Feral Jundi

Friday, September 19, 2008

Technology: Task Force ODIN Goes to Afghanistan

Filed under: Afghanistan,Technology — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 1:10 PM

     This is great news.  Task Force ODIN was amazingly successful in Iraq (2400 bombers killed, 141 captured), and I hope to see good things with Task Force ODIN-A in Afghanistan. –Head Jundi


Task Force ODIN


Danger Room Article in Wired about Task Force ODIN 


Wikipedia for Task Force ODIN


U.S. to Expand Drone Use, Other Surveillance in Afghanistan


SEPTEMBER 18, 2008


WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army is preparing to deploy a network of drones and other surveillance aircraft to Afghanistan in an expanding effort to defeat the resurgent Taliban and reverse a downward spiral in the country.

The effort, known as Task Force ODIN-A, is set to begin early next year and will coincide with the planned deployments of thousands of American troop reinforcements to Afghanistan, senior U.S. military officials said.

The officials said drones — remotely piloted aircraft — and manned surveillance aircraft will be deployed to identify insurgent targets inside Afghanistan, including on the Afghan side of the border with Pakistan. The military will use the information to launch airstrikes and ground attacks on militants.

The Army has used drones and piloted planes, including a modified version of the C-12 similar to this one, for reconnaissance in Iraq.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Technology: Feral Jundi has a Myspace Page

Filed under: News,Technology — Tags: , — Matt @ 1:38 PM

     And to go along with the Twitter theme of making Feral Jundi more accessible, I have decided to set up a Myspace page.  It will be interesting to see what transpires from this.  If you have a Myspace, we are located at http://www.myspace.com/feraljundi  or you can do a search for Feral Jundi.  I would be curious to see how many guys link to FJ on Myspace, who are current readers. I will also blog a little on the Myspace page, and connect that to Twitter as well.  And for the guys that purely Myspace, I set up a Feral Jundi Widget on the myspace page to check out. 

     For those that do not have a Myspace page, no worries.  It’s  not for everyone.  But in reality, Myspace is highly used by today’s troops and contractors.  It is a fun place to hang out on, for the most part.  But like I said, it isn’t for everyone and it gets kind of spammy there sometimes. LOL –Head Jundi


 Myspace Website Here 

Feral Jundi Myspace Page Here 

Technology: Feral Jundi is Now Linked Up with Twitter

Filed under: Technology — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 12:18 PM

     Well, Feral Jundi has now stepped into the world of micro blogging.  I just signed on with Twitter as http://twitter.com/feraljundi.  I have also linked up the blog to Twitter, so not only will you be able to get instant updates from me out in the field, you will also get the latest updates from the blog when I post, if you are signed up with Twitter.  And seeing how my cellphone is connected to Twitter, I can make instant posts to Twitter with text messages. Pretty cool I say.

     Here is how it could work in the near future.  Let’s say I get a call about a job while I am at the mall or something.  If you are in my Twitter network, I could text a message through that service from my phone.  If you are one of my friends on Twitter, and your phone and computer are connected through Twitter, then you would get this message that I would send out about the job if you are signed up.  And in this industry, the faster you can apply for these last minute jobs, the better chance you have of getting in.  So that is one way Twitter can help you get the edge.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Technology: Social Networking Technology, The War, and Security Contractors

Filed under: Technology — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 1:57 PM


     Ok, this is a plea to the powers that be.  If civilian contractors are the second largest force that is assisting in this war with 133,196 (2007 CENTCOM Census) +/- contractors out there, why do we not have access to a network?  This TIGR system, or basically Myspace for the military is an awesome idea.  But it completely ignores the input from thousands of us security contractors overseas that actually have some good intel on the various areas.

     Or if we cannot be involved with TIGR, then set up a separate system for us?  It makes sense to me, and in many ways, we all are communicating on various forms of social networks.  Forums for one, has been a huge deal for uniting contractors and passing down information. But forums are also poorly organized.  Myspace and Facebook are popular too, but yet again, they are not organized to suite the main goal of enhancing the war effort.  Nor are these outlets necessarily secure.  So really, OPSEC and PERSEC is left to the whims of those posters or the moderators of forums.  

     I say an easy solution to all of this, is to create a secure TIGR type system for contractors, that could be monitored by someone in the proposed Advisory Corps that John Nagl proposed.  Or just find a relevant office, in the sea of departments in the DOD or DOS that could babysit something like this.  


Monday, September 15, 2008

Technology: Taliban Using Skype Phones to Dodge Intelligence Agencies

Filed under: Afghanistan,Technology — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 11:12 AM

    I want to thank one of my readers for sending me this story, and this kind of thing is just one more reality about the various technologies out there and how they are being used in the war.  That the enemy is a learning organization, and they have figured out that Skype is a secure enough communications apparatus to use.  

   But my thoughts on this is that quite possibly the intel agencies out there already know how to crack the encryption of VOIP calls, or their Data Mining capabilities are already monitoring the Skype stuff, and that this story was just designed to give the impression that Skype is impenetrable.  

     One thing is for sure, stories like this make it very clear to the enemy that their method of communications is receiving intense focus. –Head Jundi  



Taliban using Skype phones to dodge MI6


By Glen Owen

Last updated at 11:10 PM  

13th September 2008

Taliban fighters targeting British troops in Afghanistan are using the latest ‘internet phones’ to evade detection by MI6, security sources said last night. 

Skype, a popular piece of consumer software that allows free calls to be made over the web, has been adopted by insurgents to communicate with cells strung out across the country. 


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