Feral Jundi

Monday, November 3, 2008

Training: Security Contractor Fitness-What is the Standard?

     So I wanted to do a little something about Physical Fitness Tests for security contracts.  It’s important stuff, because if you don’t pass these tests, you won’t get the job.  In the Smokejumpers, we called it “running for your job” every year.  And for those of you who were in organizations that required yearly or even quarterly PFT’s, you know how much of a pain in the ass they can be.  So it is important to keep up with your fitness.

   Now with security contracting, you have the same thing, but with a different twist.  You never know who you are going to get a job with, and the standards are always different from company to company. Or sometimes the company implements a PFT out of the blue, do to some new policy that came down the pipe.  So being ready for the various PFT’s out there can be kind of a challenge.

   The best thing to do, is to train to a level that would satisfy any PFT from any company.  And this is what I have attempted to do with the information below.  This is not a complete list of companies by any measure, nor is it particularly current.  But what this does, is give you an idea of what is expected out there over the last couple of years. And as a disclaimer, you need to develop your own plan based on your own research and talking with the companies.  I don’t want to give the impression that if you train to my standards below, that it applies to you.  There are too many factors(age, body weight, etc., location) and all I am attempting here is to show you my methodology.

   From the information below, we can start to see some patterns in what is expected.  What I will do is list those standards for each type of exercise, based on the most stringent requirements of the grouping below. Also, you should keep in mind the location of the PT test’s.  If you have to do a test up in the mountains, and your not ready for that elevation, then that can be a problem.  The SOC test is like that.  Or running body armor on can be a challenge, if you haven’t done that in awhile.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Training: Security Driving and Tony Scotti

     I wanted to do a short deal about some training opportunities out there that are highly recommended in the industry.  As we all know, driving in war zones is one of the most dangerous things you can do out there.  So having a knowledge base about the do’s and don’ts of security driving is a great skill to have and to continue to work on in your career.  And if you want to get some excellent training, go do a course with Tony Scotti.  

    Personally, I have not gone to any of his schools, but everywhere I go for training, his name is mentioned as being the best for security driving instruction.  So to say his school is at the top of my list, is an understatement.

    Another thing I want to mention is that driving training can be a hoot.  I did a course through ITG and it was amazingly fun and action packed.  It was also life saving, because those skills are what I used while driving in vehicles in Iraq.   

     So let me throw some links your way, and feel free to contact Tony if you have any questions.  I highly recommend reading through his blog and his books, because they are packed full of outstanding information about security driving. 

     I also wanted to mention that Tony will be putting on an Instructors Course in January 2009.  Check out the schedule below for other great courses. –Head Jundi 


     This blog, like the SecurityDriver.Com web site is for people who have an interest in cars – security – security driving – or driving in general. For over 35 years I have been working in the security driver training business. My bio will explain it all.

     Although I have been around the driving – car – security business for a long time I am new at this Blog stuff. I hope everyone exhibits some patience. The blog will list recent vehicle ambushes, and talk about old ones. The blog will cover my opinion on most everything related to cars, driving, security, books, training and at 69 years old and after 35 years of in the business I do have an opinion on most everything. You may disagree with my opinions and that’s OK in fact, it’s good. The basic concept is to share information and open up a dialogue with those that have an interest in the same things I do.


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tactical Thought Process: Clearing a Building

    This is a great video that shows the difficulties of doing these kind of operations. Being able to secure a house for observation purposes or setting up an ‘alamo’ house for you and your client during a catastrophic attack, will require clearing a building. For that reason, it is good to have some knowledge on how to do such a thing in a high threat environment.  And what this video presents, are the kind of obstacles in doing such a thing.   In this video, they tried to secure the roof, but it looks like they had company in the basement and did not want get in there and take prisoners.  In this case, the Marines just pulled out of the house, and blew it up because that was the safest, simplest and easiest option.  I don’t blame them either.   

     As for training for such things, the military and actual combat experience doing such a thing is a plus for the contractor. Or for you law enforcement guys, SWAT would be a good route, so you could take that into contracting. If you are a civilian, with none of that kind of background and training, your best bet is to seek civilian training. For that, I have to recommend Paul Howe’s Basic SWAT course(1 and 2) that he puts on at his school called CSAT. Do your research, and ask around, and it won’t be hard to find a good reputable school. (more…)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Weapons Stuff: Finding Good Deals on Ammunition

Filed under: Training,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 10:27 AM

     This little post will be quick.  A huge part of this industry, is training.  In order to keep your shooting skills sharp, you do a ton of dry firing, but eventually you need to ‘pull some trigger’ and shoot some live stuff.  So how do you find good deals on the ammunition you need?  Well, I have found one answer to that question. 

     At Gun Deals.com , they actually have a section dedicated to searching the web for the best prices on ammunition.  And not only does it do that, but it accepts suggestions from anyone, about where to get the best deals on ammo.  So it is a hybrid search engine of a sorts.  The bottom line, is you just input what ammo you are looking for, and all the current prices for tons of different manufacturers will come up. 

     It is one of those sites, that you could use for last minute purchases, or you could continue to watch it over time, and move in on a good deal when you see it.  There are similar sites out there, and if anyone else has a favorite ammunition deals search engine besides just a plain Google Search or going to a gun show, I am all ears.  -Head Jundi 


Monday, March 24, 2008

Training: International UXO Program, Texas

Filed under: Texas,Training,UXO — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 6:26 PM

Here is an idea for the job seeker out there.  In the past, I have worked with a few guys that have gone through this training and really made it work for them. This type of work will take you all over the world, cleaning up munitions in war zones or old military ranges. It can be quite profitable as well. The UXO guys I worked with were in Iraq, and I got to see first hand what their job entailed. It is tough work, but interesting, because you get to treasure hunt for cool old bombs and muntions and blow them up. On the downside is that it can be dangerous, obviously. But on the upside, you get paid six figures(in war zones) and are saving lives by getting rid of those munitions.(keeping it out of the hands of the enemy, and protecting the locals from accidents) (more…)

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