Feral Jundi

Thursday, January 14, 2010

PMC 2.0: Ushahidi Haiti

  The boys and girls at Ushahidi have come through again with another super useful tool for those that are tracking the efforts on the ground in Haiti.  If you are deploying to Haiti, and want a quick run down of what some of the big ticket issues are, then check these various websites out along with the Ushahidi site.  I have no clue if you will be able to use smart phones on the ground there, but I am sure there will be an effort to get networks up and running at full speed. Communications, to include a fat pipe for the internet, will be vital for the relief efforts.

   I have not downloaded any of the mobile apps for Ushahidi, but I still recommend playing around with the app and testing it out. If you have access to wifi and have a browser on your phone, you can still visit Ushahidi Haiti that way.  Knowledge is power, and this is just one more tool for trying to get some clarity out of that sea of information pouring out of the disaster. –Matt


Our Efforts in Response to Haiti’s Earthquake

We’ve launched Haiti.Ushahidi.com

January 13, 2010

The past 20 hours have been sad, exhausting and inspiring. Sad for obvious reasons. Exhausting because many of us have been working straight through with no sleep. But inspiring because of the incredible community of Crisis Mappers.

Here’s what been happening in the community:

Ushahidi launched a Haiti deployment

Mikel Maron at OpenStreetMap launched this Wiki

Andrew Turner at GeoCommons is updating CrisisCommons

Our friends at Sahana have set up a Development Team

Sahana has also set up a Wiki here

Our InSTEDD friends set up a GeoChat instance

Our friends at MapAction have deployed a team

Einar Bjorgo at UNOSAT is keeping us posted on imagery

InSTEDD is also working on getting +46 numbers for GeoChat, the Emergency Information Service (EIS) and Ushahidi. InSTEDD is also in Santo Domingo deploying EIS. Sahana is exploring the possibility of integrating GeoChat based on some work they did at Camp Roberts a few months ago. InSTEDD is also looking to start testing a Sahana/Mesh4X sync. There are several dozen other ongoing efforts but hard to keep track.

I first heard about the major earthquake around 7:30pm (Boston time) last night and immediately called David Kobia to get an Ushahidi deployment out. I have five close friends from The Fletcher School who have been in Haiti over the past two weeks and it wasn’t until midnight that I finally got word that they were alive.

What happened between 7:30pmm and midnight was inspiring. We went live with a basic deployment within half an hour. I called Chris Blow and got in touch with Brian Herbert. They both worked with David to continue the customization.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Cool Stuff: Potential Drone Archer Weapon Or Augmented Reality Video Game?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Building Snowmobiles: The Drone Archer

“Do not engage in military operations; that will lead to defeat. Do not take land from a peasant. Emphasize nationalism rather than communism. Do not antagonize anyone if you can avoid it. Be selective in your violence. If an assassination is necessary, use a knife, not a rifle or grenade. It is too easy to kill innocent bystanders with guns and bombs, and accidental killing of the innocent bystanders will alienate peasants from the revolution. Once an assassination has taken place, make sure peasants know why the killing occurred.” This strategy was referred to as “armed propaganda.” –
Ho Chi Minh


   For this post, Doug gave me a ton of good ideas and he is certainly a contributor. I also want to thank Amos for the Elephant Chisel idea. This building snowmobiles is an ambitious exploration of drone warfare and what we think it will look like in future wars, and especially at the small unit level. The quote above is more geared towards explaining why precise targeting is so important and why collateral damage will only hurt our efforts in this war.

    Let’s get started. The historical reference for this conversation, will be the “White Company“.  The White Company was a 14th-Century Italian private military company of mercenary archers, led by John Hawkwood. Highly skilled archers were a hot commodity back in that time period, and were a key element to winning wars. John Hawkwood made a ton of money deploying these types of professionals, and because of these highly effective mercenary archers and their fearlessness, all the countries paid a high dollar to get those services.  Matter of fact, that desire to employ the best of the best to win wars, is what would later contribute to the rising debt of countries back then and the creation of the bond in order to help pay for it all. John was also very skilled at playing both sides of the conflict, but that is a different story.

   Another reason why I brought up the White Company, is that this closely mimics what is going on today.  PMC’s are very important to current day drone warfare.  They make the drones, they repair them, they prep them for battle and in some cases they control them.  Of course we are not seeing PMC’s take part in offensive operations, where a drone pilot is actually pulling the trigger on targets, but they are certainly involved with all other aspects of supporting offensive and defensive drone warfare.

   That’s not to say that a PMC wouldn’t be using drones like this in the future, but at this point, it is military drone pilots that are pulling the trigger. What is interesting today, is the close relationship that PMC’s have with the various militaries in the world, for conducting drone warfare. That is why I like using the White Company reference.

    In order to staff a modern day version of the White Company or whatever unit, you need a modern version of archers, or ‘drone archers’. (that would be cool if it catches on as the vernacular for this type of drone warfare)  These folks would be the guys skilled at all aspects of drone warfare and would represent the ‘knife’, as Ho Chi Minh would put it, of a unit.  Drone archers would certainly give any unit the edge in future battles, much like the archers of the White Company did in the 14th century. These expert drone archers would be tasked with preparing and using drones for both offensive and defensive maneuvers, and their precision targeting would be highly valued. (collateral damage will continue to be a bad thing in the future) Think of these drone archers as snipers who attack from the sky.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cool Stuff: UAV Or Toy? The iPhone Controlled Parrot AR.Drone

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Games,PMC 2.0,Technology — Tags: , , , , , , — Matt @ 12:08 AM

Saturday, January 2, 2010

PMC 2.0: Giving The Bounty Hunter Mobile Application Life–Zynga, MapItApps, And Raytheon

   Ok, this is a challenge to Zynga and MapItApps or even Raytheon.  I have laid out the concept of the Bounty Hunter Mobile Application or BMHA, and all of these companies are the ones who could actually give life to it.

    You might have heard about the first company, through their very famous website games like Mafia Wars or Farmville. (man, do you guys like playing those games, cause I am always getting some message about one or the other on Facebook)  They are called Zynga, and they have the capability to do some very interesting things.  My idea with the BHMA. is to use a game to promote the application and the act of finding things or people.  Imagine if there was a Bounty Hunter game, and every widget posted to a Facebook or Myspace page, had a link to the BHMA?  Imagine if the faces or things were intermixed within the fabric of the game, thus reinforcing the visual memory of these things and people.  Instead of using some digital cartoon to represent something in the game, you actually use a picture of a most wanted individual.  You get the idea, but the main goal of this game, is marketing. You could do something similar with games like Call of Duty or Rainbow Six, and just make the various bad guys in the games, real.


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