can give that kind of immunity and in what circumstance. This is where congress can intervene and dictate exactly how that is to be done.

    Another point to make is on the big picture. Our enemy continues to be released from Gitmo because of a lack of ‘war zone evidence’ or whatever, and they go right back to the battlefield and kill more soldiers or innocents. I don’t agree with this legal policy as well. In both the contractor and terrorist cases, a lack of coherent legal mechanisms that everyone can agree upon is not good.

     I also think that politics have certainly gotten in the way of forming and deciding upon coherent legal mechanisms. If one side thinks military tribunals is sufficient, and the other side thinks federal courts is better, and we continue to do the slow slog of debate and deliberation on determining the best way, well then the war time strategy will suffer and more people will die. Figure it out folks, because that is your job and lives depend upon it.

    Likewise, the security contracting industry has been extremely active and highly depended upon in this war, and yet an effective legal mechanism by which to govern this industry has yet to be established. I don’t get it? Especially when there is precedent for establishing a legal mechanism called Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11 in the US Constitution. Granting a LoM is the duty of congress, and yet they have completely shirked this duty and passed on the establishment of legal mechanisms governing contractors upon the various agencies of government. Talk about passing the buck? And look how much confusion this has created?

     A LoM could have dictated exactly what laws and legal mechanisms congress wanted contractors to fall under. A LoM could also have an expiration date and be re-granted from year to year just so it stays current and based on the newest legal issues of the day. But the best part of it is it is a power granted to congress and would give them the ultimate control over the companies who wish to obtain extremely valuable government contracts. No middlemen or agencies, no lobbyists–just congress and a company in a room hashing out a reasonable LoM. If congress wants a company to fall under the UCMJ, it could become an official decree backed by the Constitution and a congress that issued the LoM. If it is MEJA or whatever, congress can make that happen through this legal mechanism.

     Or we can continue to flail in the wind and harm the war effort due to this inaction by congress. –Matt


Efforts to Prosecute Blackwater Are Collapsing

October 20, 2010


WASHINGTON — Nearly four years after the federal government began a string of investigations and criminal prosecutions against Blackwater Worldwide personnel accused of murder and other violent crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, the cases are beginning to fall apart, burdened by a legal obstacle of the government’s own making.

In the most recent and closely watched case, the Justice Department on Monday said that it would not seek murder charges against Andrew J. Moonen, a Blackwater armorer accused of killing a guard assigned to an Iraqi vice president on Dec. 24, 2006. Justice officials said that they were abandoning the case after an investigation that began in early 2007, and included trips to Baghdad by federal prosecutors and F.B.I. agents to interview Iraqi witnesses.

The government’s decision to drop the Moonen case follows a series of failures by prosecutors around the country in cases aimed at former personnel of Blackwater, which is now known as Xe Services. In September, a Virginia jury was unable to reach a verdict in the murder trial of two former Blackwater guards accused of killing two Afghan civilians. Late last year, charges were dismissed against five former Blackwater guards who had been indicted on manslaughter and related weapons charges in a September 2007 shooting incident in Nisour Square in Baghdad, in which 17 Iraqi civilians were killed.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Industry Talk: ManTech Awarded $70 Million Contract To Operate BETSS-C In Iraq

     This is another former military task being handed over to a contractor as the mission continues to change in Iraq. This is a very important job, much like the C-RAM contract I mentioned in the past, and the defenses of these bases will depend upon the job performance of these companies. Good leadership on the ground and team dedication towards doing a good job is critical for this stuff.

     It is also critical that these companies take care of their people. Angry and disgruntled contractors in these positions could definitely be a threat to the contract/mission. It is a reality that impacts both the military and private industry, and it is important to treat your people right if you want them to perform. DoD would be greatly served if they maintained a close watch on the performance of these companies and their crucial task, because lives depend upon it. Trust, but verify. –Matt


USJFCOM contractors use the Base Expeditionary Targeting and Surveillance System – Combined (BETSS-C) to look for suspicious activity on the range during Empire Challenge 10 (EC10). EC10 is an annual USJFCOM-led, multinational intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance demonstration that showcases emerging capabilities and provides lessons learned to improve joint and combined interoperability. (USJFCOM Photo by Air Force Staff Sgt. Vanessa Valentine)

ManTech Awarded $70 Million Contract to Operate Advanced ISR, Battle Command and Force Protection Systems in Iraq

Oct. 4, 2010

ManTech International Corporation, a leading provider of innovative technologies and solutions for mission-critical national security programs, announced today that it has received a task order under its Strategic Services Sourcing (S3) prime contract to provide Base Expeditionary Target Surveillance Systems-Combined (BETSS-C) operators in Iraq. The multiple-award task order, in support of the U.S. Army’s Project Manager Night Vision/Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (PM NV/RSTA), has an initial period of performance of 12 months and two optional six-month extensions. The expected value to ManTech is $70 million if all contract options are exercised.


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