Feral Jundi

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Maritime Security: Pirates Take Down a Super Tanker, Somalia

Filed under: Africa,Maritime Security,Somalia — Tags: , , — Matt @ 11:11 AM


     Thanks to Jeff for sending me this article.  This is significant.  These pirates took down a ‘super tanker’, at 450 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia!  Those are two records–the biggest ever ship taken, and the furthest out to sea hijacking.  They must be using a mother ship out there in order to do an operation like this.  

     The other interesting angle to this, is the shift of attacks further out to sea, mean a larger patrol area.  A herculean task, and I think this will change the thinking about the way piracy will be dealt with.  That security forces will have to escort each ship, or post a robust force on the ship itself in order to properly protect it.  To just post a security ship in the general area is not going to work, if pirates are willing to go so far out to sea.

   And with this subject, if you have been watching the show on History Channel called Shadow Force, the first two episodes have dealt with maritime operations.  Although what they are doing is busting illegal fishing operations off the coast of Liberia.  The cool thing about the operation, are the obstacles and challenges that they had to over come just to get up and running over there. They used a RIB, with a FLIR camera and an LRAD non-lethal sound weapon system. Cool show. –Head Jundi



super tanker

The MV Sirius Star super tanker. 

Tanker taken to Somali pirate stronghold

U.S. and other naval forces decide — for now — against intervention

The Associated Press

updated 6:16 a.m. PT, Tues., Nov. 18, 2008

MOGADISHU, Somalia – Pirates who seized a Saudi supertanker loaded with $100 million in crude oil anchored the ship within sight of impoverished Somali fishing villages Tuesday, while the U.S. and other naval forces decided — for now — against intervention.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

News: Suicide Attacks Kill Dozens in Somalia

Filed under: Somalia — Tags: , , — Matt @ 1:27 PM

   The thing I wanted to note in this story, besides the fact that I loath the mufsid Shabaab, is that they were able to get a VBIED into the compound to detonate.  Who was the security manager of that facility, because obviously they dropped the ball.  Have they not witnessed the attacks in Pakistan or when the UN was attacked by VBIEDs in Iraq–where is the memory of that?  You must control vehicles, and you must treat each one as a threat until they have been searched.  And the searches need to be happening far away from the people.  

    You would think that this would be common sense, no matter who is running operations out there.  I just shake my head when I hear about ‘vehicles or people’ slipping past security and detonating.  If care was taken to prepare the defense and implement a best industry practices security plan, maybe this kind of thing could have been prevented. My guess though, is yet again a organization (the UNPD) was paying peanuts, and they got monkeys.  Pay the money for quality security professionals and security equipment, and give your employees the best shot at survival out there. It is the right thing to do, and to me, your number one priority is to protect your people so they can do their good work. –Head Jundi      


Suicide attacks kill dozens in Somalia

Three car bombs attack UN, diplomatic and government institutions in the breakaway Somaliland region

Wednesday October 29 2008 17.14 GMT


A wave of synchronized suicide attacks on UN, diplomatic and government institutions in northern Somalia killed up to 31 people today.

Three car bombs detonated in Hargeisa, the capital of the breakaway Somaliland region. Another two vehicles exploded in neighbouring Puntland, which, like Somaliland, has been relative peaceful compared to the rest of the country.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Maritime Security: Blackwater Mulls Anti-Piracy Fleet

     This is getting interesting.  Now it sounds like Blackwater is looking into assembling a fleet?  Very cool news, both for shipping and for security contractors who are looking for this kind of work. 

     Also, it looks like the McArthur won’t be heading out until the end of the year.  They use that boat for training contracts, and those commitments must be met first.  The other big one here, is that Blackwater is shopping around for ships, and will make their purchases based on the current market demand.  The key portion of this article was this statement by Blackwater about market demand.

“Over the last three weeks, our phone has rung off the hook,” he said. “It’s a mixed bag of shipping companies and also some very large admiralty insurance companies.” 

That sounds promising, and we will see how it goes. –Head Jundi


Blackwater mulls anti-piracy fleet

Lloyd’s List

David Osler 

Wednesday 22 October 2008


BLACKWATER – the US government’s prefered private military contractor in Iraq – is considering ambitious plans for a small fleet of two or three anti-piracy vessels, each able to carry several dozen armed security personnel ready to undertake any legal operation. 

The idea is still in its early stages, and will only proceed if there is sufficient demand from shipowners and their insurers for such protection, executive vice-president Bill Matthews told Lloyd’s List.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Technology: Sailwx and Tracking Blackwater’s McArthur Ship

Filed under: Maritime Security,Somalia,Technology — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 2:30 PM

     Check this out.  You can track Blackwater’s ship called the McArthur on this ship tracker website.  Looks like the ship is still in port in the US.  –Head Jundi


Sailwx Ship Tracker Website 

10/23/08 Edit:  This came from the publisher of Sailwx.info 

 Don’t put too much faith in that map. McArthur has not been participating in the voluntary weather reporting network, so they pop up only rarely, when picked up by AIS. Their position has not been updated in months.

Hal Mueller

sailwx.info publisher 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

News: Blackwater Sends Warships to Gulf of Aden

Filed under: Maritime Security,News,Somalia — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 11:05 AM

     So I guess according to this story, Blackwater is sending a ship.  We’ll see how that old ship they bought holds up.  I would be interested to hear what weapons systems they brought with them.  I would highly doubt that they only brought a couple of pistols or rifles.  Hell, if that is all they brought, then if I was a pirate I would try to take Blackwater’s ship and grab that helicopter. LOL 

    Seriously though, that will be great for them to be able to throw a helicopter up and see any trouble before it shows up.  The thing that concerns me though, are the days when the helicopter cannot go up or when their one helicopter has a possible break down or needs maintenance.  Or god forbid, the thing crashes or they have to do an emergency landing on the shore.  How the Somalis would react to a Blackwater helicopter would be interesting to say the least.  I am sure they have worked out these issues, and will really work them out once they are operational. –Head Jundi  


Blackwater sends warship to Gulf of Aden 

David Osler – Friday 17 October 2008

BLACKWATER Worldwide — the US private military contractor embroiled in controversy over its actions in Iraq — has sent a private sector warship equipped with helicopters to the Gulf of Aden, and is offering its services to shipowners concerned with Somali piracy. 

The vessel, McArthur, is described as a multipurpose unit designed to support military and law-enforcement training, peace-keeping and stability operations. 


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