Feral Jundi

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Job Tips: Two New Job Board Widgets to Check Daily

Filed under: Job Tips — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 1:43 PM

     In my never ending goal of providing a service to the reader, I have produced a couple of widgets(little information blocks on the right side of the site) in regards to two really great job resource sites.  One is the Secure Aspects Job Board, and the other is the GWOT Job Boards.

     The way to use these two new tools, is constantly check them when you visit this blog.  It’s as easy as scrolling down a bit, and making a quick visual check on any new offerings.  I think this will be a big hit for you guys, and I hope you enjoy. 

    The only catch with these job boards, is that you have to register to get all the information about those jobs.  Like I have said before,  I think the Secure Aspects Job Board is a great value, for the money.(ten dollars a month).  You can also just do a month to month deal, if that is more your style.  I say subscribe to the service until you get the job you are looking for.  Or hang on to the service, and always keep up to date on the most current jobs available to our particular industry. 

     The GWOT Job Board is an excellent resource as well, and that service is free at this time. 

    Now if you want the code for these widgets, because you would like to put them on your own website or whatever, let me know, and I will hook you up.  And witht these two new features of the site, I will also be able to focus on finding job stuff that these boards have not posted. 

     Also, I am not working for either web sites.  All I am doing is promoting some really good resources, and trying to add value to your precious time you spend on Feral Jundi.  And overall, my goal is to provide news and job direction to you the reader.  Well, take care and happy job hunting out there.  –Head Jundi

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Job Tips: Dedicate Time to the Forums

Filed under: Job Tips — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 1:23 PM

     For this post, I wanted to re-emphasize how important it is to read the forums.  From what I have been reading lately, both SOC SMG and EODT are looking for guys again to deploy to Iraq.  This is the kind of information that you won’t necessarily find while doing a basic Google search or checking those company’s websites.  This is the kind of stuff, that you only get clued into, when reading the posts from the various recruiters and managers that hang out on the forums. 

     What you should clue in on, is when the moderators of the forums, are promoting news and jobs.  That, and if a moderator can vouch for a recruiter’s or manager’s post on the forum.  I would also warn against believing everything you hear on the forums, because there are times when guys spread some gossip or incorrect news.  In other words, you have to become an online job detective in order to make your own determinations.  One thing is for sure, if you don’t get good at reading the forums, then you will miss out.  For me, I check all my favorite forums at least twice a day, and sometimes more.  Happy job hunting.  -Head Jundi

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Industry Talk: ‘How to Hire a Bodyguard’ on Wikihow

Filed under: Industry Talk,Job Tips — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 11:23 AM

   I thought that this was an interesting find, posted on Wikihow.  The information provided in the how to section, gives us contractors who are interested in that kind of work, some guidelines to being an excellent product for the client.  Check it out.  -Head Jundi



How to Hire a Bodyguard

“Bodyguard” has become a Hollywood term and is probably not what you want. The vocational name is “Executive Protection” or “Personal Security” and specialists are not hard to find. Follow these instructions to ensure you’re getting someone truly qualified to protect another person’s life and well-being.
StepsUnderstand that “Personal Security Officer” is a professional service, so keep your expectations realistic. Look for “Executive Protection” specialists who, like the “Secret Service”, are proactive, clean cut, intelligent, articulate, educated professionals. Contrast these specialists with the stereotypical 400 pound thugs working for Britney Spears or Madonna. These “bodyguards” are actually working as bouncers or bounty hunters and lack specialized training. (more…)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Job Tips: Forums, and How to Use Them

Filed under: Job Tips,Jobs — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 11:48 AM

March 27, 2008

By Head Jundi

Well, for my first “how to” story, I thought I would write a little something about security contractor forums and how to use them. Where do you go to learn about security contracting, and specifically, high threat security contracting in places like Iraq and Afghanistan?  With these links and tips, I hope to show you how.  

So let me start out by posting a few forums and web sites, that the reader can start out with.  There are others, and  please feel free to post in the comments section any of the ones I am missing.  I will be constantly adding to my blogroll as well.  (more…)

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