Feral Jundi

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

News: Russia Recognizes South Ossetia and Abkhazia

Filed under: Georgia(country),News,Russia — Tags: , , — Matt @ 12:22 PM

     Oh my, this gets more interesting every day. Of course Georgia and the West does not recognize this latest move.  It sounds like Cheney is inbound to Georgia, along with a few warships.  And I guess the Russians are implying that they will ‘militarily’ deal with the missiles in Poland?  Wow, this thing is really ramping up, and we will see who backs down first.  –Head Jundi 



 Russia recognises Georgian rebels


Russian president speaks to BBC


President Dmitry Medvedev has declared that Russia formally recognises the independence of the breakaway Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.


Mr Medvedev told the BBC Russia had tried to preserve Georgian unity for 17 years, but that the situation had changed after this month’s violence.


He said Moscow now felt obliged to recognise South Ossetia and Abkhazia as other countries had done with Kosovo.


Georgia said Russia was seeking to “change Europe’s borders by force”.


In a televised address on Monday evening, President Mikhail Saakashvili said the declaration was completely illegal and vowed to begin a “peaceful struggle” to restore Georgia’s territorial integrity.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

News: Russia Takes Prisoners and More VSS Sniper Rifle Sightings

Filed under: Georgia(country),News,Russia — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 10:51 AM

     Hey, check this out(thanks to Scott and Doug for the heads up).  The Russians are not leaving, they are taking prisoners, and they are making a mockery of the ceasefire.  But what was interesting with this article, was another cameo of the VSS Sniper Rifle in the photo that accompanied this article.  This weapon is the perfect tool for operating during this so-called ‘ceasefire’.  


     And this latest move was to get some prisoner currency.  Supposedly the Georgians captured some Russians during this war, and both countries have agreed to an exchange.  It has been reported that the trade was 15 Georgians for 5 Russians.


     Also, the US vehicles were at the port and were in the process of being shipped out when the war started. –Head Jundi 



Russian Soldier armed with VSS Sniper Rifle, with prisoners. 


Russian soldiers take prisoners in Georgia port 




RUISI, Georgia (AP) — Russian soldiers took 20 Georgian troops prisoner at a key port in western Georgia on Tuesday and commandeered American Humvees awaiting shipment back to the United States after taking part in earlier U.S.-Georgian military exercises.


Monday, August 18, 2008

News: The Congressional Budget Office Releases Report on Contractors in Iraq

Filed under: Iraq,News — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 5:40 PM

   Hey, this is an interesting little deal about security contractors.  This came from the director’s blog from the Congressional Budget Office.  Be sure to click on the link below, if you want to read a copy of the report that is posted through a link on the blog.  Be sure to read the last finding, which to me indicates exactly why security contractors are such a good deal for the government.  –Head Jundi 




Contractors in Iraq


Contractors play a substantial role in supporting the United States’ current military, reconstruction, and diplomatic operations in Iraq, accounting for a significant portion of the manpower and spending for those activities.


CBO released a study today, conducted at the request of the Senate Committee on the Budget, on the use of contractors in the Iraq theater to support U.S. activities in Iraq. The webcast of the press briefing is available here.


CBO found:


    * From 2003 through 2007, and converting the funding into 2008 dollars, U.S. agencies awarded $85 billion in contracts for work to be principally performed in the Iraq theater, accounting for almost 20 percent of funding for operations in Iraq. Including funding for 2008 itself, the U.S. has likely awarded $100 billion or more for contractors in the Iraq theater.



Industry Talk: Blackwater Employees Receive ‘Target Letters’ from the Justice Department

Filed under: Industry Talk,Iraq,News — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 11:59 AM

     It’s interesting the various reactions of contractors on all the other forums out there. Seeing how a lot of contractors are former cops, you get a unique perspective on all of this.

     The things I hear is that the Target Letter is used as a scare tactic to get these guys to talk.

     That most feel like these guys are getting a raw deal and that Iraq is still a war zone and Murphy’s Law still applies–go figure?

     The other thing I am hearing is that this might backfire on DOJ. Meaning, you get these guys on the witness stand, and that means you have to put DOS on the witness stand and any other clients (Do you think Condi Rice wants to be on the stand?) 

