Feral Jundi

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

News: So What is Bob Woodward’s Secret Weapon in His Book?

Filed under: News,Technology — Tags: , — Matt @ 7:03 PM


     Doug brought this up, and it got me to thinking.  So far, thanks to Doug’s work and a little snooping around that I have done, we have come up with a ‘guess-timate’.  We think it is the combined information gathering program that has taken advantage of some of the latest technological advances out there.  Specifically Data Mining.

     The thing about all of this, is that integrating intelligence gathering and creating networks is not a new thing.  But extremely fast technologies that are able to process all this information coming from the various elements of the network is.  And the algorithms designed to seek out patterns and stuff, is the same kind of technology that you see in today’s search engines, like Google.  That is what is new about this war.

     So putting it all together, and creating a high speed, bad guy finding ‘machine’ could have a major impact on the war effort.  But who knows, it could be something crazier and more fantastic.  I still think the best weapon out there, is the brain of the fighting men and women, and the leaders that have to implement these strategies and carry out these missions. -Head Jundi



Secret killing program is key in Iraq, Woodward says


* Story Highlights

* Program likened to WWII-era Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb

* Author discloses the existence of secret operational capabilities in latest book

* National security advisor disputes Woodward’s conclusion about the Iraq surge


WASHINGTON (CNN) — The dramatic drop in violence in Iraq is due in large part to a secret program the U.S. military has used to kill terrorists, according to a new book by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bob Woodward.


The program — which Woodward compares to the World War II era Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb — must remain secret for now or it would “get people killed,” Woodward said Monday on CNN’s Larry King Live.


“It is a wonderful example of American ingenuity solving a problem in war, as we often have,” Woodward said.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Technology: Invisibility Cloak One Step Closer, Scientists Say

Filed under: Technology — Tags: , , — Matt @ 3:04 PM

     Interesting stuff.  We’ll see how this develops over the years, and I could see some really interesting applications of technologies like this in the security industry.  Imagine having a uniform that you could wear, that would be made of this kind of material?  Although I imagine it would be some heavy material to wear as a uniform.  But for vehicles and equipment, this could be pretty cool.  –Head Jundi


Invisibility cloak one step closer, scientists say

Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:54pm EDT

By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Scientists have created two new types of materials that can bend light the wrong way, creating the first step toward an invisibility cloaking device.

One approach uses a type of fishnet of metal layers to reverse the direction of light, while another uses tiny silver wires, both at the nanoscale level.

Both are so-called metamaterials — artificially engineered structures that have properties not seen in nature, such as negative refractive index.

The two teams were working separately under the direction of Xiang Zhang of the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center at the University of California, Berkeley with U.S. government funding. One team reported its findings in the journal Science and the other in the journal Nature.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Technology: The PCASS Hand-held Lie Detector

Filed under: Afghanistan,News,Technology — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 6:49 PM

     I love stuff like this. Wether or not it delivers the goods, who knows?  But I really think a device like this could make the job of the troops out in the field a little bit easier.  I do have some reservations about totally depending on such a device, but if used in conjunction with other evidence collected, these kinds of technologies can help in separating the bad guys from the good guys.


     This would have been great at the various ECP’s I have had to run.  But contractors being authorized to use such a tool might be a little sticky.  There are certain situations though, where something like this could be nice.  Like screening your guard force for one.  I have been on sites where new guards are streaming into the base on a daily basis.  Things like biometrics and this device could help to keep tabs on screening your guard force.  But yet again, it always boils down to cost, and the various companies out there can be pretty stingy.  


    At this time, I have not heard of any companies using the PCASS.  Although it would not surprise me that there are a few playing around with such a device.  –Head Jundi  


Lie Detector


 The PCASS in action.


New U.S. weapon: Hand-held lie detector  

U.S. troops in Afghanistan first to get new device; ‘red’ means you’re lying

By Bill Dedman

Investigative reporter

updated 3:00 a.m. PT, Wed., April. 9, 2008

FORT JACKSON, S.C. – The Pentagon will issue hand-held lie detectors this month to U.S. Army soldiers in Afghanistan, pushing to the battlefront a century-old debate over the accuracy of the polygraph.

