Feral Jundi

Saturday, September 13, 2008

News: Exclusive-Report on Ike, By Doug

Filed under: Disaster Response,News,Texas — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 8:33 AM

     I will shut up, and let this report speak for itself.  I have not heard of any casualty reports yet. As for the refineries and the price of gas, I am not too sure.  I know the fear of these refineries being damaged, totally jacked up the price of fuel across the country. Yesterday, I filled up at Coscto, just to get some fuel before the prices possible go nuts.  The current price we are paying for unleaded is $ 3.69 a gallon, as of yesterday. –Head Jundi 



Sept. 13, 2008



There may be job opportunities down here after all. 


Ok ive talked with many of my buddies in houston who have been networking with family & friends.


So far this is what we have.


Downtown houston & the Medical center have power.


Power is out from the outside of the downtown area to at least 40miles North West & South

the claim of 4million without power is entirely believable.  Will know more later.


Now we dont know regions. All i know is at about a total of 10-12 homes in these areas the neighborhoods are without power. Most live in surburbia.

So is it just a neighborhood or literally a blackout in 40mile radius from downtown is unknown.


Flooding is minimal. only places that flooded are places that always flood.

wind damage – i wont say extreme yet but i will say there i A LOT of it.


Due to massive damage & electrical crews out which were sent to New Orleans for gustoff it will be weeks, before everyone has ppower.


Good news..storm surge maxed at 10-12 feet.

Tonight tomorrow high will be 90+ degrees with 100% humidity..really sux for folks down here, BUT there is a cold front coming through sunday night. So it will help a lot of the misery.


Houston is right on the coast.  There is a concern about mosquito bourne disease spreading.  This area is heavily sprayed with insecticide from trucks.  All that stuff has now beeen washed & blown away.  Without power folks will have doors & windows open day & night. which mean bug bites.


Friday, September 12, 2008

News: US Commander Calls for Operations in Pakistan Tribal Regions

Filed under: Afghanistan,News,Pakistan — Tags: , , , , , , — Matt @ 11:31 PM

     This is interesting, because this is the same pattern of action that was taken with Iraq.  The Joint Chiefs, with the leadership of General Pace, went to town about a new strategy for Iraq.


      The product from these Afghan/Pakistan strategy meetings should be interesting, and will probably revolve around the same kind of themes as the Iraq strategy.  The plan will probably focus on bringing in more troops to hold what property they have taken over there.  


     Of course Pakistan will be a huge deal.  But most importantly, they must find a way to win over the Pashtun and find a moral legitimacy within the people.  That Hamid’s Afghanistan needs to be the people’s Afghanistan, and not looked at as NATO’s Afghanistan.  No army has ever been able to succeed there, without winning over the Pashtun.  The Taliban know this, they know the dynamics of the villages and warlords, and they know how to play the angles.  


     We need to beat the Taliban at their own game, and learn from our experiences there to make that happen.  Our war machine must be a learning organization* if it wants to succeed in Afghanistan.  That is the lesson from Iraq, and that is the lesson of a prior war called Vietnam.  We ‘ll see how this turns out, and  I look forward to the results of the commision.  –Head Jundi


*referencing John Nagl and his COIN book Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife.







By Abubakar Siddique, Ron Synovitz

A EurasiaNet Partner Post from RFE/RL


The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Admiral Michael Mullen, has announced that he is commissioning a new military strategy that will cover both sides of the Afghan-Pakistan border.


Mullen’s statement came on the eve of the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and said plans include the tribal regions of Pakistan, where Osama bin Laden and other Al-Qaeda leaders are thought to be hiding.


Mullen, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Congressional committee in Washington on September 10 that the new strategy will allow American forces to fight militants in Pakistan’s tribal regions as well as in Afghanistan.



News: U.S. Firm Ambushed Again in Afghan South, 23 Dead

Filed under: Afghanistan,News — Tags: , , — Matt @ 10:24 PM

   Tough deal for USPI, and my heart goes out to the family of the dead and wounded.  Two ambushes, almost back to back like this sucks.  At least the security elements were able to take out 15 Taliban during the fight.  –Head Jundi 



U.S. firm ambushed again in Afghan south, 23 dead 

Fri Sep 12, 9:09 AM ET


At least 23 people were killed when Taliban insurgents ambushed a U.S. security firm convoy in southwestern Afghanistan on Friday, provincial officials said, the second attack on the firm in as many days.