     And God forbid if this case gets thrown out because they can’t find shell casings, and they cannot find enough witnesses or evidence to support the case. That they did not secure the crime scene (because it is an active war zone), nor did they properly question witnesses (who might be insurgents), nor can they trust these witnesses because of possible connections with the insurgents. And you know the Blackwater employee lawyers are going to talk about everything, meaning how involved DOS is with the process and how much of an asset Blackwater has been. 

     It could go either way for them, and we’ll see how far this goes. I feel for the guys that are having to go through this, and this is certainly a cautionary tale for the rest of us working in this industry.

     My assessment is that I wasn’t there, nor am I going to judge. I do know that stuff happens quick in those situations, that all of these guys that were working for Blackwater and DOS were trained to a certain standard, that they are all prior military, and they had to have clearances in order to play. These are not KBR bus drivers that Blackwater picked up in Green Zone to fill a slot(which I have seen done before with some of the other companies–unbelievable).

     I give these guys more credit than that, and I will not jump on the bandwagon of throwing these brothers under the bus. Just like I didn’t jump on the Murtha Bandwagon of throwing the Marines under the bus about the Haditha deal. – Head Jundi




The VBIED blast that initiated the actions at Nisoor Square. (up top)The set up of vehicles and overhead view of the square.



Justice Dept. Moves Toward Charges Against Contractors in Iraq Shooting


By Del Quentin Wilber and Karen DeYoung

Washington Post Staff Writers

Sunday, August 17, 2008; A01


Federal prosecutors have sent target letters to six Blackwater Worldwide security guards involved in a September shooting that left 17 Iraqi civilians dead, indicating a high likelihood the Justice Department will seek to indict at least some of the men, according to three sources close to the case.


The guards, all former U.S. military personnel, were working as security contractors for the State Department, assigned to protect U.S. diplomats and other non-military officials in Iraq. The shooting occurred when their convoy arrived at a busy square in central Baghdad and guards tried to stop traffic.


An Iraqi government investigation concluded that the security contractors fired without provocation. Blackwater has said its personnel acted in self-defense.


The sources said that any charges against the guards would likely be brought under the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act, which has previously been used to prosecute only the cases referred to the Justice Department by the Defense Department for crimes committed by military personnel and contractors overseas. Legal experts have questioned whether contractors working for the State Department can be prosecuted under its provisions.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

News: Exclusive-Thoughts on the War in Georgia by a Resident

Filed under: Georgia(country),News,Russia — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 10:59 PM

   Hey guys and gals, I have a real treat for FJ readers in regards to the latest developments going on in Georgia.  We have a guest author who lives in Georgia, but is currently working in Iraq, who has written a gem of an article.  Chris is his name, and he has graciously allowed me to post his ideas and thoughts on the current events in Georgia.    

     Chris is currently working in Iraq, as I have stated, and has had to deal with two wars–one for work and one impacting his home.  His family was in Georgia during the beginning of the war and luckily they were able to get out of Georgia as events unfolded.  Very scary stuff and by the grace of god, they made it out safely.  It is extremely unfortunate that they had to leave their home like that.  

     For the backdrop on this article, Chris was responding to a question about his views on the situation there in Georgia in a forum called The Black Flag Cafe.  Like most forums that cover current affairs and world events, the BFC has been very active with discussion about the war in Georgia.  


     I have found the BFC to be an excellent source of ideas and discourse, when trying to analyze and understand current events that are happening quickly.  The BFC is also owned and moderated by the author Robert Young Pelton.

     Thanks to Chris for such a well thought out article and I wish the best for him and his family during this most unfortunate of events. –Head Jundi


From a discussion on the Black Flag Cafe in regards to the current war in Georgia…

By Chris

Here is a shot at enlightening all of you about some of the past events that have led us to where we are today.

Zviad Gamsakhurdia is largely blamed for the conflict in S. Osettia. This is in part because he opposed the S. Osettian movement (around 1989 I think) to become part of N. Osettia, and in part because many of his supporters used the slogan “Georgia for the Georgians”. I could be wrong, but I do not believe that this was ever his slogan.

During Zviad Gamsakhurdia’s presidency fighting again broke out in S. Ossetia (1991-1992). People on both sides (Georgians and Ossetians) of the conflict were displaced. Russians move in and stop the fighting, and install themselves as peace keepers.


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