The Defense Department says the portable device isn’t perfect, but is accurate enough to save American lives by screening local police officers, interpreters and allied forces for access to U.S. military bases, and by helping narrow the list of suspects after a roadside bombing. The device has already been tried in Iraq and is expected to be deployed there as well. “We’re not promising perfection — we’ve been very careful in that,” said Donald Krapohl, special assistant to the director at the Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment, the midwife for the new device. “What we are promising is that, if it’s properly used, it will improve over what they are currently doing.”

But the lead author of a national study of the polygraph says that American military men and women will be put at risk by an untested technology. “I don’t understand how anybody could think that this is ready for deployment,” said statistics professor Stephen E. Fienberg, who headed a 2003 study by the National Academy of Sciences that found insufficient scientific evidence to support using polygraphs for national security. “Sending these instruments into the field in Iraq and Afghanistan without serious scientific assessment, and for use by untrained personnel, is a mockery of what we advocated in our report.”


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Technology: Surveillance Platforms by Floatograph

Filed under: Technology — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 1:48 PM

     This company is pretty cool.  They sell all sorts of surveillance platforms that could certainly fill a need in the security contracting world.  I am sure there are some companies using them as we speak and that is great.  Systems like this, give you some eyes in the sky and help in the defense of a camp.  And over in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, you see all sorts of interesting systems that do this job.  But back to the potential security contractor use of such things.

     When operating at a remote site that has all sorts of crazy terrain, you need the ability to keep track of of all that terrain.  Can you do that job with one big expensive system that is difficult to set up and break down quickly, or could you use several systems that are mobile/self contained/and easy to set up all over the place?  Each site is different, and I think a company would be smart to choose the correct tool for the job, depending on that site.

    On the downside with these smaller systems, is that if the mast is not totally secure, it could very well whip all over the place in the wind.  Although camera systems do have stabilizing features to work through this, they are not perfect.  But I am sure the company could answer this kind of question for the buyer, but it is definitely something to think about. 

   This company seems to offer all sorts of mobile options.  Also, this company sells the standard blimp systems and they also sell a mast type system that can mount in the back of a F 350 or off a HMMV bumper.  They are all about custom work too.  Good stuff all around, and the pricing is not too bad either.  I do not work for these guys, but I certainly salute their efforts.  –Head Jundi



Floatograph Website

Kurt Liestenfeltz

Managing Director

9520 Colesville Road

Silver Spring, MD 20901


9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Eastern Time

301-563-3379 Fax


Thursday, July 17, 2008

News: Military Looks to Synthetics, Conservation to Cut Fuel Bills

Filed under: News,Technology — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 12:14 PM

     Thanks to Doug for sending me this article.  I think it is great that the military is transitioning towards alternative energy sources.  It also makes strategic sense for our military to break the oil habit.  We are a slave to the oil that comes from the middle east and elsewhere, and that certainly is one of our military’s weaknesses.  To diversify our fuel sources or just switch to something that we could have more control over makes sense.  

    Now one idea that I read on some forum, was to grow our fuel at the various war zones we operate at.  Why not ask the farmers who grow poppy in Afghanistan, to instead grow an oil producing plant, so we could power our diesel engines there?  To create an industry that will provide jobs, give the farmers an alternative cash crop, and provide a source of fuel that can fuel our military and the local Afghan population(generators, businesses, taxis, etc.)  Some in this discussion were even saying that you could actually convert the poppy into a fuel oil(I haven’t found out much more about this concept, but it is intriguing)

     We could do the same thing in Iraq.  We could introduce Jatropha(the seeds are thick with oil) in the delta areas, and create an industry for Iraqis.  The Saudis have actually set up Jatropha fields that grow from sewage water.  Or, if we were using mobile processers at the various camps, then we could process raw crude oil that is produced all over in Iraq.  Although, I do not worry too much about Iraq and their ability to rebuild, because they are sitting on tons of oil.  But still, it is an industry that we could help promote in Iraq and elsewhere that could provide alternative fuels and jobs in these various war zones.  