Farah provincial police chief Khalilullah Rahmani said 15 of the dead were Taliban militants killed in the fighting that broke out following the ambush.


Rahmani said U.S. Protection and Investigations, a firm involved in escorting supplies for coalition forces, also suffered casualties but he had no details.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

News: 9/11, and Our War Against the Mufsid Waging Hirabah

Filed under: Al Qaeda,News — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 3:32 PM

     I wanted to post this, because this was my answer to some questions someone asked me about my thoughts on 9/11.  Obviously the questions were intended to evoke a negative response.  But as you can see, I gave my response, and with good measure.  

     My heart goes out to the victims of 9/11, and today is a day of remembrance.  –Head Jundi


Where were you during that event?


I was in a hotel breakfast room, watching it live on a big screen, in Carson City, Nevada. I was working as a smokejumper at the time.


What were your initial thoughts about what happened when you found out?


The first plane that hit, made me think an accident. The second one that hit, clued me into an act of war. I was angry and I was saddened for the victims. My thoughts were at the time is, who did this and why. Most of all, what will be our response in this new war.


Do you think security personnel are being more cautious today than other days because of the date?


I am one of those ‘security personnel’, having worked in Iraq and other places on 9/11, before in the past. To a security professional, this day is important, because the enemy likes to use anniversaries for attacks. 9/11 is a very significant date. So yes, guys and gals are a little bit more wary on this day. But really, in this business, you get paid to be on your game every day you are on the job.


Do you feel more secure with the changes in security that have taken place within your country?


Yes. We have not had a major attack on US soil since 9/11. Numerous planned attacks have been stopped by the hard work of law enforcement and gov. agencies. I am thankful for their efforts. And the security efforts at airports is necessary, and an adjustment that I don’t mind. I like the fact that someone cares.


Did this event inevitably change the way the international community looks at United States of America?


Of course it has. This event has also changed the way the international community looks at radical Islamic fundamentalists. War tends to piss off a whole range of folks out there. Our reaction to the 9/11 attack was to be expected, and the planners of that attack had succeeded in angering the people of the US and of the world. We had a similar reaction to an attack in our past, that led to even more devastating consequences. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor led to the US eventually bombing Japan with atomic weaponry. We won, but the price in blood on both sides was devastating. Our response and the price in blood in this current war, pales in comparison.


And our war against the ‘mufsid’ waging ‘hirabah’ continues….


*Mufsid is an evil and corrupt person in arabic.  Mujahideen, means holy warrior.   

Hirabah is sinful warfare in arabic.  Jihad means striving for god’s will.

‘Jihad’ and ‘mujahideen’ does not describe what our enemy is.  

They are mufsid waging hirabah. Enough said.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

News: So What is Bob Woodward’s Secret Weapon in His Book?

Filed under: News,Technology — Tags: , — Matt @ 7:03 PM


     Doug brought this up, and it got me to thinking.  So far, thanks to Doug’s work and a little snooping around that I have done, we have come up with a ‘guess-timate’.  We think it is the combined information gathering program that has taken advantage of some of the latest technological advances out there.  Specifically Data Mining.

     The thing about all of this, is that integrating intelligence gathering and creating networks is not a new thing.  But extremely fast technologies that are able to process all this information coming from the various elements of the network is.  And the algorithms designed to seek out patterns and stuff, is the same kind of technology that you see in today’s search engines, like Google.  That is what is new about this war.

     So putting it all together, and creating a high speed, bad guy finding ‘machine’ could have a major impact on the war effort.  But who knows, it could be something crazier and more fantastic.  I still think the best weapon out there, is the brain of the fighting men and women, and the leaders that have to implement these strategies and carry out these missions. -Head Jundi



Secret killing program is key in Iraq, Woodward says


* Story Highlights

* Program likened to WWII-era Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb

* Author discloses the existence of secret operational capabilities in latest book

* National security advisor disputes Woodward’s conclusion about the Iraq surge


WASHINGTON (CNN) — The dramatic drop in violence in Iraq is due in large part to a secret program the U.S. military has used to kill terrorists, according to a new book by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bob Woodward.


The program — which Woodward compares to the World War II era Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb — must remain secret for now or it would “get people killed,” Woodward said Monday on CNN’s Larry King Live.


“It is a wonderful example of American ingenuity solving a problem in war, as we often have,” Woodward said.


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