     Which brings me to my next point.  The more we can make a Forward Operating Base or Remote Camp self sustaining, the better.  In fact, it will save lives.  The less convoy operations it takes to keep a camp running, equals less risk.  We in the security industry can take the lead on this for the camps.  Why haven’t we seen more solar panels at these camps or wind power devices?  How about water processing plants to convert the local river/stream/lake waters?  How about a mobile drilling unit, so they can tap into the ground for water?  The more we can make these camps self sufficient, the better in my opinion.  And when a camp is cut off do to an attack or whatever, at least they have the ability to survive on their own.  It makes sense to me. 

     It just killed me to hear about convoys getting attacked that were trying to re-supply a camp.  Is that the cost of doing business, or can we do it better and minimize risk?  Sure there are costs with going towards solar and alternative energy sources, but compare that to the lives lost trying supply a camp with water and fuel and you can see my point?  And plus, we are in the desert in most of our conflicts, so it totally makes sense to utilize that big energy resource in the sky.  

     And imagine if we had hybrid vehicles out at these camps?  Most of the duties of these vehicles at security contractor based camps(CMC or TWISS), is just cruising or posting somewhere within that perimeter.  We are not talking long distance traveling, we are talking short distance stuff, which is perfect for a electric based hybrid type vehicle.  And imagine a vehicle that can quietly move around a site, and sneak up on the various fence lines and posts that they are in charge of? And then for the convoy operations, it switches back to fuel usage for the long haul.  Hybrid vehicles would save on fuel use and costs, and would be tactically sound.  But is the technology there, and could a hybrid vehicle also have armor and be protective?  I think so, and I am sure the issues could be worked out.  

    Well anyways, just some thoughts about today’s war and our energy use.  I think it is good to talk about such things and I enjoy exploring the possibilities.  –Head Jundi 



Jatropha oil is vegetable oil produced from the seeds of the Jatropha curcas, a plant that can grow in wastelands. Jatropha curcas grows almost anywhere, even on gravelly, sandy and saline soils. It can thrive on the poorest stony soil and grow in the crevices of rocks. -wikipedia     

Military looks to synthetics, conservation to cut fuel bills

July 16, 2008

By John Andrew Prime

“Aim high” is the current Air Force motto for most things — except fuel costs.

That’s why the service is taking the lead in saving fuel and finding alternate ways of doing its job, reaching out and touching people, harming the nation’s enemies and helping the nation’s friends.

But with the price of jet fuel rising almost as fast as civilians’ gasoline, even in the wholesale quantities of the military, that reaching out costs more every day.

“We haven’t been told that we’re going to get a reduction in our flight hours we have submitted for next year,” said Col. West Anderson, the 2nd Bomb Wing’s vice commander. “That always could happen, but right now we have received no word that any of that is going to take place.”

The Defense Department is “probably the largest single user of petroleum products in the world,” so rising energy costs are a major concern, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told a questioner at the Asia Security Summit in Singapore earlier this month.

“Every time the price of oil goes up by $1 per barrel, it costs us about $130 million, and frankly, my credit card limit is getting narrow on that,” Gates said.

Particularly in light of wartime operations, the impact is significant.

Not just pocket change

Defense Energy Support Center statistics show the military spent $12.6 billion on jet fuel, diesel and other fuels in 2007, with operations in Iraq and Afghanistan consuming $1.7 billion of that total.

Spiraling fuel costs in 2008 and their effect in fiscal 2009, which begins Oct. 1, have forced department officials to return to Congress for additional funding to cover the shortfall. But the department is increasingly looking to other options, Gates said, citing efforts ranging from synthetic fuels initiatives to fuel reclaiming aimed at curbing fuel demand as well as costs.


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